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Blog About: 

So I resurrected an old blog on wordpress as part of my new years resolution to market myself better; then realized, I had very little idea on what I was doing. what do I even post on such a thing?

Advice would be appreciated, (even from non authors) provided you have more of an idea what to do with such a tool. Which would be, any idea at all.


I find myself...

In a similar situation as you.... I've just started my own blog... maybe i'll start writing stories again and post snippets... so far I've just posted bits of my life, advice and some news that interests me. I suppose I'm taking a risk here but it's

- Lexie


No risk from me; hi!

Maybe we can both get advice on what to do with it.


If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:

From what I've seen...

blogs typically fail or succeed based on the enthusiasm of the maintainer concerning what they post. So, what enthuses you?



Masai pottery?

Egyptian iconography?


What's important is to find something you love, something you can remain enthusiastic about for weeks, months, YEARS, to come, and write about it. At first, you won't see much, if any traffic, but as you study more to post more, you'll find communities that share your interest, where you can talk to others and spread the word about your blog. The more interest you have in it, the more time you spend devoted to it, the more it will succeed.

But it all has to stem from something that you love.

And who doesn't love Egyptian iconography anyway?

Melanie E.


Of course it's going to be writing.

But I love all those things, even Masai pottery.

But that sort of thing is just what I'm talking about, in a way. Do I update every day? Every week? I can do either, but if I'm writing and posting stuff there too, I would naturally have to be posting every week or less often. Every month? These questions do affect the life of a blog, and I'm tryng to fumble around in the dark here.


If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:

Well, what kind of content do you intend?

A weekly blog can succeed, and (if ad revenue is an eventual goal of yours) even be profitable. Typically, though, frequent and high-quality postings are preferred. Every day isn't necessary, especially not at first, but perhaps every other day or so would be good. Keep in mind, as well, that not every post has to be "I wrote this poem" or "I've written X of my book, check it out." Posts can also include things like simply your perspective on the art of writing, or anecdotes about your writing process or funny things that have inspired you. Perhaps you've recently went on a trip, and collected photos that you think will inspire something. Write about them! Make it not just about promoting your work: make it about promoting YOU. The more personal you make the journey with your readers, the more involved they will feel with your work when you do share it.

So, I guess the answer is to post as often as you can, in any supplementary way you can. Perhaps build up an offline repository of entries before hand, a good handful or so, so that when you begin to post you won't end up in a rut where you're flying by the seat of your pants, but have a buffer in case of problems or simple lack of enthusiasm on a particular day.

Just do it; the rest will follow suit.

Melanie E.

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