Susan Brown

Father Christmas’s Wondrous Present

Arthur stood in line waiting–not very patiently.

His mother held his hand tightly as the queue inched forward–far too slowly for Arthur, who was fidgeting so much, it was as if he had Saint Vitus’ Dance or ants in his pants.


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Father Christmas’s Wondrous Present
By Susan Brown

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I'm a rambin' again!

Telling a story.

I write stories, I like love writing, but know my limitations.

There have been millions of books published, some good, some not so good. I often wonder whether I could become a published author, in the main stream, like many others. Then I see the hoops you have to go through to even get an agent let alone a publisher. I know that you can self publish, but it isn’t the route to massive success unless you are very lucky and have huge talent, both of which, I regret, I have not got.

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Football Girl~Season 2~Chapter 4

‘Language, Susan.’

‘Sorry, Daddy, but look, what’s going on?’

‘Welcome to the real world of speculation, hype and wild rumours.

Football Girl
Season 2 ~ Chapter 4

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

Changes Book 2 - Chapter~11

One of the sailors stayed on deck fingering his rifle suggestively while the others, including the young officer started swarming over the ship like bargain hunters rummaging through the reduced knickers at the Harrods sale–pleasant, it was not!


Changes–Book Two

A Penmarris Story
Chapter 11

My mum

My lovely mum is terminally ill and is not expected to live for much longer.

I will be reading the great stories on the site as time permits, (it helps take my mind off things) but I won't be writing anything for a while. As soon as I am able, I will continue with the stories.

Please bear with me.

Hugs and kisses

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To Catch a Thief~3

There was the immediate noise of hundreds of starving girls as they started eating, drinking and being jolly merry. I was pleased, as the racket distracted possible attention from how upset I was...


By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

Changes Book 2 - Chapter~10

On the quay, Mummy Dotty and David in his Naval chaplain’s robes stood on a little platform, built for the purpose by the Penmarris Boy Scouts and Cubs.

Multi-coloured bunting and balloons leant an air of festivity to what might have been an otherwise solemn occasion.…


Changes–Book Two

A Penmarris Story
Chapter 10

To Catch a Thief~2

I heard a bell ringing and the stampeding of feet, and realised straight away that the girls were going to breakfast. I was hungry myself but that would have to wait because I had other matters to attend to first, so I would just have to ignore my grumbling tum.


By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

Football Girl~Season 2~Chapter 2

I sat in the court’s waiting room with Mummy. It was so boring as we had been there for hours. There were things going on between the defence and prosecution. No one told us anything. ..
Football Girl
Season 2 ~ Chapter 2

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

Fangs Ain’t What They Used To Be

‘Paul…oh Paulie, come in here, sweetie.’

It was Ellie, sounding a bit weird, all sort of enticing and come and get me...

Fangs Ain’t What They Used To Be

By Susan Brown

To Catch a Thief~1

I looked around casually to check that no one was watching me.

It was a busy market day and I was trying not to be seen–or rather noticed. Easy enough for thirteen-year-old boy who looked more like ten or eleven...

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

Football Girl~Season 2~Chapter 1

The noise was deafening. The Wembley crowd were, I suppose, about 30% us with the same for Teddenham and the rest were tickets given out either by the league or hospitality...
Football Girl
Season 2 ~ Chapter 1

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

Metaphoring My Mixers

I was listening to Radio 5 live tonight here in the UK, on the way home from work.

They were talking about mixed metaphors and I had a chortle at some of the ones people could remember.

Here are a few of my favourites:

From now on, I’m watching everything you do with a fine-tuned comb.

He’s burning the midnight oil from both ends.

A leopard can't change his stripes.

Now I'm going to have to add a few to some of my stories, but not sure how to do it without getting my knickers in a spin.


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Is Lulu any good?

I was thinking of all those millions that J.K. Rowling has managed to amass and I thought that it might be a good idea to put a few of my stories on Lulu and then sit back and wait for the doubloons to come rolling in.

I got to the stage where I was thinking of opening a Swiss bank account or at least get a new piggy bank when I paused. Ms Doubt came up in my mind as she often does when I have hair brained schemes.

Is it any good? Does it work, is it like those self publishing scams where you put all the money and nothing comes out?

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Home Alone

I have decided that as there doesn't appear to be overmuch interest in reading the 'new version' of the story, I will discontinue amending the story for now. I have therefore put the remainder of the original stories back up.

I might return to it later, but as I want to clear the decks as it were for Football Girl Book 2 and other future stories.

Many thanks for the people who did comment.


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The Green Fog~16

I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. In the distance I could see the huge mountain range that included our destination, Ben Nevis. We were so near yet so far. I could not believe that after all we had been through, we would have this horrid green splodge of death in front of us barring our way…


The Green Fog~15 poll

As an experiment, I used a poll at the end of the chapter to see if people who didn't like to comment would at least leave some feedback via a poll.

I would like to thank those people who were kind enough to vote. It was an experiment and I would your opinion as to whether it is worth continuing with future stories.

Hugs and thanks


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There I go again...

As I sit in Sue Towers, trying to think of yet another cliff hanger for one of my stories, my significant other has just said goodbye as she goes off shopping.

I said ‘Bye,’ and carried on cogitating.

Then I thought about what I just called out — ‘bye.’

I wonder if someone from another place like Wherethefookarewe, for instance, perhaps here on an exchange or something and trying to get to grips with our language, would make of my brief utterance.

Would they understand what I meant; bye, by or maybe buy?

As J. Gustav White said:

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Changes Book 2 - Chapter~5

Heather was in hospital for a week and, with the resilience of youth, soon bounced back to her normal noisy self.

We had gone through hell and back worrying about her illness and although we knew that she would have to be monitored for residual problems, Marcia was hopeful that she would be okay’…


Changes–Book Two

A Penmarris Story
Chapter 5

Changes Book 2 - Chapter~4

The following morning I was up bright and early. I would like to say that Tracy was too. You would have thought that she would be keen to be up and at ’em, but she was one of those girls who prefer to stay in bed till lunch time, have a light brunch, followed by a rest in bed that would last until five o’clock, by which time she would be ready to face the day....


Changes–Book Two

A Penmarris Story
Chapter 4

Oh no not again!

Here I am, trying my hardest to right the next 'Fog' chapter, which Gabi likes to call 'The Green Frog (Kermit)' and I can't concentrate.

It's not writers block, it isn't lack of inspiration or is that perspiration in my case? It isn't anything to do with the fact that the lawn needs mowing and I should really do something about washing the car.

No, its that damn tune going around my head again.

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I name this ship... any suggestions?

I will be away on holiday in Cornwall for just over a week from Friday, so I won't be doing any writing for a while. (Hooray, I hear you say). Thankfully, I have had my anti-Piskie shots, so I shouldn't catch anything more nasty than a hangover.

Anyway, I will be starting a new chapter of Changes soon and I would like to have suggestions regarding the name of Samantha's new boat/yacht/ship.

It will need a sense of taste and decorum as Dotty will be re-launching her with a bottle of Bollinger or two.

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The Green Fog~12

We stayed the night and I was almost comforted by being in familiar surroundings–but not quite, because I was wondering if our guess had been right. Were Auntie Betty and Uncle Archie across the water in Dunoon or had they been caught out in the fog, like so many others?


Pressing The Wrong Buttons

As I sit here, trying to confound and astound my readers with further adventures, I wonder if I am always on the right track.

By this, I am constantly trying to balance what I like to write with what my readers like to read. I hate being stuck in a pigeon hole, so I tend to write on different subjects, time spans, ages etc. I would hate to think that people see my name and think, ‘Oh here is a typical Sue Brown story.’

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The Chosen~12

As I awoke, I realised without opening my eyes that I was on some sort of sofa. I felt strange, disorientated and surrounded by lots of people.

‘She’s awake,’ I heard faintly and then it all rushed back. I was away from danger and my parents were here!

My eyes snapped open and there she was–Mummy...


The Chosen

Susan Brown


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