female Mowgli

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I just thought I'd drop this a line, I was watching stuff related to the new Jungle Book movie, and out of mild curiosity I googled 'Female Mowgli' just to see if it would come up with anything.

There was the usual porny stuff but in amongst that i was surprised to discover that there exists a Jungle Book comic featuring a female mowgli. Now i can't offer much more beyond that, but I thought that it was interesting, maybe some fodder for someone's story ideas and at the very least it may be


that's the cover of one of them. Again, I don't know if there is any discussion value to be had, but it was interesting to me.



erin's picture

Zenescope is a niche comic book publisher using public domain characters to publish comics with "good-girl" art covers. The insides don't always match the pin-up flavor of the covers and some books have quite good stories despite essentially being aggressively aimed at the male audience.

Current or recent series include Dorothy, Alice, Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, The Little Mermaid and two more gender-bent titles; Robyn Hood and Van Helsing. They have a couple of more general interest books, too.

They also publish posters and calendars of their pin-up-style art and special covers of their regular titles with guest artists who do some really anatomically exaggerated drawings. I've met the people who run the company and they seem nice enough and don't take themselves too seriously. Some people are probably offended by some of their covers but what other company is publishing a line of comics featuring female heroines? (One that I know of, AC Comics, is kind of moribund and they really did more of the same but with original and recycled characters from Golden Age Comics.)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

It's funny!

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

While some may object to theses, others lust after them, and still others fantasize about being them!

~Hypatia >i< ..:::

PS. Looks interesting, I am going to have to look in to these.