Hi Everyone!
This is a quick rundown of things we feel we've fixed, vs things we feel are still broken. If you have an item you'd like to add to the still broken list please comment, or send an email to [email protected].
- Name in the User/Navigation Menu
- PM Message Notification (not email, just onsite)
- Teser Split/BREAK Code (We fixed the tag, we're still looking into a solution for Split Summary @ Cursor)
- We've Migrated "Favorites" to "Bookmarks". We'll work on a way of sharing this with your friends.
- My Stories Now Successfully shows the Kudos/Thumbs Up totals
- We've tightened up the spacing of text on various pages by reducing the line height.
- We've added "My Account" back to the navigation/user menu
- Track works on the account pages.
- We don't know why, but some people still get the maint.php page, we added a re-direct to that page which takes them here :)
- We've reduced the amount of 'Pink' on the site, by replacing it with a lavender/blue color.
- We fixed the Story Names showing in the Address Bar
- Book Navigation links showing twice is a "Feature" caused by the ability to have Navigation links both above and below comments.
- We've fixed the session timeouts
- We've fixed the layout/display of the top menu on Mobile/Narrow layouts.
- Slave/Database Replication issues (will be fixed in the morning, you will see downtime for this)
Still Broken.
- Path Alias doesn't work right for comments (Doesn't show what story/blog the comment is on)
- The order of the tags on stories are quite random and not ordered as we'd like
- We still want to change some colors and re-arrange some things
- Some stories are showing foreign characters where there should be umlauts
- Printer Friendly pages show tags for each chapter.
- PM Email Notification is Offline for the foreseeable future, or until I have a chance to re-code the module to make it work.
Please know this is a work in progress, and we are working on EVERYTHING just as fast as we can, and we aren't discounting ANYTHING that anyone tells us.
-Piper, Cat, Erin
tracking page
Is there a way to shut off the floating header on the tracking page?
Loving Hugs Taarpa
I too kind of find it
I too kind of find it annoying.
I did some snooping and believe it's in the javascript. Page source changes when scrolling down.
Links are still not updated
when you finish a story and click HOME it goes to the original site where you are told that there's a new link.
Ducks and hides
#7. Aren't umlauts foreign characters to begin with?
Seriously, you are doing a great job. Once you get everything done, would it be possible to move the save button after you hit the preview button to just above what you are replying to as opposed to underneath it. It isn't bad in the Blogs and Forums, but some of the stories are pretty long to have to scroll through get to the bottom.
A small item...
The tags are displayed in a *really* small font size, which makes them hard to read even on my 23" monitor.
(P.S. Did you know you can stack < small> tags? This is double-small.)
No styling at all under Chrome
Running on Safari works fine but chrome on the Mac can't honor the css for some reason.
Just wanted to say...
I'm using Chrome for Mac and the site renders correctly for me. At least it looks the same as it does under Safari. I know you've probably done this but make sure your Chrome is fully updated. They've been pushing a lot of updates lately.
~And so it goes...
Blogs And Announcements
At the time of posting there's only room for 5 blog titles on the front page. 3 of those are also announcements. It would be nice to think that the majority of users would take the time to click the 'more' button, but experience suggests otherwise. There doesn't seem to be much point in adding comments to blogs that are going to be pushed into the background before people have had a chance to read them.
One solution might be to put the time elapsed since the blog was posted in a smaller font, since that seems to be taking up so much of the available space.
I'm with...
Nicki on this. Only five blog posts is just not enough. Please let there be more!
~And so it goes...
Post it and it happens!
Can I have a winning lottery ticket?
~And so it goes...
blog link
Since blogs don't appear on my iPhone main page, I have to use the blog link in the menu. I noticed on my kindle fire that it don't show the same blogs as the main page does. (Edit: It appears to not have admin blogs.)
Oh and the save button is still far down the screen from the comment box. (Edit: on the preview screen)
Go Home, Home I said, Go Home ...
Just like a puppy, it don't go home
non functioning home tab, link etc
Am I the only reader for whom the home tab does not work at the top of the page and the bottom?
You may be
Haven't seen this problem. What os, machine, browser and ISP are you using? Does this happen on all pages?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
The home link comes up as:
The home link comes up as: http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/
Even if I type this as a URL, the URL changes to bigclosetr.us/maint.php and the following Message: The contents you are looking for have moved. You will be redirected to the new location automatically in 5 seconds. Please bookmark the correct page at BigCloset TopShelf. As I have auto forwarding turned off as a security measure, I need to “accept” the forwarding. That works but seems unnecessary, The home link seems to be missing the word node. I sure there is a good reason for which is why I am a security guard not in IT.
Using Vista on a Toshiba Satellite L305-S5919, viewing with Firefox on TWC.
I'm curious. Will we see Thumbs up count on the track user page? or the total on the main profile page?
Have delightfully devious day,
We want to
But no guarantees. This module is quirky. We need the time to work with it and we are still having minor system issues.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
In your face advert
Is there some way I can turn off the display of b00bies on the front page?
I have no objection to the advertising but having that come up in your face just as you log in is... well, NSFW for a start!
I have tried ticking and unticking things in my user profile but nothing I do seems to make that particular advert go away.
Turning ads off
You can turn all the ads off, one at a time, in My Account/Edit. The PW ads all have something like PW in the name and other ads have Banner in the name.
Future ads from TBFS will not have big visible boobies on them. :) The current ad will be replaced later today.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Turning ads off
Nope, sorry. I have no boxes ticked which have "pw" in the labels.
Is this because the list of boxes no longer corresponds with the home page layout, perhaps?
Then you must not be seeing the PW ads
Because all of them start with pw.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I'm seeing something.
It is situated between the list of Standalones and the QuickCuts, and if I hover the mouse over it I see:
If I click on it it takes me to The Breastform Store.
...so I'm assuming that it isn't a pw ad, whatever that is.
It's not a PW add (Project
It's not a PW add (Project Wonderful) IT's an add we sold directly. The block is currently named QuickCuts- Solo Half Banner or something like that (Erin's original post mentions look for items with PW or Banner in the name). We are waiting on new Advertising from The Breast Form Store as we speak (and have asked to tone down the subject matter). As soon as the new artwork comes in I will change it on the ad-server.
Just to mention, The Breast Form Store says that even tho the advertised sale is over, as long as the current ad is up, they will honor the coupon code for BigCloset users! So if you haven't had the chance to take advantage of it it, and want to, hurry up!
Thanks for clearing that up, I thought I was being subjected to subliminal suggestion :)
Now all I have is Angharad's cat glaring balefully at me whenever I log in :)
I know...
one look into those eyes and you can hear it, "You _will_ click the Kudos button."
~And so it goes...
I do love the new BCTS logo. Very nice!
~And so it goes...
Is "Ignore" gone for good?
They know they can survive
I really hope not. I have one person on ignore and I really don't want to communicate with that person.
~And so it goes...
Ignore not ignored
The ignore function has been throwing errors and we have turned it off while we investigate. We expect to have it working without errors soon but it may be a week or so.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thank You!
I figured it wasn't playing well so it got yanked. I thought perhaps you might have kicked it out of the playground. Sometimes what looks easy-peasy turns out to be the worst bit of coding you've seen. Law of diminishing returns say if something becomes a problem for such a small gain, you chuck it and move on to the bigger problems.
They know they can survive
What happened was that a fix for a bigger problem broke Ignore, since we had to turn off a compatibility...for.... Funny story that.... Well, no, maybe not that funny. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Still Really Hoping
I hope the ignore feature won't need too much more work to restore, for purely personal reasons. Some days I really feel it's lack. Self-restraint has never been a skill of mine so being able to ignore has probably spared everybody a few arguments.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Since the big move?
I can't seem to find where the break room is.
Love, Andrea Lena
Kudo's count
I know this is low priority, and is probably being worked on (I saw it mentioned in earlier posts), but...
I would like the Kudos count back on the story page. I was just reading Morpheus latest and couldn't find it anywhere.
Down at the bottom?
I think. I'll take a look and it is on the list but the new module does not include a widget to put it elsewhere, we have to write one.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
It's there
In small text under the thumbs-up icon. As of looking it up for this, the latest chapter of Val Kyr had 83 Kudos.
Melanie E.
Commenting on stories has got harder
I like the new look. You are doing a great job.
However, I find posting comments has become harder. Once you have clicked the Preview button, to submit the comment you have to scroll to the end of the story to find the button. (Using Firefox in case that helps)
Couple of solutions available
We just haven't had time to sort them out with so many things on the plate. It's on the list. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I don't see anything I don't like,
I'm sure there are other bugs, every comment I've made has been addressed.
Looking very good!
bookmarks/favorites issue
I went to my bookmarks and only found one item in my list but used to have several favorites
Sorry about that
When we upgraded to D7, the bookmarks module was updated but the favorites module was discontinued; I don't mean by us, but by the people who created and maintained it. We tried to move the data from the lost module over to the other modules tables but this did not work in all cases.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Seeing double
I noticed this on quite a few stories, where at the bottom the next story or chapter and the last story or chapter section is doubled up. An example is Halloween Memory Part 1
That's a feature, not a bug :)
It's so the links to other parts are both above and below any comments.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Track still partially broken.
It turns out that track will list updates to the threads/posts, but won't actually update the dates. If someone posts to something that was written, say, six months ago, it can be four pages into the Track section, rather than floating to the top.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Not broken
That's just how it works now. We didn't write or fix that, we just got it working by fixing something else.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Would it be possible to
Would it be possible to double or triple the number of blogs/posts it shows? It shouldn't hurt much, becuase the sidebar is significantly longer than the existing list.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
No idea what it is you want
Tracking and the sidebar on the front page have nothing to do with each other and are not looked up in the same part of the database. Tracking is searched for in the log that keeps track of actual visits to pages, which is kept for a limited amount of time because the universe tends toward maximum entropy. The sidebar on the front page is looked up by date from the sorted database of entries, not visits.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Not the front page
We're talking about My account -> Track.
That gives a list of everything one has posted or commented on.
Previously, anything anyone else wrote to those threads after your own post bubbled up to the top, now it doesn't.
I use this feature extensively and having to page through all my posts since forever to find updates seems inefficient.
Okay, I'll put it on the list
But that isn't something we program, it's just a feature included in Drupal. We may have to search to find a module to modify the behavior you see.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Penny is correct. My
Penny is correct. My Account -> Track.
If it can't be fixed so that the most recently updated float to the top, could it be extended so that the list is about as long as the sidebar? (Arbitrary length, based simply on the fact that becuase of the sidebar, the page is that long anyway)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
If you could?
The Pepsi machine in the break room is out of order and the snack machine could use some Kit-Kats and Snickers, please?
Love, Andrea Lena
Of course the Pepsi machine
Of course the Pepsi machine is out of order. It says Coca-Cola on it.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
As long as...
There's Coke Zero in one of the machines, and Reese's Sticks and Nutrageous bars in the one of the others... I'm all good.
~And so it goes...
BigCloset Chat
I hope that at some point, the currently online users list gets fixed. I've been using it a lot lately.
~And so it goes...
What's wrong with it?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
The window on the right side...
of the main page that has the list of people currently using BigCloset Chat. It's been the same for me for over a week now. Never changes. I look at who's online with my IRC client and it never matches what the homepage says.
~And so it goes...
Old stories with missing data
On the Author Page for Alys Prince - three stories are listed twice (Cry Baby) (Why can't I be like other Girls) (Catalogue Shopper).
Can this be fixed?
On the My Stories page - these three are short of details and are about 2,000 short on their reader count from when this data disappeared in March. What can be done about this?
I suspect that other authors who added stuff in March have the same problem. I'll use the new 'monthly stories option' to investigate a bit perhaps.
Love AlysP
Broken bit
Dont know if it has been reported but just called up the quickcuts 3 day listing each story episode has multiple entries
ok now I understand.
Your new registration is down and posting stories is broken. I guess I will have to wait for that all to be fixed :(
I'm not aware of problems with either of those things.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
please help me Erin
Really, it isnt broken. Damn I guess its just for me but I made this account to post my stories yesterday. I signed up and made this account and I cant post new material. I cant post my stories, I cant post new forum. I can make comments and thats it. I have no create content option, no fiction++.

Why cant I post new content
I wish I could find out please tell me what to do
Have you tried clicking on ++Fiction at the top of the page?
~And so it goes...
I dont have that either.
Try now
And thanks for finding a bug in the sign-up system.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
thank you its there now
it was a bug? DId I cause it
No :)
It seems to be a bug in a module we updated.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
"Alphabetic Story List"...
...in the front-page account box is coming up empty.
Is that supposed to be a list of all the stories on the site? If so (and assuming it's not up yet), is there an ETA for it? Not critical in its absence, I guess, since if there's a particular story I'm trying to bring up and can't recall the author's name, I can do it in Google Search. But it'd be convenient.
Best, Eric
Alphabetic story list works for me
Hmm? I'll take a look and see if I can find a reason it won't work for you.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
It doesn't work for me either
And has not for over a month. It WAS working when we had a 'discussion' about navigating through it far quicker. But since then it hasn't worked!
Alphabetic Story List seems fixed now
Permissions were not set correctly after I added a new header a month or so ago.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Is The Ignore Feature Working?
In some cases (blog entry) the Ignore message appears, but the ignored person's text is there. In the case of comments there doesn't appear to be any action by the Ignore feature.
Update: No need to respond. I got the answer from a blog post today. No worries.
I plan to be working on this
I plan to be working on this feature today. The things I plan to tackle specifically is removing things from lists where they are ignored, and removing comments where they are ignored.
Here's an odd one
I've just scrolled down the home page looking for things to read and I've noticed something odd about entries from one particular author. That would be Charlotte Dickles and her current Seacombe tale.
Observe the list of tags in the heading and they are all categorized with titles in black. Now look at any other entry and all I see are the tags, no titles.
So, what is she doing different? Different browser or what? Different theme? Enquiring minds want to know.
An HTML error in the heading to Charlotte's author page.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Football Gitl
by Susan Brown seems to have bit the dust. Iwas going to make a public comment/question but the forums have gone a bit weird too.
Football Girl by Susan Brown
... Can be currently found on Amazon
Story links not containing story title
The links to items stopped showing the title of the item sometime last Sunday (26thApr) and in general are showing them as named 'Fiction{number}', One (Two grumpy Old Men) is different, showing as 'story-wo-comments'.
It appears these were all showing normally until 'http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/55927/embracing-justic...' which was followed by 'Laura, Part 3' showing as 'http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction-2'
I hope it's easily corrected.
Well, not as easy as I would have liked
Fixing why it happened was not too hard, but going back and fixing all the stories and blogs that had been affected required editing each of about 50 entries by hand. I'm the one who did that part and I needed a nap afterward. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
it's changed but...
the links still aren't showing file names, now they're giving node numbers instead. It did this before I believe after the last site rescue you had to do.
Thanks for all your work.
I believe this problem has been fixed.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
doesn't seem to be fixed
Currently I still see only "node numbers" for all links :-(
Node numbers
Node numbers still show for comments, that's a limitation in Drupal we haven't found a work around yet for. But for other links, yes this problem has reappeared. Fixing it will have to take a backseat to configuring the new servers though since it is possible that just doing that will fix it-- or break it again if we stopped to fix it.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Chronological Order of Comments
I do not know if this has been commented on, and doubt I should mention it but it was strange, so ..., when reading Darling Dainty Donna, by Jezzi Stewart, I again noted the missing picture, and looked at the comments, one of mine was on top, then newer ones, then a pile of older ones, again strange.
Yes, that is odd
It's been that way for years, though. Apparently, when the optimizer compacts the database, it can mess up the chronological tagging of comments. Not much we can do about it without a lot of research and probably hacking the way the optimizer and sequencer work. So, very, very low priority unless we simply stumble upon a solution someone else has found.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
It's changed again
and it's back to 'fiction-{number}' now...
We're working on this
It seems it is a change in how the module works. We think we have a handle on it but it will take some time to fix all the bad URLS.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I think you've got it!
It seems to be ok for the the new stories now, thank you!
Member Page - "Last login"
AFAIK, the "Last login:" line at the bottom of everyone's member page has never worked; the date in there is the same on all the pages.
It'd be really nice to have, to answer all those "Is Anistasia Allread still here?"-type questions, since the Track page, judging from my own, seems to be misleading on that. (Am I right that any story I read in the past that's been updated with a new comment or an author revision appears there when that happens, whether I'm on the site at the time or not?)
(I'm curious what that Last login represents, since it's recently been saying "Last login: Sat, 2015/05/30 - 4:52am" -- and it started saying that on 5/29. It seemed to me that it was up there even before the time difference between PDT and GMT could account for it.)
Last Login
Whenever I've looked at it, it showed the time I last logged in, ie some seconds before the page was displayed.
Not helpful, when I assumed that I would see the previous time I logged in. That might become useful to know if the account ever became compromised.
Tracking has gone away again,
Tracking has gone away again, apparently.
http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/user/bibliophage/track takes me to my main 'user' page.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Tracking? Not so
I just used tracking to reach your post, which I would otherwise not have seen...
It was off but it's back
I was experimenting with how effective the caching and optimizations were.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thank you! - I didn't know
Thank you! - I didn't know if it was an accident or deliberate, so just posted here rather than PMed.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
"More Like This"
Just noticed the new feature today. Looks like it could be interesting. Thanks.