Eating Dormice

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It's illegal to do this in Italy, not sure about the UK. However, seeing they don't have much meat on them anyway I added a comment on this article - based on sound ecological principles, of course. My thanks to a reader for sending me the link.


Brilliant comment!

"Why don't we start off by culling journalists?"

Closely followed by politicians and PR types. I noticed somebody else commented that once prepared, there's not much usable meat on squirrels either, so hinting that for the amount of effort required to catch and prepare sufficient quantities of beasts, it's not really worth it. There was a mention of nobody having found a suitable way to eat gulls, but how come nobody mentioned pigeons, which tend to be a bit of a nuisance across both inland and coastal areas...

Someone else cleverly pointed out natural selection in action - "weeds" and "vermin" thrive because they're more successful at adapting to the environment than their native equivalents.


There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Excellent comment, Angharad

I notice the journalist is from Country Life, a magazine dedicated to selling incredibly expensive houses and killing for amusement anything that moves, especially foxes and birds bred for the purpose. So the idea of eating dormice must come naturally.

Perhaps the mag should be renamed Country Death :)


Simply a Matter of Proper Breading

Don't let a shortage of meat bother you. Along the North Shore, Minnesotans solve that problem with smelt by smothering them in breading before frying and washing it all down with copious amounts of beer.

Bon appetit!

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Well said

Angharad, Loved the comment about journalists, I just hope that after the cull they don't end up in the food chain.... Even the pigs would turn up there noses at that little delicacy!!!


Bailey Summers Gah eating

Bailey Summers

Gah eating Journalists that's got to be the cannibals version of eating tripe...then again considering what most journalists are full of.

Bailey Summers