following an author

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Does following an author alert you when that author publishes a new story or chapter? If not then what does the follow do for the author or the person following that author? Just curious on my end and wondering if it is worth following any authors.



Piper's picture

For a short period of time we had a feature called Statuses. But in our old configuration it caused performance errors. Becoming an fan of an author was intended for to allow authors to tailor what updates went to fans and friends etc. Some form of this feature may return in the future.


"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

With the Band

sugar_britches63's picture

Just read the copy I bought on Kindle of I'm with the Band, wonderful story with very nicely developed characters and a great story line. I highly recommend it for all to read.


opinor ergo sum

Charlotte Van Goethem

looking for story

sugar_britches63's picture

I am looking for a story where a boy named Erica is kidnapped and transformed into Erica by four football players. Eric is taken to a housing development owned by one of his captors dad. He is then transformed into the prom date for Tank one of his captors. Sorry for such few details but is all I can remember. Any help will be appreciated \.

opinor ergo sum

Charlotte Van Goethem

That would be

AuPreviner's picture

That sounds like Shauna's 'Prom Changes Everything.'

"Love is like linens; after changed the sweeter." – John Fletcher (1579–1625)

Penny Reed Cardon

sugar_britches63's picture

Has anyone heard from her? I think she picked up C. Sprites DD series and did several FanFic chapters then stopped.

opinor ergo sum

Charlotte Van Goethem