Maid Joy

Catch-as-Cat Can

Catch-as-Cat Can


By Maid Joy

A thesis on metahuman abilites lands the author in trouble with the Green Lantern Corps. When thinking up a way to copy metahuman abilities can have a lot of long reaching consequences, who caves and who stands righteously?


Author's Note: A Retroactive Continuity, or Retcon if you will, is the altering of previously known facts in order for the universe to conform to new story lines. This is mine. The first attempt to write in this universe, this is allied with Lilith Langtree's series. This is a retcon of the story of Catwoman and her origins. Detective Comics owns the character of Catwoman, and Lilith owns the copyright to American Dream and Jade of the Green Lantern Corps. The pic credit is J. Scott Campbell.

An interesting group of Christians

I know that it seems the GLB community would really love to lose the T section completely, but I saw this posted on Twitter, and I thought that it was a really telling reversal in one Christian group's attitudes toward the "alternative sexualities".

Had me a bit sniffly at the end. Maybe it is a foreshadow of things to come?

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Well, I've changed my mind now.

I am going to pursue transitioning to female full time.

I've started talking to my therapists and I'm going to talk to some people about getting on hormones, I'm going to have to see if there are options that low income people have access to with those so I can continue on this journey.

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Samantha's Story part 10

Have I said how much I love Mom and Pastor Porter lately? There is no way I can say it enough. They have taken a relative stranger into their lives, and home. Most especially they make me feel welcome. They never seem to regret the decision because they took me into their hearts first. I feel closer to them that I have ever felt with any other human beings.

Sitting here, thinking about all of their love and care, everything they have done to help me, my eyes tear up and I get a huge lump in my throat.

Samantha's Story part 10

By Maid Joy

I need your advice

I would like to tap the collective experience of the community here.

I'm considering going on hormones.

Now, I'm 42, overweight, diabetic, high blood pressure, and I have a wife and daughter (both of whom are fine with this).

I am totally ignorant on this, so I would like to hear from you all.


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Maid to be a Man?


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Finally free of Grandma, Gerome begins the adventure of a lifetime. Will reality match his dreams? As day to day reality comes home to Mia, will she be able to continue to be two people at one time?
Maid to be a Man?
By Maid Joy
Picture credit to "Emma, a Victorian Romance"

Samantha's Story part 9

"A better question, young lady, might be what are you doing in my son's apartment?"

With my mouth gaping wide, my brain seemed frozen, only able to focus on the minutia of the cataclysm about to unfold. I couldn't believe that he didn't recognize me. Apparently he didn't realize I was Sam.

Samantha's Story part 9

By Maid Joy

Samantha's Story part 8

The exercise in creating a back story for 'Samantha' was a real stretch for her creative abilities. Most things she grew up with could be tweaked to a girl's perspective, but some things just couldn't. Writing birthday parties she wore a dress to instead of pants and t-shirt she had been in was an interesting exercise in fantasy.

The journal of Samantha's life became something of an obsession. She found herself thinking about scenes from her life as a girl, skinned knees, climbing through drainage pipes as though they were a super-secret tunnel with friends, and all the other normal activities of a child. The thoughts constantly revolved in her mind, no matter where she was or what she was doing. She kept finding her mind drifting to real memories and more and more found it easy to see the same scene as a girl. She even invented tea parties and dance classes that she never attended.

Samantha's Story part 8

By Maid Joy

Rumors of my death...

... have been greatly exaggerated.

I'm sorry I have not been here. I have not been anywhere for some time. My life in short:

1) I got sick.
2) My wife got sick too and had to go to the hospital for it.
3) I got a short term assignment and it was at night
4) I got another short term assignment as (get this) a secretary.
5) I started a process of redoing my entire *other* site, the religious one, into Wordpress from the static site it was.
6) I got sick again.

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Just did a search and couldn't find my site on Google. It only came up with my site when I put in very specific keywords that I knew couldn't be in any other combination on other websites. But things like "Transgender fiction" didn't list me in the first three hundred returns. Same for "transsexual fiction", "transgender stories", "transsexual stories" and then combinations of stories with only story.


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Samantha's Story part 7

Just how gullible were most people? I had been coming to class as a boy nearly my entire freshman year, but when I decided to start wearing female clothes, and apparently everyone thought I was a grunge-babe who decided to start dressing nicer.
Samantha's Story part 7

By Maid Joy

Making History

(( A bit of explanation, this was a submission for a contest in which the winning story would be recorded in an MP3 format. So it has to be written in narrative format. I offer it with no further commentary. -- Maid Joy ))

Making History

"Here, sit down in this chair. I promise you it won't hurt too much.

"Yes, there is going to be some pain, but you have to suffer for beauty, as they say.

"First things first, your hair. Lean back and settle your head in the sink. What do you think of this scent? Like it? You obviously take care of your hair, and that's rare for most people these days.

Samantha's Story Part 6

Samantha had a routine now. She would get up in the morning, put on light makeup, do her general grooming and get dressed in her he-self's clothes for school. Sometimes she would substitute some of the girl's jeans for the boy's stuff figuring that no one would notice.

Samantha's Story Part 6
By Maid Joy


Sorry to have been missing, but our Internet was shut off on Sunday, and things have been too busy to get it turned back on (plus money concerns). Will post when I have the chance, but I wanted you to know that I'm not dead, just MIA for a while.

It will take me time to get back to you if you PM or email me, but I will answer. That's what I'm going to do most of today.

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The Waitress

The Waitress
By Maid Joy

For ten years, I had been going to the same cafe for lunch. I ordered the same thing, served the same way all the time. Occasionally I had changed my routine a little and gotten something else, or eaten there on the weekend, but most times it was the same old same thing every day.

Today the cafe burned to the ground.

Samantha's Story part 5

I don’t know how many people come home with a brand new wardrobe after only a few hours of being out, but I ran into a problem that was new for me. I ran out of space in my single tiny closet.
Samantha's Story part 5

By Maid Joy

Sissy's Saga part 17

Another Chance part 17

By Maid Joy

I thought I had it made. Teach a class in self-defense and that’s it. It was easy money and no worries no more feeling guilty no more sponging off of Karen.

Three weeks after I started work at the shelter, I knew I was close to losing my job. I had one person take the class, and while she loved it and was effusive in her praise, no one else seemed willing to try me out.

I pitched in around the center, filing and doing paperwork, putting my administrative skills to work for them, just so I felt I was earning my paycheck, but it wasn’t enough. I knew the axe would fall soon.

Samantha's Story part 4

All day I had been looking forward to the clothing drive. It was another one of those times when you anticipate something so long that just thinking about it makes your heart beat faster.
Samantha's Story part 4

By Maid Joy

Sissy’s New Life -- Part 16

Sissy’s New Life -- Part 16

By Maid Joy

It had been two months of hell. Well, hell when I wasn’t at home with Karen. She and I were growing closer in a way I had never been with a woman before. She wanted me in bed with her, and I had been resisting.

Most people would have smacked me and called me absolutely stupid to turn her down, but I didn’t want sex spoiling what we had.

What did we have you might ask. In my opinion we had a very good, and I mean very good, friendship. Not “friends with benefits”, but two people who meshed in just about every way possible. We had similar interests, we liked the same type of music, we read similar books and enjoyed going out to most of the same places. Neither of us liked porn very much (no plots), but erotica turned us both on.

Topsy Turvey

May Day Entry

Topsy Turvey
Maid Joy

The High Priest stepped up to the microphone.

"Everyone, please listen up. The Beltane ritual tonight is going to be a bit different. Normally as you know the females are the receptors and the males are the givers in the Great Rite, but this time we are going to reverse it. Tonight, the High Priestess is going to hold the Athame, and I'm going to hold the Chalice.

"Further, the decoration of the Phallus," there was some slight chuckling from the audience, "is also going to be reversed. The men will be going sunwise, and the women anti-sunwise. The steps are the same, but it is going to take some concentration to keep your mind on the parts.

"Other than that the ritual is exactly the same. Thank you."

Samantha's Story part 3

The next few days were drab and depressing. Those few hours I spent at the church and with Millie would be treasured forever. Each time I looked in my closet and saw the dress, I felt some part of me expand just a bit.
Samantha's Story part 3

By Maid Joy

Samantha's Story part 2

I was silent with shock for a bit. Millie didn't say anything, much to her credit.

"How did you know?" I asked in a quiet voice.

Her lips compressed in sympathy. "A lot of little things. Your brows aren't shaped right, your hair is too short for the style you have it in, and the dress, while it is certainly beautiful, is more appropriate for an Advent service than an Easter one." She looked at me sympathetically. "I'm guessing that you've never actually done this before, just read and learned what you could on your own?"

Samantha's Story part 2

By Maid Joy

Name change

Okay, then given the content and the responses from my last blog post, would it really screw things up if I re-wrote the story and changed Sissy and Mistress' names to something else? I think I can do it without messing the continuity of the stories up at all. Just a name shift.

Note, I'm not changing MY name. I earned the title "Maid" from my wife, and I'm very proud of that.

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Sissy’s First Steps -- Part 15

Sissy’s First Steps -- Part 15

By Maid Joy

Mistress was wonderful to me. She tried so hard to make sure I wasn’t alone and that I was taken care of. We were in an odd place since I was trying to do the same thing for her. When comparing losing a job to being attacked the latter won out in my mind. Apparently in Mistress’ mind, the former was the victor.

I gave her the whole story as I could. It took me a couple days to get my brain together enough to be coherent. I wasn’t myself totally and so I probably missed a lot of her reaction to the story, but at that moment I was a bit too depressed.

Sissy Reborn -- Part 14

Sissy Reborn — Part 14

By Maid Joy

I’ve fought through pain. Once on a mission, I landed on a rooftop, right near the edge, it collapsed under the impact of my touchdown and I fell another two stories without my chute and broke my ankle. I had to get up and keep going as I was one four people on the mission, duty and adrenaline carried me through to pick up.

I learned that day that physical pain is easy.


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