Bike 3000 -- the future

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Each episode I write is breaking new ground as no one has written this amount over such a period before, at least in this genre and on this site. I have the support of Erin to continue posting this interminable saga, the transgender equivalent of watching paint dry, as long as I wish to continue. I suppose it has become something of a feature of the site alongside the reasonable literacy of its authors compared to some other sites.

As we approach 3000 episodes, quite when that will be I'm not sure because I'm having a holiday to go and play in Switzerland at the Tour de France courtesy of another author, which will upset my writing schedule. I would guess therefore, that we'll probably achieve 3000 somewhere around the end of this month.

I asked Erin, I 'm now asking the readers if they wish me continue beyond this magical number, helping Cathy to narrate her adventures and that of her family in Bike. Please let me know.



Yes please!


I would love you to continue with this fantastic story but ultimately it should be down to you and what you want.



As far as I am concerned, you

As far as I am concerned, you can keep writing as long as the inspiration strikes.

I need to pick it back up again, it's been a while for me.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

The joys of EAFOAB

persephone's picture


Of course we would all love you to continue writing.

The stories you tell are a touch stone for so many here and I'm sure I'm not the only one who regularly stays up to catch up with what's going on in 'Chez Cameron'. You write with elegant literacy, a generous dollop of gentle humour, and of course a wicked sense of knowing how to set up a cliff hanger. For many joining BCTS it has become a right of passage to catch up from episode one.

The critical thing is whether you want to? On the one hand The Daily Dormouse is relatively young as national soap institutions are concerned; Corrie (Coronation Street) reached 8806 episodes at the turn of the year whilst Eastenders reached 5309 at the end of last month. On the other hand if there are other projects and challenges that make you feel fulfilled then please, please, do not overcommit to the point where writing becomes an obligation rather than a joy.

One final thought. Given that so many of us have already gone down the self publishing route would you and Erin consider bundling several hundred episodes together and publishing them on Kindle (Opus 1 Episodes 1 - 500, Opus 2 501 - 1,000 etc)?


Non sum qualis eram

Erin has spoken to me

Angharad's picture

about publishing Bike but so far we haven't done anything about it. But who knows...


Days of Our Lives hit 12,000

Days of Our Lives hit 12,000 episodes as of 2013, from what I just looked up. One Life to Live was over 11,000, and General Hospital was almost 13,000 episodes.

The way to package EAFOaB would be to bundle plotlines together, and do some basic editing to make them flow. If I ever free up time, that's on my 'to do' list just for entertainment.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I agree. A Kindle version

I agree. A Kindle version would be great, I read Gaby on Kindle (on my PC) because it's easier to stop at any point and pick it back up.


Hi Ang,
As long as you keep writing,I'll keep reading. Bike is one of the highlights of my day.
It gives a lot of people something to look forward to,especially me.
Looking forward to 5000.

I still love Bike and look

I still love Bike and look forward to reading it for as long as you want to keep at it!

But most of all --- enjoy your holiday!!! Don't worry about your writing output. Bike can go on hiatus for a while.

Oh, and best wishes to Bonzi and Izzy. Do be good while mom goes on holiday.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Does Bruin . . . ?

. . . and something about forests. . .! PLEASE continue, Angharad, you've created an institution that we would all sorely miss!!
As for the TdF, all I can say is "feel the Bern (Switzerland)" and just maybe Cav . . .
(BTW, J.P. lives about 1 klick from the finish line. . .)

Please continue..

writing Cathy's story.. And that of her family. I came at it late and had to read about 2000 odd parts to catch up and I've loved every moment.


The Date stamp is wrong on episode 1, but from episode 2 I can gather that this serial has gone on for very close to 9 years at about 1200 words an episode so it is very close to 3.6 million words when it gets to episode 3000. Gadzooks that is a lot of writing and dedication. For me is similar to reading Dear Abby, which went on for many years, though I have no idea, but it was many.

Yes, do continue as long as you have the desire to do it.



Do you really need to ask?

I'll keep reading this tale as long as you keep writing it... and I hope that's a very long time.

Hey - a few blog posts and photos from Switzerland and the Tour would be great too. Hope you have a great time.

Write the story until you run

Write the story until you run out of ideas, given how much you have to go with the girls you will have a hard time ever reaching that point.

I hope that someday the girls age a bit so we get to see them as tweens and Danni enjoying puppy love and even Julie and Phoebe striking out on their own. Then you have the battle of wits between Cathy and the bigot or idiot of the moment and the inevitable Simon/Cathy misunderstanding and makeup....see, there's a lot still to do!

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Bike 3000

Easy as Falling of a Bike is a passion with me. I have come to expect my Daily Dormouse. I would be lost without it. I would hope that you continue this wonderful family saga through the foreseeable future ... and then some.

With love

Red MacDonald

You may stop writing "Bike" ...

Sara Selvig's picture

at age 115. Then pass the pen on to another clever, imaginative author. Thanks for all the fun memories.


Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.

I sincerely hope

Christina H's picture

that you do continue but it's entirely up to you. You have created a phenomena everyone simply can't wait for their daily fix.
But this entirely your decision - I hope that you enjoy your well deserved rest enjoy the tour.


In the most helpful way possible ...

... I shall support your decision.


Who said we Librans were indecisive?

(Personally, I would love to see it continue, but not if it costs you too much!)


Yes please

Yes, please continue writing "Bike". As long as you still like doing it and don't over commit yourself, please continue.

Anne Margarete

As someone who has thrown a bundle of time reading

... 'Bike' into the metaphorical pot, I say 'Let it Ride'. ^_^

Sure, I don't always agree totally with Cathy's POV but that only stirs up the soap opera of her life but you have yet to match the duration of Coronation Street or Eastenders in terms of duration so keep crackin' :)

Let the Ang-st continue!

Coffee in the morning and Bike at night
if you get both, you know life is alright
as episode 3000 is coming into sight
will Cathy get into yet another fine fight?
Will the bad guys set the house alight?
you can be sure our Cathy will set it right.


Carol Anne

I think our feelings are a foregone conclusion;

but only you Ang, can decide where and when and if you are going to stop/ take a break/ ease up on production or whatever.
Thanks of course for all the joy you've brought us and thanks in anticipation of whatever more is to come.



A Great Idea

joannebarbarella's picture

To publish in segments on Kindle. I'm sure it would be a chart-buster and help BC finances no end.

As for continuing....Angharad, it's your choice of course, but there will be mass wailing, gnashing of teeth and the wearing of sackcloth and ashes if you stop.

Bike was started

Angharad's picture

on 16.7.07, I'll be on holiday when the anniversary happens, but I can't believe I've been scribbling this for nine years. My problem is, I never stick at anything for long.




Yes, dear - of coooourse, dear - you never stick at anything ....

*rolls eyes*

To continue, or not

See my comments under episode 2981.

Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?

Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm

keep going

Been on this site for ages and only just discovered the delightful Cathy, dormice, bikes etc, coming up to 200, determined to cathc up one day

Re: keep going

Sissyheidi, where have you been hiding not to see the enduring saga!

I look forward to it every day, though do appreciate Angharad needs some days off.