Not a Doctor

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I see so many emails, posts, and talk to people who tell me, "John died. He was sick."

Years back I knew if a person had something wrong when I got close to them. Every disease, every illness has its own peculiar smell. I met others who had the same sense of smell but only one who knew exactly what the problem was by the smell. She was a nurse of all things. The doctor she worked with would always ask her about his diagnoses of a patient.

We live in a world where doctors are no longer doctors. They are test advisers. You go to the doctor and they prescribe a battery of tests for whatever you think you might have. Patients sometimes have to go from doctor to doctor seeking help as they slowly die from whatever as each doctor tells them there is nothing wrong or worse they want to start cutting out things hoping to get to the problem.

Sometimes the worst experience in the world is not dying while watching someone you love, more than anything else in the world, slowly die in front of you. It took me on a quest into the world of Big Pharma, drug companies, doctors, hospitals, and our "modern medicine." People are no longer a patient to most doctors and hospitals. We have become a Cash Cow to be milked until dry. Whether one lives or dies is immaterial and unimportant. If one has enough insurance and or money they will be supplied with enough prescription drugs they could possibly open their own pharmacy. Sometimes it isn't the illness that kills but the over medication from too many drugs or drugs that don't react well with one another. High blood pressure? Warfrin a popular rat poison is the med of choice. Blood pressure dropped too low? Stay on the Warfrin and take statins to bring it back up.

And so it goes. When one is sick thinking they are going to die and afraid they won't, isn't the time to be researching for answers to what ails yuh. Basically at that time one really wishes to pass on and get it over with. You may or may not believe, I don't care either way whether you do or don't, but God gave us enough things to pretty well fix whatever is broken.

I'm not saying to NOT go to a doctor. For goodness sake do go if you're sick. And then heal yourself. Listen to your body. It's a pretty marvelous piece of equipment. Runs pretty good if it isn't abused too much. And if it catches something, there is something out there to take care of that problem too. Wait too long and one could be discussing what one should have done with St. Peter.

It's not a perfect world. Be prepared for the speed bumps and it is kinda fun.



I didn't go to a doctor when I felt really shitty.
When I did, I wasn't prepared for what the tests told me.
I was diagnosed with Hairy Cell Leukaemia and my Immune System was already in the crapper.

So do what your body tells you before it is too late.


If the first doctor doesn't take your own observations seriously, find a second one. Doctors know medicine, but you know your own body best.