
Sorry, again, no Haida's Travels update this week

Sorry for not being able to post a new chapter to Haida's travels this week. RL stuff has gotten in the way and I haven't had any time to sit down and write another chapter/part.

That aside, I am curious if everyone likes these bite-size parts as they come out. Or would everyone rather they be longer? Is there anything else that anyone would rather I do different than how its come out so far?

Please let me know.

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Sorry, no Haida's Travels update this week...

Sorry to those expecting an update to my fanfic but it seems a story idea came to mind for the abduction contest. Haida's Travels will resume next week at the latest on the same day. I can't give any more promise beyond that due to real life things going on right now. I only had enough time for either an entry for my fanfic and miss the contest deadline or get the story idea written down while it's still fresh.

Again, I apologize to those expecting the original update for Haida's Travels today.

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Haida's Travels, an Arpeggio Blue Steel fanfic, part 1

Haida returns home after completing a mission. Though some one may be with her...

I have deliberately held off on posting the tg themes so to as avoid spoilers. They will be added later retroactively when it comes up in the story. This will be an ongoing adventure series written in short chapters, barring need for plot.

A Mouthful of Troubles

A high powered office executive gets found out for sexually abusing his female coworkers via abuse of position, rather than go to jail, he chooses an unusual job reassignment.

Warning: contains multiple explicit sexual scenes in combination to bizarre body modifications.

Audience rating may increase if required.

This story can be considered in the same "universe" as my stories "Submission" and "My Left Eye is Sexy!"

I am in a mental shock and anguish right now.

For nearly the past month, my cat had been very sick. He had lost too much weight too fast. This past tuesday I made the decision, after his recent treatment wasn't working, to change his follow-up check up to something that I never wanted but had to so he wouldn't have to suffer. Throughout this past week he seemed to sense that I was very upset about something and did his best to stay by my side despite how weak he became.


What Emma thinks

A posh young woman of high station has certain... fantasies while waiting in the check-out line.

Ratings and cautions are for safety.

Author's note: This story might be "half-baked" due in part to me having written it during a heatwave. I'll most certainly come back later to iron out the kinks as the saying goes.

Need some really good vibes right now...

I had a relatively ok start to today but then something happened, which I'm not going to go into, which left me feeling off and unsettled that lead to the coup de grace as it were and now I feel like the world is coming down on me and I feel like I'm not worth it.

I normally wouldn't bring this up but right now, I really need to hear a friendly word or two.

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This story has been reposted from my "Double short-story collection". Reviews from original post included.

At the time I wrote this, I was dealing with some very dark thoughts, so this story was my effort to exorcise them.

Caution: this story contains triggers for those with depression. Also, while bizarre, contains a form of suicide.

A quick question on deleting stories...

I'm having trouble finding out how to delete my stories from the site here. I've already figured out how to delete blog posts easily enough but deleting the story post eludes me. I'm trying to delete the double short-story collection entries so I can repost the stories individually but I can't find the option to. Would anyone be able to help me? Thanks in advance.

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What should I do?

I've been busy (slowly) writing a story and with real life but I promise that I will indeed write the next chapter in Neko Necro and the follow up sequel to Soap. But in the meantime I was wondering if I should separate the stories in my double short story collection. Since it would affect you readers, I thought the decision to should be left up to you. Would it be easier separating them into their own posts so you can read the story you want without having to scroll past the one you don't? Or is it fine as is and continue this with other short stories in the future.

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Use it or lose it

I think the title does a fairly good job summarising the story. Caution, this story does contain sexual scenes.

A further note: this micro mini story was posted by itself instead of in a double-short story collection at the request of a reader. I'm not sure I'll break up the double-short story collections into their own postings but let me know what you all think. I will at least post the story titles in the summary for each entry.

Please enjoy this one.



Audience Rating: 


Compared to his teammates, he was rather embarrassed on how he developed his powers. He didn't get hit with radiation or took some kind of chemical. He wasn't part of a super soldier program and he wasn't brilliant creating awesome technology. And he certainly didn't develop powers through surviving any tragic event. No, he developed powers through a small act of kindness.



Delays to Dragonfly

I'm just letting everyone know that there may/will be some delays to the updates for my fanfic "Dragonfly". The third part will be posted on time Thursday as I planned it but I can't say for any certainty that I will be able to keep to that schedule. I've been bogged down with work which ate away at bumper I tried making and I have also been dealing with some depression that started creeping up on me again which really saps my creativity and desire to write.

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Cat on the lap

Another very short story that just popped in my head. It doesn't really have a plot and the morale is pretty thin, and there's no explanation as to why it could happen. Just don't bother someone when they're busy unless it's actually important.

Caution: some slight descriptiveness of genitalia. Story rating is for safety but otherwise ok.


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