brown recluse killed him

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Family of 5-year-old killed by spider bite
Be prepared ahead of the game

People there is NO reason to fear this spider bite. I've been bitten five or six times by this rascal. Medical has no antitoxin and they can't do a darn thing for those who have been bitten besides watch someone die or the area rot out.

I wish I could stand up before the whole world and yell, there is no reason to die or watch pieces of your body rot off. I had a dozen or more of these little varmints in a glass jar after catching them running across the floor, or bed, or..., Yeah, the were all dead but there is always fresh ones. Fast little critters. See one you better be quick because they are greased lightning on six legs. They chase down their prey. No it can't bite you if you smack it with your hand.
Brown Recluse, Fiddle Back has a black fiddle design on it's back.

Red rash circle with a white dot in the middle. Over days the area will keep swelling into a bubble until it rots out. Medical can't do a thing except watch.

DMSO applied when you see the tell tale sign of a fiddle back bite. Apply DMSO several times a day. Just swab the area with a cotton ball or apply with your fingers. Don't cover. DO NOT COVER! The first day the annoying slight pain will be gone. By the third or forth day the bite will be a small bump. A week later you will have forgotten the whole thing happened and wonder if you really were bitten by one of nature's most venomous creatures.

Pick it up at the farm store. One of its uses is horse liniment It has tripled in price the past two years. Now it's around nine dollars a pint Put it in your medicine cabinet. When you need it isn't the time to start store shopping to see if you can find it. Hours count when dealing with the Fiddle Back bite

If DMSO is so good why doesn't the medical establishment know about it? Ask them. It's a long sordid story of FDA and homeopathic medicine and "MONEY"

Valhoma DMSO - Valhoma Corporation

We didn't have this conversation. I'm not a medical doctor nor licensed to practice same.



Angharad's picture

have 8 legs not six.

Be careful with DMSO

Make sure you identify your spider correctly

It's a tragedy for the little boy concerned and he seemed to have been very unfortunate, according to the Wiki article most fatalities occur in the elderly, the infirm or young children under 7 years. Very sad, but compared to the numbers of children still dying from preventable diseases, it's quite rare.



The way I've seen it done in the ER is that the Doctor sometimes does a surgical excision that includes some of the good skin around and below the bite and then they pack it with packing strips. They then add a loose cover to keep contaminates out. You have to change the packing regularly and it does hurt some. Let wound heal from bottom up.