Suzie Dalkin

Mesmer-eyes (part 3 of 3)


The story so far: Joe was sharing a flat with two beauty consultants who had given him a makeover because of his dazzling eyes. As a result he had been dressed as a girl and taken to a nightclub where the three had met three brothers. They got on so well that they all met up again the next day and had an enjoyable afternoon out...

Dear Molly (part 2 of 2)

Dear Molly header

A story of Agony Aunts ...and an Agony Uncle (part 2)

[The first part of "Dear Molly" was a complete story which moved forward thirty years at the end, but comments from more than one reader made me realise that it might be fun to explore those intervening years, and find out whether Emma's public appearances were really over as she had said.]


My name is Yves Thomas. That’s Yves, as in Yves Saint Laurent and Yves Montand, who were famous Frenchmen of the 1950s and 60s, or so my parents tell me.

Apparently neither of those two, unlike my parents, was actually born in France so that makes three of us. My surname might seem typically British but it’s possibly even more common in France.

A Resolution - of Sorts

December 28

It was three days after Christmas. I’d sent all the thank-you letters and finished all the left-overs. So now I could relax for a few days before the New Year’s Eve binge with my drinking mates.

And that thought set me thinking about the New Year and, for some odd reason, New Year resolutions, things I’ve never really given any consideration to, but perhaps I should. So for the first time, I did, doing a rapid assessment of how my life was going. Were there any facets of it that could do with improvement?

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