Saliaven Chronotis

The Unplanned Adventures Part N/A - Unwise Conjugation

Unwise Conjugation
A vignette in the UG series which may or may not have ever happened.

By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader: The events of the next story will show that this short (which was de-canoned even as I thought of it) could not occur before at least two years from the one previous to it. Much like Unexpected Good's epilogue, this is more of a vague possibility than anything else. For reference, the two following images which don't belong to me were the catalyst if not inspiration for this story:

The Unplanned Adventures Part 4 - Uncertain Collaboration

Uncertain Collaboration

By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader: Things go in the predictable manner and we have our heroes making good on their previous decision. Not much else to say except that I've recently been told I ought to use paragraphs, and I can reveal that in two more sections, I'll post the PDF, which has all these problems that my poor understanding of HTML (would you believe I moonlight as a pro web designer?) cannot fix, like indentation and the abysmal leading you get on these things.

The Unplanned Adventures Part 3 - Unlikely Convergence

Unlikely Convergence
By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader: To describe much of anything about the story's content would be removing what little suspense I can manage to create. Instead, I'll admit to being somewhat influenced by Daria in the previous story and influenced a good bit more for this one and the ones that come after. The only reason why most of my own high school experience was not drawn from is because I'm afraid you'd never believe me unless you've actually seen the inside of the school I went to.

The Unplanned Adventures Part 2 - Unintended Grace

Unintended Grace
By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader:
This is where the main series really began. The TG elements get stronger as everything continues, as does the cumulative strangeness of the entire situation. Here we see Mike at age 15 and well into the 2030s going to his first con and meeting one of the main characters for the rest of the series.
Chapter 1:
Getting Out the Door


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