
Thunder Creek Ranch Chp. 9

Clair was woken up from the sleep she just managed to get. Her new husband has been making love to her all afternoon and part of the evening as well. She looks down between her legs and spots Rebecca laying between her legs, licking her. Stan was still knotted in her.

“What are you doing between my legs, Rebecca?” Clair was curious why she was there.

Rebecca looks up at Clair with a smile on her face “tasting you. It is common practice for a new couple to be tasted by the pack. Unfortunately, no one follows the ancient tradition anymore.”

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 3

Cardwell, Montana, Gina’s House:
Arabella was playing a game in her game room when her computer alerted her to what was going on. The armor shutters that protected the house came down and the armor plates that protected the doors slide into place. Trigger was laying at her feet and looked up when she heard all the noise going on in the house.



Chapter 4

Magic sucks…

I feel drunk in that bad..bad..got the spins bad but for some reason I can’t get sick and my heart is tearing itself apart. Everything really important dropped out from under me and I lashed out and hurt people that’ve only been kind to me.

I thought I was done doing that PTD freak out stuff.

But Kelly was the one who got me through that.

And Kelly is gone.

And I’ve been to war, I’ve done horrible things for my country and the scars have always weighed heavy on my soul.

But none of that’s hurt like this has.

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