
Germain and Marguerite

All of Frances’ theatre group, technicians as well as players, were agreed they should put on a production of her play as their next project when they’d finished putting on the ever popular ‘The Song of Solomon’ and after they’d had a few weeks rest. Helen the senior sound technician had said, “After all that blatant eroticism, the darkness of your work will be a challenging but interesting contrast, Frances. Angela will actually have to do some work next time.”

The last caused considerable laughter because Angela was the female wardrobe mistress, and most of the women and girls had been on stage for most of each performance at best scantily glad and more often wearing just stage make up.


Andrew’s clothes had just about reached the end of their useful existence when he found the four boxes of clothes in front of the bins. The holes in his shoes had been letting water in for some time, his jeans had more holes than material and his shirt was ripped to shreds as a result of a fight over some thrown out food he’d been eating. He’s lost the fight, the food and more significantly a lot of warmth due to his damaged clothing. The boxes of clothing contained items from a charity shop that hadn’t sold. After three months anything still on the racks was dumped to make way for newer stock. After ratching through the boxes all the way to the bottom, twice, he realised they only contained women’s and girls’ clothes. The solitary pair of foot ware in the largest box was a pink pair of girl’s trainers, [sneakers] but they fit him and were watertight. There were no jeans nor trousers of any description in the boxes.

Life had made the young Andrew cynical, and he suspected if they had their hands on him Social Services would naturally return him to his mother simply because it was the most obvious f*** up they could make.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 35 Just Wear a Mask

A good man is like a good malt, to be savoured and enjoyed in the evening and an exceptionally good one well into the early hours, but I reckon I’d be in serious trouble if I ever found myself enjoying either with breakfast.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 34 Harriet’s Steak & Kidney Puddings

“We went in, and answered all the usual questions Covid folk always asked concerning recent health. I noticed a sign on the door that said, ‘These doors are alarmed!’ I couldn’t help myself when I said to the bloke who was going to stab us. ‘Those doors are lucky. They aren’t going to be violated with anti-Covid vaccine. Me, I’m not just alarmed; I’m bloody terrified.’ Another jobsworth with either no sense of humour or no brains or possibly neither.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 33 Shopping

‘Use the best techniques and materials, Son. Old or new, it makes no odds, just stick with the best, but don’t take anyone’s word for anything; try them all for yourself. Smithcraft is the same as everything else, it’s full of charlatans. Make your own mind up.’

The Ends Preceded the Beginnings

It seems strange, even if it’s true, that the ends of our adult lives shall precede their beginnings.

The tragedy of it was it didn’t matter what Nixxi wanted to be, for she already was a girl and she had been since just after conception.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 32 The Bearthwaite Economic & Social Recovery Plan

“I like to tell stories, but mostly the only opportunity I have is to my grandchildren. I was surprised to hear that here is a place where adults gather to tell and listen to stories.”

“Aye well, there’s many a tale telt in here that would not be suitable for children to listen to. You could say some are definitely adult in nature.”

Gladys had heard what Pete had just said and added, “Some are definitely top shelf if not triple x-rated and probably not suitable for the ears of grown women never mind children, but boys will be boys even if they have turned eighty, and it’s a traditional barmaid’s obligation to keep the boys under control.”

Pete grinned and said, “My wife, as you probably gathered. What’s your name stranger? And where do you hail from?”

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 31 Chinglish

Denis asked, “You any idea how lucky you are to have that girl, Pete? That older brother of yours must have been a complete f******g idiot abusing her to the point where living on the streets in Manchester was a better option than living with him. No bloke worthy of being called a man would do that to any kid never mind one of his own, no matter were they trans, nor anything else.”

All the locals and the regular Saturday evening drinkers knew Harriet’s story and she was a popular and well loved young woman. There were nods and sounds of agreement all around the room, before Alf summed it all up by saying, “She’s a sweetie, and my missus says she’ll be a brilliant mum the way she handles kids. Any news on the adoption front yet, Pete?”

Zizzie’s Zex Spectrum Shift.

Zizzie had been born in a body that indicated being a himm. Her medical advisors were of the opinion that as she went through fecundity, a second stage puberty that all the Kemainne folk experienced at about sixteen years of age, her body and face would become those of a femm. Zizzie was of the opinion they were just telling her what they thought she wished to hear and they didn’t really know what would happen.

The Reformation

“I remember Mummy finding me and giving me water to drink when even my muscles were silently screaming from thirst. As I desperately and gratefully gulped the water she asked, ‘What’s your name, Sweetie?’

‘I’m Billie,’ I replied when she took the canteen from me telling me I needed to drink just little sips, but to drink them often till I wasn’t thirsty any more. ‘I’m three and a half and I’m a girl. My birthday is the first of Christmas.’

“ ‘I see,’ she replied. I didn’t know what she meant when she said, ‘You come home with me, and I’ll make sure that you have everything you need, Billie.’ ”

Dmitrianakova the Player

It took even longer for it to be accepted that those rights did not give adults the ownership of their children, for they too had rights. That took away the right of parents to facilitate the practice of genital mutilation in the name of religion, and thankfully involuntary clitoridectomy, circumcision, and ‘correction’ of intersex conditions shortly after birth are now part of a barbaric past that makes all shudder in horror.

A New School for Ruth

Kelvin O’Reilly was a self made multi billionaire though virtually none were aware of his wealth for he didn’t have an opulent lifestyle, drove a thirty-five year old diesel Mercedes 300 because he liked it and was a self professed family man. Ruth was Kelvin’s sixth foster child and he was trying to adopt her.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 30 Yet Again Alf Surprises his Friends

The following Saturday evening in the taproom of the Green dragon the men hadn’t even sat down when Dave asked “I’ve seen the stuff unloaded in the brewery. So did it all go smoothly then, Alf?”

“Apart from Bill scaring the shit out of us by setting Harry alight with a gas axe a couple of times it went okay, Dave.”

Cross Dressing can be a Killer

“To me you seem to be a useless self serving member of the elite whose feet are well and truly on the necks of the oppressed poor. I am no bigot, so I reluctantly admit yes I have loved you for a long time. I say reluctantly because as things stand I find that shameful. You would have to convince me, and I shall give you every opportunity to so do, that you serve some useful purpose to the ordinary folk, or you become a part of my foolish past. A past I shall remember with fondness, but also with embarrassment.”

Nothing Makes Sense to me Any More

I, Georgia, who was born George, am doubtless like all others of my age. I have no problems with anachronisms and old word forms and grammar, but I find difficulty understanding modern speech forms, which I can’t help but regard as illiteracy. I accept that language changes with time, but I don’t like it, and I think poorly of those who use what I can not help but regard as stupidity. So, I’m no different from what older persons have ever been.

The Black Færie

“Oh dear! Where to begin, Child. The problem is most of us are woefully ignorant concerning the world of humans and little better concerning the world of Færie. In order to answer your questions concerning your ancestress the Queen I shall have to tell you much to correct your ignorance. So you shall have to be patient, Granddaughter.


Margaret’s dad asked Shelly a few questions concerning her early life in the orphanage and on the streets. He asked concerning her relationship with Able, and in the end said, “You don’t have a problem. All you need is a solicitor to represent you when you apply to the court for permission to marry. A magistrate can overrule Social Services, but because they currently have custody of you they will have to be informed, and for sure they will be represented by a solicitor.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 29 Yasser Arafat, Slobodan Milosevic, Colonel Gaddafi

I mind playing with my gran’s sewing pins. She was a seamstress and used expensive, thin, steel pins, not the cheaper more common, thicker, iron ones that were used by virtually all women in those days. I’d been playing with them with a magnet and some had become magnetised. She’d complained to my dad, ‘I don’t know what that bairn of yours has put on them, but I’ve even scrubbed them with Ajax powder and still they stick together.’

Fly Free Little Angels

Robert Graham, Robby to his friends, was twelve rising thirteen. His early life had been horrendous. His step father pimped out his mother to buy the drugs they both used, and it would not have been wrong to say Robby had been subject to daily torture. His school friends had been appalled the first time they saw the scars and burns on his body when he was showering after playing football [US soccer].

Words Don’t Come Easy to Me

I’m a ninety-five year old man and my dream since early childhood had always been to be a teenage girl whom a kind, young man fell in love with. He wouldn’t have necessarily been handsome, wealthy or clever, just kind and someone who cared about me. My favourite song has for a long time been ‘Words Don’t Come Easy to Me’ by F. R. David, for it resonates with my soul in ways I have never understood.

Jacqueline and Nicholai

Jacqueline was a nuclear physicist born of a seventh generation Wasp American family. Nicholai was a Russian Orthodox, Siberian quantum physicist who met Jacqueline at an international conference at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore that summer. It was love at first sight with total mutual understanding of their personalities.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 28 Treated Like a Mushroom

Dave said, “I mind scavenging hedges for bottles as a kid. Most had three old pennies return on them, beer bottles and pop bottles were like that, but we thought we’d made a fortune if we found a cider bottle, because they had six old pennies return price on them.

We Recycle Everything.

It was a little unusual for a meeting of going on forty men and a couple of women to be held at a scrapyard, but naytheless they were there at Connaught’s Yard. The incongruously pretty and well dressed woman in four inch heels who opened the meeting was maybe in her early or middle twenties and despite her apparent ease with her anomalous surroundings she looked to be seriously out of place.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 27 I Loved the Old Money

Part of the butcher’s tour was past my two great aunties’ houses on Lords Lane. They were two old widow women who lived in a pair of isolated semis both of whom had lost their husbands in the Great War. As a child I’d heard them described many a time as batting for the other side, but they’d been dead many a year before I realised that referred to them being suspected of being lesbians. Looking back I don’t think that was true. They were just a pair of lonely sisters who’d managed to find a man when they were young and were too old to find another after they lost them to Flanders’ fields. There was so great a shortage of men after the war the competition for them was fierce and they were ten maybe fifteen years too old by then. They treated me wonderfully and it was years before I realised I was the nearest they’d ever come to having a child of their own. It’s enough to make a grown man weep.

A Big Girl & A Bigger Boy - Parts 1 & 2

Jennifer, Jenny as her sisters and friends called her, had been Jerry. She was six foot four and sixteen stone [224 pounds, 102Kg] and had been bullied into a life heavily involved in sport by her school. Though extremely talented at all sport she’d always hated it and had always wanted to dance. After a break down her supportive family had helped her to rebuild her life as a girl. Her new life replaced sport with Scottish Country dancing. This work includes Big Girls do Cry and then the second part picks up her life immediately following her breakdown with I'm Not Crying Now

A Big Girl & A Bigger Boy


Audience Rating: 


Jennifer, Jenny as her sisters and friends called her, had been Jerry. She was six foot four and sixteen stone [224 pounds] and had been bullied into a life heavily involved in sport by her school. Though extremely talented at all sport she’d always hated it and had always wanted to dance. After a break down her supportive family had helped her to rebuild her life as a girl. Her new life replaced sport with Scottish Country dancing.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 26 Bearthwaite Folk to the Core

Kilts always have been expensive, and many a man couldn’t afford one, most of the men I knew when I was a child had inherited theirs. But all the men and the boys too had to be wearing one if they expected to be fed at Granny’s house on a Sunday, even the toddlers too. I mind my youngest brother Graeme wearing one when he was still in nappies [US diapers] and so young my Mum was still nursing him.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 23 Gladys Takes a Turn

You know Enid Alan’s first wife died young. Veronica met him when she was eighteen and he’d four kids. Eventually she had another four. But the funniest thing she telt me was the first time she tried her hand at pastry making which wasn’t long after they’d wed, Alan’s six year old telt her, ‘This pastry tastes like sellotape smells, Mum’

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 22 The Bridge is Out

“And?” Asked Sasha in a tone of voice that demanded the truth and all of it. “And what do you mean by he changed after leaving home?”

“He says he’s trans and goes by the name of Harriet. I suspect that’s why Bert treated him so badly. He never was much of a lad and as a boy he was a natural victim just waiting to be picked on. When he telt me he was trans it all kind of made sense. He seems to be doing all right. He says he doesn’t get bullied now he’s living as a girl and he is much happier. He’s waiting on doing silver service in a big hotel in Didsbury as a waitress.”

“Bollocks! You need to start understanding how these sorts of things work, Pete. Her name is Harriet, and your niece is a waitress. Start thinking Harriet, female, she, her, hers and all that goes with that, and just forget everything before that. There is no Alex. Get her up here. Is that going to cause any problems between you and Gladys? Or do I have to have a word with her, Pete?”

“No. Gladys knows about Alex and is sympathetic.” Pete paused and after a few seconds, during which Sasha could see Pete was making efforts to change his thinking, he continued “I think she’d have asked Harriet to come up here a while back, but she was bothered about how I would cope.”

“You’re supposed to be a man, so you’ll stiffen your spine, and behave, act and cope like a man. Which means if necessary you’ll tell those who cause Harriet problems to fuck off and drink somewhere else. Write to her, Pete. Get her up here to speak to me and we’ll go from there. Send her enough to cover the train fare and be generous.”

A Good Man

Bethan now a pretty girl of fifteen had been looked after by Doc Vitlow who’d prescribed the necessary medications, and they were talking about her surgeries which were planned for the medium term future at the city hospital under the care of Mistress Gardener her gender consultant. More importantly to Bethan she’d recently become on kissing terms with Joey Fairbarnes who was eighteen and the son of a nearby farming neighbour who was understanding of her situation.

Not a New Anywhere

Jame’s changes included improved health and longevity for all, a greater sense of responsibility regarding managing population and ecological responsibility. Greenhouse gas emissions plummeted, re-afforestation occurred at an ever increasing pace and global warming had been reversed. Within a hundred and fifty years, with the exception of St. Helena, Terra had taken over all of Earth because the scum had all died. Most had been killed by each other, some had died from cold or starvation and a few had been eaten by other predators who had been increasing in numbers as the pressure from humans on their environment had disappeared.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 21 Behind the Blackout

“Perhaps my best con was on Belinda. I telt her there was a song from the sixties with the lyrics ‘Lie down girl let me push it up push it up lie down.’ She absolutely refused to believe it. I kept that one going for thirty years. It was only when one of her mates said, ‘I remember that,’ that my ‘con’ was busted.”

A Decent Woman

Her opening question completely phased me. “Do you love me, Nick?”

I immediately replied a little testily, “Of course I do. I wouldn’t have asked you to marry me if I didn’t.”

Her second question didn’t phase me anywhere near as much as her first. “I’m trans. Do you still love me?”

It took me a few seconds to respond because I didn’t want to be insensitive, but whatever she was she was still the girl who’d set my heart racing when I’d had my hands on her butt with her breasts pressed to my chest to prevent her fall. “Yes I still love you, and I still want to marry you, but what is going on?”

The High Chair

The child nodded and removed the shift to stand naked other than the sandals in front of the women. There it was, the immature prod and sack of masculinity possibly giving the statement the lie.

The child completely unbothered by what the women could see but seemingly worried by her previous statement being possibly refuted reiterated. “I am a girl and I seek admission to this House. My name is Rebecca and I have said the required words. You can not turn me away without breaking the oath of this House to accept all girls.”


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