Rachel Anne

Looking for a story

I looking for a story. Here is what I remember about it.

The story involves superheros/mutants.
The main charactor is a mutant with what he considers a minimal power.
His power is to taste/read any DNA around him.
His granddaughter is in a coma (accident?)
He becomes a female to rebirth his granddaughter.

I would appreciate any help in finding this story.

Thank you,


Looking for a story

I'm looking for a story I read a couple of years back.
The plot goes: A man is looking for a job. He notices an advertisement on the side of a building he never noticed before. He goes in and is told to go for his interview he walks down the corridor for a long time. The story goes from there he is changed to a female, life-sucking aliens, spacecraft, ect.



Ever had the one niggling little thought, you know what I mean. It's always something that makes you cringe because it's not something you would ever act on and you really wish it would just go away and leave you alone.

Mine is a real party animal and is constantly inviting all it's little friends over for a beer bust. Damn I wish they would all find someone else to torment.

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I find it odd that an Ice cold bitch who doesn't love anyone except herself like my mother can be considered a woman when a person like me can not.

I have never wanted to hurt anyone and am quite willing to leave the place I am if I feel I am making someone uncomfortable with my presence, yet I'm the one considered the less than human freak?

Could someone please explain this to me?

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My biggest problem with this life is that I have to deal with Mirrors.

Mirrors are purported to show the real you.

Unfortunately I have never been able to look into any mirror and see myself. I see some fictional Male that everyone tells me happens to be who I am. I however have always known that mirrors are terrible liers. My one wish is that before I die I could see my real self in a mirror just one time.

I really do not think that is asking for too much.

Do you?

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Yo friendly story finders I need some assistance

The story I'm trying to find basically goes like this:

undercover detective type about a TG that is living in a railroad shack on a trestle when he finds a bunch of suitcases and personal effects from a murdered woman then takes her place to solve her murder, she was an insurance co. investigator, looking into a bunch of deaths that end up being caused by a funeral home wacko and his crazy Post-op bitch that are running a sex club and killing people to make snuff films of the murders

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Rachel Anne

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A Fabulists Tale

A Fabulists Tale

By Rachel Anne

Edited by Holly Logan


Now where do I start? Well they say that the beginning is always a good place, so here goes. I have always been a storyteller but lately everything has changed. It seems that my tall tales aren't so tall as I always thought, at least they aren't after I tell them, that is.

Confusing? You don't know the half of it, but I'll try to explain as best as I can. I first noticed that things weren't as I had been taught when I wrote a story about the SRU Wizard. You know your standard SRU fare about MtF transformation, except this one was about me. This is how the story went.

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