Gwen Brenner

Posting New Chapters

I am not sure if I did this right and it needs to be corrected before I post my next chapter if I did it wrong. I just posted chapter 2 of my story, The Lesson Learned. To post the chapter I added it as a child page to the first chapter. Was that the correct way to do it? Or is there another way to link them that I haven't figured out yet?

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The Lesson Learned 2 - Getting Ready

Mark woke up to the sun shining through his window. He had the weirdest feeling that he had had a dream last night but for the life of him couldn't remember what it was about. There was a knock on the door and his mom called through the door. "Martha it's time to wake up and get ready for school."

Service Temporarily Unavailable

I have been having an issue with the BC site that I have never had before yet it's been going on for the past couple of hours. I will go to a new page or to submit a message or edit my story and I will get a "service temporarily unavailable" page stating that there is either a maintenance or the server is full. Is it just me or is everybody getting this? it seems to last for 2 or 3 minutes and then lets me back in again.

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The Lesson Learned

"What you send forth comes back to thee, so ever mind the law of three. A lesson to be learned, once learned you will be free. Another point of view is what you must see."

These words will change Marks life forever, for better or for worse is yet to be seen.


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