
Fox Friend Book

I'm pulled out of my slumber by the incessant droning of an alarm and groan. I am finally able to open my eyes. Rolling over to look over the edge of my bed, with a groan I get out of bed. Then of course my feet touch the cold concrete floor of my room. Making me groan again, it's just awful to wake up needing to go to the bathroom but between your warm bed and the cold porcelain throne. Nothing to keep your feet warm with the ice cold ceramic tiles for the bathroom floor and the concrete floor that is probably only a degree warmer but it's still too damn cold.

Fox Friend

This is a teaser to you, and a test of the waters for me. I am working hard to get to a point where I can give it to you to read. I should have the first chapter up within the month, I know that that kind of wait is a lot to ask you to hold onto this with the hope that you will get to see it soon.

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