Daniela A. Wolfe

Thank you all, again!

Just wanted to thank everyone who reached out to me with my last blog about finding counseling.

I have an appointment on Wednesday with a counselor. I talked with her for a while on the phone this morning. She has worked with trans folk in the past and she was very understanding on the phone. I have a good feeling about this. I'm so glad I'm taking this step.

Thank you all so very much,


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The Spellbinder Universe

The Spellbinder Universe

This is the umbrella universe for the Ragnarok Rising Trilogy, Ragnarok Shorts and possible future works. This is NOT an open universe.

Incompatible, Transfigured & Part 1 of 'Destiny' at Fictionmania and The Spellbinder Universe at TG Storytime.

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This story is 40 words long.

Random writing question

Oh hey! It's been a minute.

This seems really random, but do y'all think that the name Isskalt Abyss a little on the nose as a name for an artic region in my story? Isskalt means freezing cold in Icelandic, but I just thought it made for a funny pun because it sounds like "Is cold" when it's pronounced in my American accent.

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Story thief (updated)

So thank you Erin and crew for getting the site back and running, it seems my last blog was very badly timed.

In an unrelated note...

A friend made me aware of this, but a content "creator" on youtube has taken one of my stories and claimed it as their own. The took my story "Facades" renamed it "Trauma Unleashes Power" and put it to audio.

The stolen story is here:


And the original can be found here:

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Well hello! Looking for (very) early alpha reader(s)

Hello guys, gals and non-binary pals! How is everyone doing? It’s been a hot minute.

So, I’ve come down with bronchitis but still chugging along. I’m running on steroids, albuterol and cough drops but at least I’m alive!

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Coming clean...

Blog About: 


So I know it's been a while, but I felt it was finally time to come clean about something. It's been eating at me for years now. I used to lie about myself on here a lot. I was so paranoid about being discovered that I would insist I wasn't Mormon or that I lived in Idaho rather than Utah. Ironically, I'm now atheist, but that's neither here nor there. Please know it was not a deliberately malicious choice, but one based out of fear and from my way of thinking was a misdirect. I was pretty paranoid.

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Soooo... It's been a while!

It's been a hot minute, hasn't it?

My life has been busy! I've now been living life full to me as myself and feeling great! In January my car broke down on the way to work, long story short the ignition module burnt out, took out two ignition coils, the catalytic converter, and several of the spark plugs. It's been in and out of the shop trying to get everything fixed. It's finally passed emissions and seems to running fine. *Fingers crossed*

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07 - Legacy of Earth - The Naked Truth

Hey! I'm back again! I'm done with overtime so that's nice! I can't guarantee I'll post anything next weekend as it's a holiday, but we'll see.

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Legacy of Earth: Genesis

The Naked Truth

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Kayde runs into Grey on her way out of Conclave headquarters. but things take an unexpected turn as Kayde's past comes back to haunt her. It isn't long before they find themselves in imminent danger.

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No Legacy... Again

So, I do apologize for my silence as of late, but I have a good reason for that. In my previous blog I mentioned that I was working directed (mandatory) overtime and, well, I have been working fifty hour work weeks for the last three weeks straight. No word on whether or not I will be working it again this week so I cannot say whether you'll be seeing another serial part this coming Saturday or Sunday. So, I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

I do apologize and hope you have a deliciously devious night,

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No Legacy this Week

Well, I hate doing this since I just barely came out of hiatus, but there will be no Legacy of Earth this week. The main factor being that I had to do ten hours of directed (mandatory) overtime and I just haven’t had the energy or time to edit the latest chapter.

I do apologize and hope everyone has a deliciously devious weekend,


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06 - Legacy of Earth - It's BACK!

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Well, after an extended hiatus Legacy of Earth is back! I hope you all enjoy!

Legacy of Earth: Genesis


By Daniela A. Wolfe

Kayde meets with the conclave counsel, but she discovers that with her grandmother's passing, that the balance of power has shifted.

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So... It's been a Hot Minute

Well hello there,

I know I've been a bit absent as of late and I do apologize. There for a while I thought I might drown amongst the tide of chaos, but I held on for dear life and have washed back on shore. There are a lot of details I WON'T get into, but suffice it to say there was a lot of drama in my personal life. There has also been a lot of positive change and progress made, I am now living as myself full time and in about half a month I will be hitting a full year on HRT! Wow, I can hardly believe that it's been that long!

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Need Help

So, I hate doing this, but I just found out today I have to move inside of a month. Things are super tight already and if i don't raise enough funds by then, I will be forced to move back in with my parents. Which is NOT a mentally or emotionally healthy situation for me.

Please, please, please consider donating,

Please click here if you can help.

I also have paypal or venmo if you want to DM me.

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Heads up

Just a heads up boys, girls and enbies,

I am going to look at putting Psyren's Redemption and Fall of Kruhl up on Amazon. So if you'd like to preserve a copy, it would probably be a good idea to nab them before they're gone.

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A Short Hiatus

I'm taking a short writing hiatus, there are a lot of factors but most of it boils down to just taking care of myself and my mental well being. My mother has been creating a lot of drama related to me being trans. In short, she's not taking it well. I thought I might turn her into an ally then come out to my father, but that is looking... unlikely. I plan on coming out to him probably in a few weeks time after directed (mandatory) overtime ends at work.

Hope everyone is well and is having a delicious devious weekend,

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Song of the Dwarf

Song of the Dwarf

Daniela A. Wolfe

A lone traveler in the woods is set upon by bandits, but what happens next will change his life in the most unexpected way.

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And please, remember to comment, too! Thanks. 
This story is 31 words long.

05 - Legacy of Earth: Genesis - Social Butterfly

Apologies for missing a story posting last week, some things were going on in my personal life and I was pretty mopey all last weekend.

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Legacy of Earth: Genesis

Social Butterfly

By Daniela A. Wolfe

As Kayde prepares for her meeting with the Conclave Council, she receives a warning from her uncle.

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Something different this week

I'm going to share something a bit different this morning. A fantasy humor piece resurrecting a character I created close to two decades ago. I hope you enjoy. There is no TG whatsoever.

Song of the Dwarf

Daniela A. Wolfe

A lone traveler in the woods is set up on by bandits, but what happens next will change his life in the most unexpected way.

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04 - Legacy of Earth: Genesis - Can of Worms

Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mother's out there.

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Legacy of Earth: Genesis

Can of Worms

By Daniela A. Wolfe

After going through some of her grandmother's things, Kayde makes some startling discoveries about her past.

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Legacy delay

Editing the latest Legacy chapter is taking longer than I expected. I’ve found a lot of overused words and it’s a pain in the butt eliminating them. I’m hoping to have it up some time Saturday or at the very latest Sunday morning.

Sorry for the inconvenience, I’m going to bed…

Have a deliciously devious night,


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03 - Legacy of Earth: Genesis - Sexual Chemistry (further updated)

It appears when I copied Chapter 3 of Legacy of Earth: Gensis, I copied chapter two instead of three. The mistake has been rectified.

My apologies.

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Legacy of Earth: Genesis

Sexual Chemistry

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Horror-stricken when her face is plastered all over the news, Kayde flees the diner, but when Grey follows her out, she finds the release she's been seeking for so long.

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No Legacy this week

I just wanted to mention here, there will be no Legacy this week. I was unable to complete the editing for this part last night and I'm just too busy today and tomorrow to be able to get any more done.

I hope you all have a deliciously devious day,


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Ten years!

Wow, I just looked on my profile and saw that I've been a member of BCTS for ten years and five days! It's been quite the ride and it seems so very long ago that I first posted Virtually Twusted. I was so early into my journey and it took me so long to come to my senses and accept I'm trans. Look at me now, 6+ months into HRT and still writing.

Much love to you all and have a deliciously devious night,


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02 - Legacy of Earth: Genesis - Ghost from the Past

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Legacy of Earth: Genesis

Ghost from the Past

By Daniela A. Wolfe

After recalling the events following her grandmother's passing, Kayde finds she needs to blow off some steam. Khala is all too happy to oblige.

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01 - Legacy of Earth: Genesis - Bloodborne

Today marks the beginning of Genesis, Part 2 of Legacy of Earth.

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Legacy of Earth: Genesis


By Daniela A. Wolfe

Several weeks after her grandmother's passing, Kayde is still struggling to come to grips with the repercussions.

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15 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Death Spiral

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle through Doppler Press. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Death Spiral

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Things take a turn from bad to worse when Kayde and crew arrive at the orbital defense platform and they must contend with an unexpected threat.

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14 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - A Good Frisking

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Sorry for another late posting, my mother fell last night and I spent the evening checking in on her and helping her out. She's banged up, but I think she should be fine.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

A Good Frisking

By Daniela A. Wolfe

A trip through security hits a snag and Kayde finds herself at the mercy of spaceport security agents.

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An update on coming out

Well, I emailed my coming out letter to my mother's email address, I heard back from my mother and her initial response was pretty hostile and well not exactly ideal. She actually called me back a short time later and apologized, which shocked the hell out of me.

I had intended to tell my father after he got home from work... well... right about now, but I think I'm going to wait. My mothers turnabout seems very encouraging and I think I may be able to turn her into an ally. That'll make coming out to my father much easier. He's a Pro-trump conservative and very transphobic.

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No Legacy this week

So I am sad to say, there will be no Legacy of Earth this weekend. This week I came out to my manager and tomorrow afternoon I plan on coming out to my parents. I just don’t have the energy or desire to get any editing done.

I do apologize and hope you have a delightfuly devious weekend,


P.S. Please wish me luck, I am nervous as hell about telling my parents.

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13 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Leave Well Enough Alone

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Sorry this week's part is a bit late, I've had a busy weekend.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Leave Well Enough Alone

By Daniela A. Wolfe

After her tumultuous day at the conclave, Kayde isolates herself in the Briggs' family estate, but life finds a way to intrude.

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12 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Blast from the Past

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Blast from the Past

By Daniela A. Wolfe

When Khala shows her memories of the fall of the Endeavour, Kayde must witness the death of her mother through her own eyes. What new revelations await her?

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11 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Keeping Council

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Keeping Council

By Daniela A. Wolfe

After finally accepting her fate and allowing Khala to transform her into a woman, Kayde must now meet before the Conclave Council, a prospect which fills her with dread.

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10 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Make a Splash

Just a notice before I get to our regularly scheduled programming. As per this blog, I will be removing Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series, from Bigcloset Topshelf and my website soon. So if you haven't read it and still want to, you may want to get on that.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Make a Splash

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Resigned to his fate, Jek finds his way into the Conclave shower room where his transformation at the hands of Khala will begin.

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09 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Brown Bottle Flu

Another reminder As per this blog, I will be removing Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series, from Bigcloset Topshelf and my website soon. So if you haven't read it and still want to, you may want to make the effort.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Brown Bottle Flu

By Daniela A. Wolfe

When Jek and Tanner awaken from their night at the bar, some things come to light and their relationship is changed forever.

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08 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Just What the Doctor Ordered

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Just What the Doctor Ordered

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Jek makes his first visit to Conclave Headquarters in five years and meets up with an old family friend.

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06|07 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Battleground

Just a notice before I get to our regularly scheduled programming. As per this blog, I will be removing Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series, from Bigcloset Topshelf and my website soon. So if you haven't read it and still want to, you may want to get on that.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright


By Daniela A. Wolfe

When a mysterious ship appears to confront the Valiant, all hell breaks loose.

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05 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Raising Cayne

Just a notice for those who don't already know. As per this blog, I will be removing Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series, from Bigcloset Topshelf and my website soon. So if you haven't read it and still want to, you may want to do that.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Raising Cayne

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Aboard the Valiant, Jek must not only face down Kaya Briggs, but also the headstrong Colonel Cayne. To make matters worse, a new danger lurks on the horizon.

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It Draws Nigh...

So, I don’t have an exact timeline, but soon I’ll be removing Battle for Earth from this and other websites. If you wish to download a copy for yourself, I have no qualms with that, but I hope that you’ll choose to support me when it is released on Kindle. I’ve already asked to have it removed from a certain other website, but only because I cannot directly remove it myself. I have put notices on several organizer pages for the series, the very first serial part, and on my website.

I hope everyone has a deliciously demented day,

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04 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Waiting Games

And we're back to resume Legacy of Earth after our holiday break!

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Waiting Game

By Daniela A. Wolfe

As symbiote and host wait, they begin the unpleasant but necessary task of discussing what lies ahead for Jek as a bonded host.

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Hey, I Made Some Things!

This was originally posted on my website, but I thought I'd share it here too.

Okay, so I've been working on my Ragnarok Rising rewrite, mainly on days where I'm not feeling particularly inspired with Legacy of Earth and yesterday I was just not very productive for writing in general. So, I made the cover art which you can find below.

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Merry Christmas!

This is a slightly modified version of a blog that was posted on my website.

Well, let my just start off by saying, there will not be any Legacy of Earth for the next two weeks, with Christmas and New Years two weekends in a row, I just don't think I'll have the time or desire to edit the next couple parts.


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