Some will NEVER accept or understand

A word from our sponsor:

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As there will always be good and evil in the souls of man just as there are those who refuse to understand.
No matter how well they bring it all together, there will always be those who do not accept or tolerate those who blur the boundaries between male and female.

Explain an algorithm to those who only know simple math. Now explain transgender to those who have never felt they were born in the wrong body. Or explain transgender to those who are so insecure in their own body, anyone who blurs the boundaries sends them into fear denial or raging hate.

Transgender model: Gigi Gorgeous, shown last month in Los Angeles, was detained on Tuesday at Dubai International Airport for being a transgender woman

Believe in yourself no matter if you are male, female or caught in the mix.


Not Dubai's fault

My passport says "female", something that I took care of as soon as I got back from Thailand. She looks good enough, is she pre-op?

According to the article

Gigi says hers says the same ... other than actually seeing it, it's down to "he said ... she said". That being said, too many stories to trust anything from Dubai.


Dubai has very strict laws and they are "zero tolerance". In this wonderful age of computers and instant access they likely knew who she was before her flight left U.S. airspace. The Middle East is a whole different world and you play the game by their rules. Other countries such as Thailand are much the same. I know the Thai surgeons are supposed to be the best and surgery there is less expensive, but don't make the mistake of breaking one of their laws as they are very intolerant. All the U.S. embassy can do is say 'sorry'. Eastern Europe used to be the same way. I don't know how much things have changed since the collapse of the Soviet Union but forewarned is forearmed.

Always, ALWAYS take the time to familiarize yourself with the laws of any foreign country you visit. You will be expected to obey them even if you don't know what they are. Its the things you think you know but really don't that will bite you in the ass.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

under those circumstances

Teresa L.'s picture

i wonder why she was given a visa (or are they required there?) to begin with? if they knew her status, but did NOTHING until she landed, that is entrapment. not sure what their laws are like, but the UN should be able to do something, or the US can impose travel sanctions, they wont like that at all.

Teresa L.

Nothing to do

The UN has bigger problems with human rights violations all across the Middle East than this, and they are getting exactly nowhere. As for the U.S., our laws do not follow us around, local laws always apply. And really, what happened to her? She was turned around and sent back. Something the U.S. does all the time. She wasn't arrested and thrown in jail, she wasn't brought up in court and found guilty of breaking Dubai's laws then sentenced to 30 years in some hellhole. She got treated with kid gloves. Wasn't that long ago a British couple was caught on a beach having sex, they were in deep doo-doo for awhile. They were found guilty and sentenced to 10 years apiece in prison. Eventually, they were released, stuck on a plane and sent home, but it took several months. (I'm going by memory here so the details may be off.)

The point is, once you leave the U.S. you are subject to a different set if laws. If your air carrier is American then you are in good shape until you get off the plane. If it is a foreign carrier then their laws apply once you leave the U.S. The U.S. may or may not be able to exert any influence on your behalf, and it may or may not want to. Dubai doesn't need the U.S., there is so much money in Dubai that each citizen is effectively a multimillionaire.

I don't have a clue about the visa situation. Dubai is styling themselves as a millionaire's playground so GOK what the visa situation is. But I'd say they were making a point here, all nice and public, probably to keep some of the Islamic hardliners happy.

Add: when traveling to the U.S. you are not in the U.S. until you are through passport control. If you are on the other side of that booth you don't have any rights they don't feel like giving you, even if you are a citizen. You hit that booth and the agent looks you up in the computer. If your name is listed in the "bad" section for any reason you can be arrested at that point and prevented from entering the U.S. Good Luck!

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

How is it not that government

How is it not that government's fault?

Why is it always (a) our responsibility to go out of our way to avoid being harassed/beaten/etc. (b) our responsibility to cope with being harassed/beaten/etc. (c) never the government's responsibility not to harm people?

The way of the world.

Morality and "right" and "wrong" are defined by the culture and government that exists in the country you visit, not by our wishful thinking.

Until you understand that simple fact, you are in terrible danger visiting an intolerant culture/society.

She is very lucky.....

that she was stopped at the airport and only told to turn around and go away. If some of the more radical officials had been there, she could have been taken out into a field, dropped into a hole and stoned to death.

"right" and "wrong," yes, but

"right" and "wrong," yes, but not right and wrong.

The culture and government of the Confederacy said white supremacy and slavery were right.

"Until you understand that simple fact, you are in terrible danger visiting an intolerant culture/society."

In the meantime, I am often beaten up and often endangered existing in this intolerant society, let alone any other more intolerant one. I am still in pain from this morning's beating, above and beyond the pain from everything else. I have hyperacusis, and it is government policy to beat us up. I have some kind of strobe sensitivity, and it is government policy to endanger us.

If we don't speak up about injustice and violence we can't change it.

Right now, our own society doesn't see much of the violence against certain groups as violence. And people are dying. I can't find stats for mortality for hyperacusis. But in Sweden, autistic people have an E0 18 years shorter than allistic controls:

(In the U.S.A.) the citizen is responsible for...

(In the U.S.A.) the citizen is responsible for for ensuring that the government agent they are dealing with is acting within the scope of their authority. (Basically, the citizen is responsible for the agents actions.)

Learn procedures and ask for clarification and documentation as needed.

Maybe in law. Not in the

Maybe in law. Not in the English language. How can one person, without power, be responsible for the actions of another person, with power over them?

this pertains to civics.

this pertains to civics.
Find an online board that deals with civics. BCTS is not such a board

I am dropping this subject before Erin asks for it to be dropped.