Think you can "clock" them?

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Even if one has ESP there is no way to "clock" these ladies. For those who aren't in the know, it is a term used, as one turns their mental radar on and reads the speed of a person they "think" is gay, lesbian, bi, or transsexual. Even as far as these ladies have come, there is seldom a Cinderella story in their lives. Life is still a challenge even after crossing that great presentation divide between male to female. Women don't have an automatic safe comfort zone because they are female. The one thing I wish every counselor would drill into each TS is life is still life, and if they are outed when they wanted to be stealth, life can turn into a living hell. Because whether they are boy or girl, bigots and hate mongers are still there looking for victims.

The one thing I wish everyone whether they be heterosexual, homosexual, or transsexual, is happiness and peace in their life.


Pretty Women - but...

These are the beauty queens, the faces in the makeup ads, the 'perfect tens' in the magazines. Don't judge and compare and worry about your own image when comparing yourself to these women: they're the 'one in a million' models. And often, as in the magazines (and online), they're surgically sculpted, photoshopped, made-up to a ridiculous degree, clothed by experts and photographed in perfect light, with composition and focus calculated to dazzle.

Pretty women all, but not a real-world standard of beauty. Not at all.

From the shape of the winner

Angharad's picture

she's been on puberty blockers and hormones from an early age, it makes a huge difference, plus oriental males tend to be more petite than western ones so fit the phenotype much more readily. However, as another commentator has said, these are the exceptions just like the super models versus the average man or woman. Good luck to them, they may still need it.


Petite is a relative term

Are they petite compared to westerners, yes. Compared to the GGs in their own racial group, probably not as much.

I am around 5'8" (168cm) Asian and at 115 pounds or so, considered slender and reasonably sized by Western European standards but not so by Asian standards. I would have a much harder time buying clothes in Mainland China, for example, as I wear a 9US shoe as well.

There is only one distinct advantage and that is the fact gender differences in facial bone structure is fairly minimal among Asians. No FFS for me, for example.

Since I live in the US, it gave me a crucial advantage when I went full time in 1990.

I must point out that success or failure in a transition sometimes hinges on the advantages one has to pass (back then) so I would object to anybody saying it is an unfair advantage.

BTW, I don't think the winner was ever on blockers.

I worry

I worry that 5'8" and 115 lbs is far beyond "slender." It's below the healthy range of BMIs and that scale is seriously under-calibrated. I was 'borderline anorexic' at 135 lbs and I'm 5'8".

Be careful.

Healthy weight varies in individuals

115 is after a recent weight gain actually. The main issue has been a loss of muscle mass, I am very wimpy for my height and muscle is very weight dense tissue so that accounts for my low weight. I need to gain more muscle mass.

Lots of kinds of T folk

My wish is that every T person will be detected and treatment started by age 4. Not just blockers would be used but every effort would be made to mimic the endocrine balances present in the gender of their mental choice. Many people think in gender binary terms and the truth is there are large areas of overlap in the physiology between males and females. Even the female pelvis can look surprisingly like the pelvis of a man, causing birthing difficulties.

In present day transgender population, there are those who do everything in their power to fit the feminine ideal, and others who do as they please.

Not everyT-person is T at 4

Many are, but some tilt to the other gender later. It would be nice if all people were cis or trans for life at birth, but it is not so. When it comes to sex and gender, humans are more complex and full with surprises than even the LGBTQ folks would expect.