I can die happy

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With all that swirls around me, I occasionally hit some pretty amazing highs. Sometimes things happen and I wasn't even expecting them to.

That said, Unreachable has just gotten it's 50th review on Amazon. 50 reviews is a lot for transgender fiction. 50 reviews is a lot for any self published author too. They've mostly been good reviews (I average 4.7 out of 5 stars) and some are quite humbling as people really connected with Andrew and Ms. Rosenthal.

Going into the story I knew I had something special, but after a major flub at the beginning (I changed from third to first person and didn't catch all the third person stuff out of the gate) I thought it would be one of those things. It is a story that I can be proud of. A realistic transgender story about a child that isn't fetishy or sexual.

You see, above all I want to be accepted and liked. I think I've alienated the community here and on FM though,but it means a lot to me that people took the time to write a review. It makes me want to write more. I still have to write the unreachable sequel and that is two stories down the line (I'm finishing phenom now and need a palate cleanser before another major work).

I want to thank all of you who left a review or enjoyed the story. I wish I could have kept it up on the site, but things don't always go as planned. But again, you made my day.


Hm... why would you have

Hm... why would you have alianated the people here? Your stories aren't exactly my cup of tea - I prefer to read fantasy/science fiction stuff, but that's no reason to be pissed off at you.

50 reviews is great

I read some of the reviews. Sounds like you hit a cord with a lot of teachers. Keep right on doing what you're doing.

And as far as people being ticked off at you for taking your stories down, ignore them. There will be people who are ticked off just because you woke up in a good mood.

I wish you much success with your writing.