Catherine Linda Michel

Wonder City stories: I am lost in the city.

Since Tris Shandy posted the link to the Wonder City stories I have gotten totally lost in this amazing collection of tales. Am I the only one?
The writer is simply dead on with characterizations and the plots interweave and leaves me breathless from trying to keep up. Simply amazing stuff. Thank you Tris, for this great headsup.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Skype is goofy today.

Well, as I expected, skype is weird today. Why did I expect things to happen to skype? Because Microcrap owns it now and has for awhile.

Now for a lot of you, you don't even use skype, this is no big deal. For me and those like me who depend on skype for outgoing calls and for conversations, it IS a big deal.

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A long overdue comment to all the authors of the Retcon Universe

i've been slowly working my way through all the Retcon Universe stories and one thing has struck me. Every one of the stories, no matter who wrote them, has been totally logical in the context of the premise. What a group of talents went into these tales!

So, with that said, I just wanted to thank each and every one of the authors who contributed their storytelling skills collectively instead of commenting on each and every story, which would take months at the rate that I type.

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A Thank You to all who read "Headlights Girl."

To my amazed delight, my story, "Headlights Girl," has reached over 11,000 hits! I'm not certain this is from new people actually clicking on and reading the story or if it's the result of all the hits on it from old Big Closet and the new version getting totalled, but for whatever reason I am grateful to every single one of you who clicked on and read the story.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH! And Thanks too to whoever re-posted it so newer people could read it!

Catherine Linda Michel

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Moongoddess, are you okay?

You were posting chapters at a pretty good pace, but you've dropped off that pace recently. Is everything okay? Is there anything I can do to help?

I know that, sometimes, real life gets in the way of writing or posting stuff and things crop up that one isn't prepared to deal with just jump up and bite one in their hinderparts. Please let us know how you are and if there is anything we at Top Shelf can do if you need help with something?

Hugs and respect,
Catherine Linda Michel

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A great place for inexpensive wigs and clothes

I just found a great place on the web for really inexpensive wigs and clothes as well as jewellry. It's

The prices there are unbelievably cheap. Wigs I've been paying 30-50$ for are under 20 dollars. They also have human hair wigs from 50$!

I don't know the quality of their merchandise, but I have placed an order online and will let you all know how good their stuff is or isn't when it arrives. Check them out. They even have clothes and swimwear for plus sized gals.

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A big Thank You!

Goes out to everyone who answered my blog about helping my Veteran friend! I've forwarded all the info you have so graciously sent. I hope it does some good for him. He's a really super nice guy and he deserves a lot better treatment than he's getting right now. He accepted me as Cathy without so much as a raised eyebrow so anything I can do for him is small enough repayment for his caring friendship.

Catherine Linda Michel


Any Veterans in Oregon, HELP?

Do any of you live in Oregon and, if so, can you reccommend a Vet Rep? A friend has gotten nothing but a runaround trying to get his issues addressed. He lives in Coos Bay and his injuries prevent him from getting to the only VA hospital that seems to understand and want to help. Roseberg seems, according to what my friend has told me, indifferent to his problems. Now, my friend is not TS, but he IS a dear friend and I'm trying to find a way for him to get the help he DESERVES. He desperately needs a VA Rep who can buck the system, as it were, and get him the help he needs.


A petition that vets need to sign if they need srs.

I have no idea if this will come to fruition, but one can hope, right? I signed. If you're a Vet, or you support Vets, please sign?

Catherine L. Michel

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Does anyone know what happened with Darkside?

Darkside is, as some might know, the author of The Cursed and the Fury Saga. In a foreword to The Cursed, Darkside stated that this would be the last TG story written by him. That was in 2002. Since then, Darkside finished re-writes to chapters one and two of the Fury Saga in 2004 and since then... nothing.

The stories are so well done and complicated beyond belief that nothing _I_ have ever written even holds as much as a candle to the mind that conceived and wrote them. How did we ever lose track of such an inventive mind such as Darkside?

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As far as I know, Grover is home.

I haven't heard from Paula in a few days, but when last we talked, she expected to have Grover back home by yesterday, barring any unforseen complications.

I am SO relieved toknow that my dear friend, my sister, has come through this trying time and will be home with Paula where he can rest and recuperate. Thank you God.

Catherine Linda Michel


Grover is scheduled for surgery today.

Grover's wife, Paula, just called to update me on his condition. He seems in good spirits although weak and, of course, being bored in the hospital and unable to access the internet since the hospital appaarently will not allow contact with Top Shelf.

She told me how much all your good wishes/prayers/good vibes mean to them both. She said that you can contact them through their facebook pages. I will, of course, continue to be a go-between, keeping you all informed on Grover's surgery and progress back to health.

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Grover is in Hospital.

Grover's wife just called me and told me that Grover is in hospital and will be undergoing triple bypass surgery within the next day or two.

Let's all take a moment and send good thoughts, vibes and/or prayers for one of the most prolific and imaginative writers out there.

My prayers have already gone out and will continue to do so until Grover, my friend, my sister, is past this crisis. Lots of hugs to Understanding Wife, Grover's wife as well.

Catherine Linda Michel

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An interview with Trans Comedianne Julia Scotti

Julia says some very interesting things about her life and her transition as well as being trans and open about it.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Illness update.

So. When last I posted I had caught some kind of virus. Wellll... it's turned out to be something that must have escaped from three mile island... or chernobyl. It's laid me up fair and proper for the better part of two weeks with no real end in sight. The only bonus seems to be that, combined with an anti-smoking drug, I have, after 50 years, quit smoking.


Thank you all

for the B'day wishes. Unfortunately some kind of mutant virus decided to take up residence inside me aand I am experiencing all the "joys" attendant to such an occurrance. To wit: fever, body aches, nose leaks, "other" leaks (need I say more?), general weakness, shakes, coughs, exhaustion and Oh yeah, nausea. Funwow.

Nevertheless I would have been remiss if I had not thanked those who took the time to send a quick "Happy B'day" so, Thanks to all of you.

Catherine Linda Michel

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For anyone who has lost a pet.

I found this video on youtube, of course. I defy any pet owner to not shed a tear when istening to Jimmy Stewart read a poem he wrote about his lost pet.

They are ALL waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge and lately, I find myself a bit anxious to get there. No, I don't want to die, but I miss my lost furry ones SO much sometimes.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Author Chat Sessions

I don't know how many authors I've wished I could have talked with, but there are a LOT of them posted at Fictionmania. INCLUDING one with JACK CHALKER, famous SciFi writer who included quite a bit of TG stuff in his stories. They're all at Anne-Mal's Page at FM.


Catherine Linda Michel

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A music icon is gone.

Lesley Gore might not be an icon to a lot of people but she is to me. I grew up listening to her music and she touched a special spot in my soul. Not the best looking girl, but BOY, could she sing! Lesley Gore began her careeer in music in 1963 with "It's My Party" and stole my heart.

RIP Lesley. You brightened my life.

Catherine Linda Michel

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An epiphany, sorta..

I have spent what seems like an inordinate time wondering why I am trans. Oh I know, there are several scientific reasons and more are still awaiting discovery, but I have suddenly found that it isn't really important WHY I am trans, but that I AM trans and, surprisingly, that seems right somehow.

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My most sincere apologies. Re: Artwork

to everyone who requested artwork or info regarding it. The principal, who was going to give it a try, decided to scrap the whole project.

My intentions were good, but then we all know what the road to hell is paved with, yes?

Again, my abject apologies. I'm sorry if I got anyones hopes up, only to dash them. Please forgive me.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Does the name Jennifer Jane Pope ring any bells

with anyone here, especially those from the U.K.? Jenny used to be a regular at Storysite and in the chats there. She published some stories and her "Britionary" there. She left quite awhile ago and hasn't been seen or heard of in several years.

If anyone knows her or knows where one can get hold of her, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thanks and Merry Christmas to all,
Catherine Linda Michel

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Okay. In keeping with the "I am amazed" theme I have going,

You know, sometimes I end up on that "weird channel" on youtube and I find the most incredible things, most of the time I am shocked and disgusted, but sometimes, and very rarely I am thrilled and blown away by some of the absolute gems I find.

Try this one but once you start the playback, close your eyes until it's over, then open them and prepare to be astounded!
I promise you! Also, don't let the title of this video turn you off.

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OT, but in keeping with the holiday season,

One of the very best IMHO acappella groupps around, Straight No Chaser. Please give it a listen. A version of The 12 Days Of Christmas that ISN'T boring. The live versions are even better, although less in the sound quality, but superior, owing to the fact that you can see their visual hijinks as they perform.

Happy Holidays to you all.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Happy Thanksgiving to my family at Top Shelf

To all my friends online, to all the people who make this site such a welcoming REAL home to many, to all the readers, commenters, authors and to a very special group of people who I love dearly, you know who you are, HAPPY THANKSGIVING and I wish you all a very happy holiday season as well.

Be careful out there and be safe. You are all very important to me. "God Bless us, every one."

Holiday huggles,
Catherine Linda Michel


Buffalo N.Y. is closed!

My heart goes out to our sisters and brothers in Buffalo. The whole upper and western northern part of N.Y. got clobbered by a winter's worth of snow overnight.

I hope you're all safe and warm up there. I'm in Jamestown N.Y. and all we got was some cold temps. it's 9F here right now.

Catherine Linda Michel


Anyone else having probs with the home page?

Is anyone else having probs getting the home page to load completely? On my machine right now, I only get the story lists, but none of all the other stuff. Blogs, comments, ads, the In Memoriam list, who's online right now,a ll that stuff just won't load. I'm using the same MacBook that I've always used and havein't done anything that I could think of to cause this prob.

Catherine Linda Michel


Looking for some artwork for your book or online publishing?

My housemate does some really nice work... if you have an image you want copied or several that she could combine to make an original so it wouldn't run afoul of copyright rules.

Naturally she would LIKE to be paid for what she does, if you like and use her work, but it wouldn't be more than a few dollars, again only if you use it as cover art.

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Well. It's f$%&ing snowing!

Tonite we set the clocks back an hour, and it's freaking snowing! Here in western N.Y. State we get more than our share of this nasty, dangerous white garbage, but we usually don't get anything appreciable until later in November. Oh well. living here has it's advantages and it's disadvantages, just like most everywhere else.

That doesn't mean I don't hate sn@w just the same. It just means I gotta put up with this crap til spring.


Catherine Linda Michel



Just a bit surreal.

so... I'm sitting here, reading, watching Ghosthunters and just generally enjoying a peaceful, quiet Halloween evening. My phone rings and my best friend, my housemate, my landlady kinda, is calling me.

Now, to preface this just a bit, Tina and I have shared living accommodations for over 20 years and have been friends for longer than that. She has been one of the best things to happen to me during my transition. Totally accepting and supportive. I am Godparent to her youngest daughter (now 21)


A link to a non-TG story, but a GREAT story!

This might be the BEST superhero story I've ever read, and the writer is, IMHO, one of the best at it.

I don't often, if ever, bother with non-TG stuff, but Grover turned me on to this one and I thank Grover from my heart.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Skype problems redux

Well, once again, skype is playing f# %king games. Now it's telling me that I have been signed out and cannot connect to the server. Apparently the workaround I found on the Apple forums was only good for a few more weeks of using the older, more user friendly, simpler version of skype doesn't agree with their new version, which my computer won't run!

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This is most curious! Musical strangeness.

For some strange, unknown reason, sometimes I wake up with a song or music running through my head and I can't rest until I work out why this is happening. So this morning as I awoke, "Amazing Grace" was playing in my mind and, along with that was "America The Beautiful!"

After a few moments, the lyrics from "America The Beautiful" and the tune of "Amazing Grace" began to synch up and I suddenly realized that they match up completely! Certainly the tunes are different, but the lyrics from one DO match the melody of the other.

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Another Birthday! Maggie Finson's!

So, this little birdie whispered in my ear as I awoke this morning and told me that today is our very own Maggie Finson's Birthday! So I take this opportunity to be one of the first to wish Maggie a very Happy Birthday!

Have a great day Maggie and thank you for all your stories. Oh, also, CARPE CAKEM!!!!


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Skype problem. Major update

It now appears that skype has BLOCKED any attempts to download and install older versions that will work on my MacBook OS 10.5.8 the new version of skype won't run on my OS. I cannot afford, at this time, an upgrade to my OS, so I guess I'm pretty much screwed. I can't even recover all my contacts and phone number, since I can't sign in to skype. This means my entire phone number list is lost.

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Folks, if you're gonna PM about Almost A Girl,

Please send your messages to the author, Barbie Lee. Here's a helpful link:

Thank you.

Catherine Linda Michel... just the editor.

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D-Day, 70 Years later.

Today is D-Day. A day to honor all those who went and did what they had to do, to ensure the freedom we all cherish. Take a moment today to remember all those who risked everything, to help give US everything. Some came back, some did not. Thank a Veteran today.

Catherine Linda Michel.

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