
From russia with love - part 1

From russia with love - part one

by Misrah

I walk down the hallway. My boots give of muffled noises on the this carpet with it's ridiculoussly old fashioned golden braids. I wear the black boots of a russian commander. No immitation. The real thing. Just to mention. Let's just say he won't need them no more anyway. As well as the rest of his uniform. The great grandparents on my mothers side of the family had been ukrainians, so thanks to them, even my looks match the role I'm playing right know.

The secret of the lamp

The secret of the lamp

by Misrah

Hank picked up the rusty saber. "This comes right in time." They had to act quickly and skilled if they wanted to get this ugly big harem guard down for good. "Try to get behind him." he yelled over to his friend Jules, while he had a hard time fighting of the first massive strike of the ogre's huge war hammer.

A jinxed night on halloween

A jinxed night on halloween

by Misrah

"Eh, man this was one hell of a party!" Stan laughed and raised his beer can into the night sky.

"Word, man!"Alex answered. "Just too bad we were not invited. But I think we've given the event a little touch of Sigma Sigma Alpha I'd say! And we're up for more!"

"Yeah!" his friends loudly bawled out their agreement. They didn't even care that it was raining a bit. The alcohol in their blood kept them warm.


The story of Ayad - Libya 2011

The story of Ayad

by Misrah

Ayad had never been someone who really fitted in. He had not been not as muscular or manly as most of the guys in school. It actually had been a relieve to him when the gouvernment some years ago had cancelled sports-lessons because of the costs.

In the wrong corner

This is it! This is the ultimate, the FINAL challenge. The one I have to solve to prove myself that I can overcome myself. That I beat myself through beating others. They have taught me all my live that this is the ultimate way that men behave like, through which they success. I want to be respected. And that's what I am right now.

Out of the closet

I had my coming out a few days ago. First I told my mother. Surprisingly she took it in the best way I could have imagined. She was so supportive and I'm so happy about this.

I also told my colleagues at work. Many people are giving me bad names now and offend me, but I don't care anymore. I feel alive. At last somethings goin' forward again in my live. Let them all hate and talk about me, it doesn't matter. I don't give a darn anymore.

I still have some big 'hurdles' in my way like talking to my brother about it. That's the one I'm most afraid of.


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Funny and interesting stuff from the www

Funny and interesting stuff from the www

Hey, guys and guls. This is some fun-stuff from the web. If you don't like it, kiss my shiny metal ass - If you like it: You're welcome. Feel free to also post your own favourite stuff from the net in this threat.

Pocahontas, Colors of the wind - The stoner edition

Donatello gets screwed

Vader and JaJa


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

The Metro-incident

The Metro-incident

by Misrah

Missy was heavily breathing while she ran through the barely lighted corridors of the metro station as fast as she could. She stumbled around the corner, nearly tripped.

"Over there! Just got around the corner over there!"

The voice she heard was filled with hatred. They were hunting her. But why, lord why?

Chris and the red feather

Chris and the red feather

by Misrah

"Dear lord help me, I beg you!" Chris had felt terrible about not beeing able to resist to his fantasies any longer. He had dreamed about beeing a woman again and in his sleep he had jerked of. He was all ashamed and desperate.
Six months! SIX MONTH he had managed to avoid thinking about sexual things completely! And now that...

He tried eagerly but he seemed unable to get the images of that dream out of his head.

Agent Orange - Chapter 3

Agent Orange - Chapter 3

by Misrah

"Here. Take my hand." The Sarge smiled at him thankfully and took the hand Jake offered him to make the huge step over the rocks. Jake pulled his comrade over; it was surprisingly easy. The man seemed to weigh almost nothing. The only problem the young soldier had to face was getting a good grip on Sarge’s hand because the sleeves of the man's uniform seemed to hang loosely and several inches over his hands.

Agent Orange - Chapter 2

Agent Orange - Chapter 2

by Misrah

When 'Rabbit' awakened hours later, he needed a moment to remember what had happended. But it soon came back to him. - They were dead... Hawkins, Briel... All of them...

But he heard the Searge breathing besides him. So, thanks to god, he was not completely left alone in this hopeless situation, this green hell.

"Searge?" the young soldier whispered. "Searge." He shook the man's shoulder.

Agent Orange - Chapter 1

Agent Orange - Chapter 1

by Misrah

"Ban det tu Viet Cong?!" The Seargent held the end of his riffle directly into the face of the young vietnamese women. The smell of burning flesh was filling the place. They had set the whole village on fire, as the Searge had commanded. That's just how the military works. If you get an order, you carry it out without questioning. No matter what...

Till the lamps go out...

'Till the lamps go out...

by Misrah

"Drink, drink, drink!" I tried my best but after some seconds I had to push the tube away from my mouth. I coughed and wiped my mouth with my arm. Some beer was spilling on the floor while I joined the laughter of the others.

"Eh, Marc. Your planing on making my birthday my death-day, aren't you?!" I gasped with a grin.

"Eh, dude! It's your twentieth, man! That's gotta be celebrated!"

The accidental change - Chapter 2

-The accidental change-

Chapter 2: "Decisions"

I sat on my bed, while I was thinking through my whole weird situation. Finally all the tranquilizers they'd pumped up my veins last night finally slowly wore off, but still remained active enough to not let me completely freak out again.

The accidental change - Chapter 1

-The accidental change-

Chapter 1: 'Light-headedness can be a real bitch'

"The boys are back in town! ..." The stereo was set on max-level, as our car roared down the road. Free path. That would be cause it was saturday and most far out of town, so we had the street nearly to ourselves. And my buddy Mike welcomed tjis as a chance to drive his new car up to full throttle. "Yeah, dudes! This is the shit!" he yelled over to us against the loud music.

Die Sagen von Misrah 6 - "Man's best friend" (german)

Die Sagen von Misrah 6 - "Man's best friend"

by Misrah

Der Hunger schien sich durch seinen Bauch zu fressen. - Fressen... Ja, fressen wollte er, muáŸte er. Egal was. Er fá¼hlte bereits wie seine Krá¤fte allmá¤hlich schwanden und der ihm von der Natur mitgegebene Instinkt sagte ihm, dass das keineswegs etwas Gutes war. Nicht dass er wirklich verstanden oder gewuáŸt há¤tte warum, aber es fá¼hlte sich nicht gut an. Hunger fá¼hlte sich schlecht an mahnte ihn, trieb ihn und verlangte behoben zu werden.

Die Sagen von Misrah 5 - "Kiss 'em, they're irish" (german)

Die Sagen des Misrah 5- "Kiss 'em, they're irish"

by Misrah

Die Wanderschaft auf war schon eine beschwerliche Sache, dachte Misrah bei sich. Aber so wollt's die Satzung eben. "Auf Schusters Rappen" hatt' es da geheiáŸen und so hielt er's eben Wohl oder áœbel auch damit. Es galt die Tradition und Sitten ihres Handwerks hochzuhalten, ganz abgesehen davon das wohl nur der Deibel wissen mochte ob nicht sein Meister aus der Ferne ab und an auch ein Auge auf sein Tun haben mochte.

Die Sagen von Misrah 4 - "Reise, reise..." (german)

Die Sagen von Misrah - "Reise, reise..."
The tales of Misrah - "Reise, reise..."


by Misrah

"ICH VERLANGE, DASS SIE MIR SOFORT IHRE LIZENZ ZEIGEN! HABEN SIE MICH GEHá–RT?!" Das aufgedunsene Gesicht von Larry Ramirez war zornesrot, wá¤hrend er den jungen Mann auf der anderen Seite der eichenen Verkaufstheke anbrá¼llte.

Der lie០sich jedoch nicht weiter aus der Fassung bringen sondern erhob sich fast betont langsam aus seinem abgewrackten, knarzenden Drehstuhl.

Die Sagen von Misrah 2 - "Der Kreislauf des Lebens" (german)

Die Sagen von Misrah - "Der Kreislauf des Lebens"
The tales of Misrah - "The circle of Life"


by Misrah

Der junge Zauberer, der sich mit seinem Rucksack in einer Ecke des Airports abwartend niedergelaáŸen hatte, hob aufmerkend den Kopf als er já¤h aus seinem Nachsinnen geriáŸen wurde als die wohlklingende Stimme einer Frau á¼ber das Lautsprechersystem den nahen Start seines Fluges anká¼ndigte. "Ladies and gentlemen, the passengers of the flight number 235 to Dublin, Ireland, please may come to..."

The Tales of Misrah - Tale 3: "A furry tail"

Spells R us - The tales of Misrah, the apprentice
Tale III: "A furry tail"

by Misrah

"...and then guys, and I'm telling you the truth I swear to god, I bended her of that table and so fucked the shit out of her." The whole crowd of his friends was laughing their hearts out, as Ryan was mimikring the act he just described, while waving his bottle of beer like a lasso above his head.

The Tales of Misrah - Tale 2: "F***in' weird"

Spells R Us - The Tales Of Misrah, the apprentice
Tale II: F***in' weird

By Misrah

Synopsis: When two enters the SRU Magic Shop, they meet the Wizard's new Apprentice who has a bit of fun at their expense.

Brian was still talking about one of his endless plans of attracting some chick he had a crush on at the moment at school. He was always planning and talking about how, and also how many chicks he "was about to lay".

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