Matt hits the spot

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Courtesy of The Telegraph, cartoonist Matt, one of the best I've ever seen, shows what those of us who live as women have to cope with in terms of making a living




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Funny AND sad at the same time.




Reminds me of a cartoon I saw on the internet

Reminds me of a cartoon I saw when I first got on the internet when all I did was download stuff for my Flight Sim and check the news on the Beeb (BBC).

The cartoon showed a little bald man leading a tall woman in a mini dress and heels. The little man had one hand on her bum and the other pointing to a door which use to say Mr Jones. But now Jones had a line through it and Brown hand written under it.
The caption was something like this: Mr Brown was doing so good while you were away, it was a shame to move him, but don't worry, we found a place for you Miss Jones.
On the left side of the doorway was an empty desk with a sign saying secretary.