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to all of you have been so generous with your time to read my Einnlander tale, and to those few of you who took that extra time to comment.

Of course, I need to mention that I am overwhelmed by the generosity of Kudos.

Please be aware that this would not have come to light had it not been for the patient assistance of Penny herself, so she should carry much of the credit.

I think I shall retire for a while back to the Anmarian map world ---- :-)

As regards the final bit, I don't think you can be too harsh on the generals. After all, less than a hundred years ago here on Earth, it would have been unthinkable, to people like Teddy Roosevelt no less, to have women in the field - even today it is treated as a rarity. I feel these men are just reflecting the attitudes prevalent at the time.

I wonder if Garia will ever make them change their attitudes?

Thanks again to all who have commented and/or Kudo'd.

I'm sort of grinning to myself here, as I feel just that little bit proud.

All the very best to you all



I am delighted

I am delighted to welcome another author to Anmar.

Eriana's story ties up a loose end I could not handle within Somewhere Else Entirely without a significant amount of fudging and letter-reading. It was a story that deserved to be told and one you handled excellently.

I am also pleased with the maps you have drawn which make the various stories by Julia and myself that much more understandable.

You are welcome to dip your toe in the water again if the fancy should take you.

Thank you again for a fine tale.
