Seasonal and winter setting

A mother’s Christmas wish.

A mother's Christmas wish.

At this time of the year a great many wishes are made in hopes of receiving a special toy or doll, a new dress or suit, a hot meal, and warm bed. Yet what is a mother’s wish? As a mother I would like to share my wish with you all in this short story. Maybe even spread a little hope at the end of this year of troubling times. A year filled with unsettling events and fear.

Atalanta's Story- Chapter 7

Atalanta's Story - Chapter 7 My thanks goes to William Durr for his all around help. I'm a grammar klutz. This is one of the shortest chapters and sets up the next chapter. Chapter 8 is a long chapter with lots of action but I'm not sure how long it will take me as my BIL passed yesterday morning so plans are on hold for a few days.

This Chapter includes Christmas giving and spring rites.

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