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I went out and bought a new PC yesterday as My old computers had decided to quit working - sparks, smoke and an evil smell.

The problem now is that BC doesn't come up properly. Instead of the nicely formatted page I get a List and no formatting at all. It seems that only BC is affected. Firefox is the latest version freshly uploaded.

I wonder if any of you can help as it makes visiting BC very hard.




It appears Firefox has enabled some sort of protection. I bypassed that and it's back to normal. Now I just have to figure out how to tell firefox to "bugger off" wi8th it protection.
Any ideas?

Use the ESR release

Far more stable. I'm entering this using Firefox ESR 38.8.0

Don't forget add-ons like
AdBlock Plus
Classic Theme Restorer

If you still have the old PC you could (there are instructions on the internet) copy the old PC's Firefox data to the new one but unless you are pretty whizzo on PC's I'd be careful.
You don't get this issue with a MAC because the OS can import everything from an old device or backup into the new one.

add ons

another thing to keep in mind is that a new installation of Firefox does not come with basic add-on's like java, flash, acrobat or silverlight they all need plugins installed in order to work

"we can turn it all around, because it's not too late, it's NEVER too late" -(never too late, Three Days Grace)


If you can avoid it, do not ever install silverlight. MS has deprecated it and they will not be updating it in the future.
Flash is a bug ridden piece of crap software. When I bought a new MacBook I did not install flash. You can avoid it.
Javascript is unavoidable. I use noScript so that I can control how many other sites a web page can access. Remember that some of these sites will install tracking cookies on your computer.
It also makes pages load an awful lot faster.
Some sites link to others that link to others what link.... I've looked at some of these and so far my record is 84 other sites referenced (via hidden links/javascript) from a single page.
The less of these you allow in the more secure your computer will be.
I block pretty well all Google sites especially googleapis. The Chocolate Factory really only want to slurp your data and feed it into their AD AI system.

My real name is not known to Google. I want to keep it that way.

No Flash

Oh, absolutely. Do not install Flash. It's the hacker's favorite way of taking over your computer. There are very few sites that rely on Flash these days; most of what you'll lose is advertising. If you have Flash installed, disable it, and ignore the whining to reinstall it.

a good program to have

Alecia Snowfall's picture

a good program to have is super anti-spyware. Its free and deletes all those tracking cookies and sometime malware that sneaks in. btw, its free. A friend that now works for MicroSoft recommended it to me.

and speaking of MicroSoft; I occassionally get calls saying that my computer is sending errors. MicroSoft will NEVER call you about such things, you MUST call them. So if you get a call from someone claiming to be from microsoft saying they are getting errors from your computer just hang up. Unless you feel like driving THEM crazy, like I do.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

nice to know

and regarding those phone calls I been getting them pertaining to be from my internet provider (talk talk) and kept trying to get me to install team viewer , and believe me I drove them crazy after stating I was recording the call and then passing on to the police *snickers* really wanted my old air horn to blow down the mouth piece


To for all the comments and advice.. I have to use Flash(sadly) coz I have several utilities that use it. I do have good antiviral, spyware and ad aware software. I cannot find a way to turn off this protection permanently for this website(maybe a future fix for firefox) .Maybe it's time to change browsers but I do like firefox.
Once again thanks to all

Web of Trust?

are you using any security plugins that rely on "Web of Trust"? so far that is the only security provider I can find that is giving BCTS anything other than a positive safety rating.

"we can turn it all around, because it's not too late, it's NEVER too late" -(never too late, Three Days Grace)

Is the cache of your browser good?

Try removing the stored filed from the cache, or even simply reloading the page completely (open it and press Ctrl-F5, Shift-F5 or Alt-F5 - I can't remember at the moment which one of those did it).