Mature Subjects (pg15)

Twice in a Lifetime - 3

Twice in a
an anthology of sequels to
Chances Are


From Lara's Chance

Making the way to the lectern for the inaugural message, the pastor nodded slightly; an unfamiliar face to many, which evoked a few murmurs and some applause. Instead of the usual casual slacks and button-down shirt and tie of the previous shepherd, the pastor wore black slacks and a teal silk blouse under a white jacket. She smiled.

“Good Morning,” Lara spoke softly, demonstrating a humility that would be a familiar and welcomed part of her ‘pulpit voice,’ as some put it.

“I am honored to be a part of God’s plan for us all. I’ll be reading my text from The Message today, since I believe it speaks to me, and hopefully through me to you, okay?” She bowed her head slightly and said a silent prayer, her shoulders shaking only a little; another DiNapoli ‘trademark’ that would be a familiar part of her ministry.

"The Book of the Prophet Isaiah…Chapter Forty-Three…Verses One through Four...

Why Did He Say That? - Part 2

Hmmm, pictures of Mark holding a cake for my birthday, Mark with a goofy smile, Mark holding his table tennis championship trophy. I tap on the album’s trash icon and hover my hand over the confirm button. I close my eyes as I tap on the button, as if doing so would prevent what I’m doing. Stupid pictures.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 7.


“Rudy, you shouldn’t have come over and woke him up and everything…I’d be…”

I’m stopped by him kissing me…he just walked up and tilted my chin up and kissed me with the most romantic, longest best kiss of my entire life.

“I wasn’t leaving you like the way you were, I’m a single dad Morgan... He’s used to it…see he’s already back to dreaming. Got anything to drink?”

The little guy’s conked out already and he’s snuggled into one of my sweatshirts that was left on the couch and my heart does this thing…and I feel this feeling in my insides that makes me want to smiley-cry.

“Sure I’ve some red in the fridge.”

It’s the first time I’ve had Chicken Treat…better than KFC, I like the pineapple fritters that came with the food and good fries. I’m not sure that red wine goes with take away chicken but…it’s all I had in the house.

I get some plates and he lit some of my scented candles and we sit on the floor in front of the coffee table.

I’ve never really had this before…I’m not sure what to do next.

And Now… Chapter 7.

The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix - Part 11 - Chapter 16

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life?

Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story.

We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you.

The White Wolf Chapter -29-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 29

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.

Vanilla Sky...Part 7.

Vanilla Sky…Part7.

There’s almost ten of us actually and we’re laughing and chatting and headed into the coffee place.

They all know…they all know and they don’t care and it just really doesn’t seem to matter.

Okay…coffee and sugar and some more shopping.

And we walk into the place and I slow down and stop almost as I see other kids there and not just other kids but there’s boys there.

And they’re looking up at us all as we’re coming in.

Eeep…shit do I look alright?

Looking for a Story

Hi guys. I'm looking for a story that I believe came from here. It's an autobiography and in one scene the main character in CD is being forced to sit in the back seat along with 2 other gentleman who doesn't know that he's a mean. He ends up sitting on another guys lap who starts groping and tickling his belly to keep him warm and grind against his crotch. There's a moment at the end of the scene where the driver hits a speedbump and the main characters hand ends up inside of the pants of the guy sitting next to him.


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Debriefings 3

Anam Chara

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind us and see them for what they are.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

X-Why-Me...Chapter 14

X-Why-Me…Chapter 14

Chapter 14

“You’ll deal?” More sarcasm. “Okay you might have some haters but here being gay can get you lynched.”

Kira’s mom turned to Emily’s mom looking both mad and really hurting and there were tears there starting. “We’ll deal because we don’t have a choice…we don’t have anywhere else to go…we lost everything and this… (She gestured around.)…this put us in a big whole as it is…This is it this is home now and I have a daughter that needs to be who she is because the last time we went with her hiding it…it almost killed her.”

Emily got up and went out front to the main part of the diner and she looked for Kira who was smiling and taking peoples orders and looked just amazing and sunny and beautiful…had she done something like trying to kill herself.

Not this time, no…hell no.

SRS Surgery Video

This is a good video of how SRS is done. On me they re routed the vas deferns to the posterior of the faux vagina. Though I did not understand the vocabulary too well on the new proceedure, it appears as if part of the vagina is now lined with mucus producing flesh to provide moisturization.

Notice how the cavity for the faux vagina is formed. It looks like a shovel handle he's using. :)

On the one year checkup, notice that in this case, the vaginal depth seemed to be 3" or less. Do not expect to be making any porn videos with a 14 inch penis.

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Pandora's Trunk: 20

The remainder of Christmas Day

In ancient times, when the box owned by the beautiful Pandora, the first mortal woman,
was opened all the troubles of the world flew out and could never be put back.

So what will happen when a trunk with the name 'Pandora Wilkins'
is discovered in a house in North London in 2009?

Pandora’s Trunk
Chapter 20

by Louise Anne Smithson

Copyright © 2013 Louise Anne Smithson
All Rights Reserved.

A personal history of Mutation, or How I spent my teen years. chapter 3.

Here we are again. I disclaim of course, and I think you all for your patience.

Now in this installment, we answer those burning questions...about baseball.

Jihad 2.1

2.1 America
by Red MacDonald
Copyright © 2013 Red MacDonald
All Rights Reserved.

The Faithful, North African and Middle Eastern Islamic nations, are plotting to seize the oil resources of the Middle East. By controlling the earth's oil and its major trade routes, they plan to bring the world to its knees. Then, when the entire world is kneeling, the Faithful of Allah will read to them from the Koran, preaching the message of Islam, the True Faith. The Faithful will stop at nothing to achieve their goal. But how far will they go? And how many lives will it cost?

Ashley Phoenix Riley - 7 - Ashley The Phoenix

I first ran away from home when I was 10 years old... my mom had left two years earlier because of abuse from my dad... The first time I ran away, I was caught two weeks later and returned home... The next time I changed my name and I ran away into New York City... I became what we called a street rat; living on and under the streets... that was until I followed this woman Bridgette too closely.
Ashley Phoenix Riley
Chapter 7
Ashley The Phoenix

by Jessica C.

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 3

Can Dreams Come True?... Part 3

It was really an unexpected night for me. Ryan is friendly and kind and he likes Dr. Who. I’m not saying that’s a huge thing for me but really I don’t go to Con’s or stuff like that so people that kind of know about stuff like that are extremely rare to me outside of the internet.

Just leftovers and some more than healthy snacks and a friend that has no problem geeking out over things was really nice.

More than nice actually since it felt for the first time in awhile I was in a place where I could actually breathe. And it’s sort of strange too that I’m spending time with a guy that knows the deal with me and he’s good with it and he’s not some perv or tranny chaser.

You would not believe the things that some people are into when they’re “Good” with you being transgendered.

A personal history of Mutation, or How I spent my teen years. chapter 2.

And here we are, a bit later than I'd like. Now, in this episode, we answer the question: Do you even lift, bro?

Standard disclaimer rules apply. I don't really know you, nor do I know anyone you might any similarity to such persons, alive or dead, fictional or not, are purely coincidental.

Thank you for all the feedback, I love you all, in a totally platonic way.

The Death of Angels - 5

Karl’s hand crashed across my face and sent me to the ground and stepped to go past me as I rose and lunged at him with my sword…

You and Michael upset some powers greater than Karl’s wrath…

Glory would soon know of her unknown angelic powers. The first arrow she shot would strike down her intended target…

The Death of Angels
Chapter 5

by Jessica C.

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.


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