The Family Girl #065: Flying... Again... Bleah...

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The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #65: Flying... Again... Bleah...

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Hello, everyone. Just wanted to let you know, I am back in BigCloset now. But I'm going to be flying in a while so haveta keep this short. Again. Moe n I are flying back to Manila - me to get back to my job, n Moe to resume her little enterprise.

I fly so much, I think I should have a stylized red 'S' on my chest. lolz.

Our flight leaves Reagan Airport in about forty-five minutes (boarding call should be anytime now), and then a stopover in Detroit, and then another stopover in Chubu Airport in Nagoya, Japan. And then, magically, twenty-plus hours later, we're back in Manila. Meh...

Had a good, long vacation - got our batteries recharged, got some perspective on things (you know), and reconnected with the families - we went to Kyoto for a couple of weeks to visit the in-laws (and sight-seeing for me), and then to DC to visit my folks, and then veg out a bit in our house in Bethesda.

But I guess we've had enough of loafing around lols. Time to get back to work. Will post again when we're back on terra firma, and tell you guys all about it.

Seeya soon!

Lots of graphics in Bobbi's posts use publicly-accessible pics from the net: No ownership is claimed nor IP infringements intended

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Family girl...

It's funny you should mention Manila. My spouse is visiting her family in Angeles City at the moment as well. She's been there since the 5th of the month and has another week or so before she'll be flying back to the States.

Welcome back...

What I can recall of Kyoto (from the late '60s) was beautiful... I'm SURE you saw far more (and understood far more... I was a tad young at the time). Glad you're both getting back into the swing of things.
