its been a while, but im back!!!

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Hey guys and gals. I know I dissapeared for like 4 months. I just lost interest in writing and really everything. I kinda got depressed but I think im past that. Ive decided to start posting some of my poetry. I know its not very good but I woild like to share it with you guys. Please check it out and let me know what you think



I was searching....

AloT of stuff is happening in my life, to the point of ive postponed my surgery. I did alot of moping and eating, lol. But ive gotten back on track.


Very glad the hear that your mind has come out of the fog and you can see clearly now (hey that would be a good song "I can see clearly now" ) HAPPY YOU ARE BETTER :-) Hugs Richie


Even I (your granddad's lookalike) am glad to see you again ... things will be better this year as I remember you talking about a special Christmas ornament that you hanged last year. Sooooo welcome back & lots of hugs to you kiddo