Fogetting the seris name blues

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Been wanting to reread a story and cannot remember the name of it let alone what series that it is in. The first book is about a human er doctor who is turned into a werewolf and falls in love with the female alpha of the local werewolfs.


Female alpha?

Is there such a thing as a female alpha?

In any case, there are also the Tracy Locke stories.
Not exactly what you've described, but good stories nonetheless.

werewolf stories

The authors suggested aren't the one. The story, I think, has a guy get a wolf skin suit in a package. he puts it on and becomes a female werewolf and transforms a (married?) couple to join his pack.

I don't know the author or title, but the key words might include furrys, skin suits, etc.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,