Terry Volkirch

Unofficial Story Reference for BC-V1 Nominations

Please consider using my "Terry Awards" as a reference for stories. The awards include links to all of the listed stories so you can refresh your memory. You can find a link to the awards on the author's page for Terry Volkirch (that's me!) or just try the link below.

Here's the link to my awards page:


- Terry

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The Illusion of Being

The Illusion of Being

by Terry Volkirch

Hear me well. This is a story within a story, with a little superhero action and a little romance wrapped in a warm blanket of dreams. Nothing really deep. Nothing to trip the tongue or mind. Just a story to file away in your heart. Something to think about during one of those rare idle moments that pop up in this far too busy modern era.

The world reeks of illusion. Live it. Love it. Die happy and fulfilled.

I'd like to thank Puddin' for her editing. Once again, she helped me make this a much better story.

NOTE: Comments have been blocked but kudos and private messages are welcome.


Audience Rating: 



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Character Age: 

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Body and Soul

Are readers afraid of my story because I label it as horror? It really is mild horror, and it's only really at the beginning of the story. I should add the "Sweet/Sentimental" story tag because it's made a few readers cry.

There is no violence or gore in my story. It's just a little scary with a ghost visit at the beginning. I wish more people would give it a chance.

- Terry

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Body and Soul

Body and Soul

by Terry Volkirch

A chronically ill boy is visited by the ghost of his cousin who offers him a new chance at life. He just needs to learn how to appreciate the very special gift that he's given.

Authors note: This is mild horror with a happy ending. The story gets less and less horrific as it goes on and if you can make it through the opening scene, I think you'll like the story.

Acknowledgment: Many thanks go out to Puddin' for her wise and wonderful editing of this story. She helped me expand my story from an anemic version of five thousand words to this much better version that tops out at a little over sixteen thousand words.

2009 Terry Awards - Serials and Solos

I created the Terry Awards to celebrate past stories. Older stories are too easily forgotten once they move on to the archives (back pages) and I think that's a terrible fate.

This batch of awards is for serials and solos only. Terry Awards for complete stories that have been posted in multiple parts will be included later in the year.

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Impending Terry Awards Alert

I just finished working on the Terry Awards. Yay!

I've spent many, many hours on this but I'm a little disappointed that I didn't have time to go through all of the stories. I'll be covering stories that have been posted in multiple parts later in the year -- when I have more time.

As I was sorting through vote totals, I was surprised to see how high they were. For the best real world serials, every one of the six entries had over 100 votes! 2009 has been a good year, not only for quantity but for getting the vote out.

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2009 Terry Awards - List of Solos of Unspecified Length

2009 Terry Awards - Solos of Unspecified Length

This list is rather long. I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to require a story length when submitting a story. I'd like to suggest the following list: Serial, Drabble, Short Short, Short Story, Novelette, Novella, Novel, and Verse. Any more than this makes things too complicated and confusing.

Authors, please let me know the length of all solo stories in the list below. I don't have the time to download stories, strip out any HTML and load them into my word processor for a word count. Also, let me know if you'd rather your story not be considered for an award.

NOTE: Looking at the list, I see Andrea DiMaggio's name listed many times. I know she's posted a lot of verses so many of the "stories" listed here are actually verses and not stories.

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2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary List of Solo Novels

2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Novels

Here's my preliminary list of novels according to the Solo pages.

There may be several novels that are missing from this list. I know several have been posted in multiple parts. Stories posted in multiple parts will be included later in the year.

Authors, please check to see that your novel is included here if it's posted as a solo. Some might be missing. Also, let me know if you'd rather your novel not be considered for an award.

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2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary List of Solo Novellas

2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Novellas

Here's my preliminary list of novellas according to the Solo pages.

There may be several novellas that are missing from this list. I know many have been posted in multiple parts. Stories posted in multiple parts will be included later in the year.

Authors, please check to see that your novella is included here if it's posted as a solo. Some might be missing. Also, let me know if you'd rather your novella not be considered for an award.

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2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary List of Solo Novelettes

2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Novelettes

Here's my preliminary list of novelettes according to the Solo pages.

There may be several novelettes that are missing from this list. I know several have been posted in multiple parts. Stories posted in multiple parts will be included later in the year.

Authors, please check to see that your novelette is included here if it's posted as a solo. Some might be missing. Also, let me know if you'd rather your novelette not be considered for an award.

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2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Solo Short Stories

2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Short Stories

Here's my preliminary list of short stories according to the Solo pages.

Again, I can't imagine having a short story posted in multiple parts so this should be a complete list of short stories.

Authors, please check to see that your short story is included here. Some might be missing. Also, let me know if you'd rather your short story not be considered for an award.

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2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Solo Short Shorts

2009 Terry Awards - Preliminary Short Shorts

Here's my preliminary list of short shorts according to the Solo pages.

I can't imagine having a short short posted in multiple parts so this should be a complete list of short shorts.

Authors, please check to see that your short short is included here. Some might be missing. Also, let me know if you'd rather your short short not be considered for an award.

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Saying Good-bye

Saying Good-bye: A Tribute to T. D. Aldoennetti

by Terry Volkirch

This story is a tribute to T. D. Aldoennetti. It's also self-indulgent therapy. I'm sorry but I need to get it out of my system. I'm really broken up about Teddi's death.

I don't expect any votes or comments, but I'm leaving the story open to comments just in case the rare mood strikes.

Nightmare Girl 3

Nightmare Girl

by Terry Volkirch

A young teenage boy is troubled by a strange recurring nightmare and he's willing to do almost anything to try to end it.

Note: I want to thank Angela Rasch for her help with this story. She's been very kind and patient with me.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR THOSE WHO ARE SENSITIVE TO HORROR: This story has some elements of horror but it has a happy ending. I hope you give it a chance. Thanks.

Nightmare Girl 2

Nightmare Girl

by Terry Volkirch

A young teenage boy is troubled by a strange recurring nightmare and he's willing to do almost anything to try to end it.

Note: I want to thank Angela Rasch for her help with this story. She's been very kind and patient with me.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR THOSE WHO ARE SENSITIVE TO HORROR: This story has some elements of horror but it has a happy ending. I hope you give it a chance. Thanks.

Nightmare Girl


Audience Rating: 



Other Keywords: 

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Nightmare Girl

by Terry Volkirch

A young teenage boy is troubled by a strange recurring nightmare and he's willing to do almost anything to try to end it.

Nightmare Girl 1

Nightmare Girl

by Terry Volkirch

A young teenage boy is troubled by a strange recurring nightmare and he's willing to do almost anything to try to end it.

Note: I want to thank Angela Rasch for her help with this story. She's been very kind and patient with me.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR THOSE WHO ARE SENSITIVE TO HORROR: This story has some elements of horror but it has a happy ending. I hope you give it a chance. Thanks.

Claude and Grace

Claude and Grace

by Terry Volkirch

They say that clothes make the man. But what would happen
if male clothing became a strange sort of handicap for your son?
To what lengths would you go to improve the life of such a special child?

Thanks very much to those in my writers group who helped me with this story.

Jugsy for Big Closet Mascot!

JugsyC.jpg     Heya, goyls. It's me, Jugsy. Yeeeah. Oy wuz boyn a boy, ya know? But oy really am a goyl. Oy am, see. So, ya gotta make me yer meee-ascot here. Oy'm purrfect for da job. Yeeeah.

- Jugsy, da Cougar Cub

P.S. I just had to post this. My little cougar friend has me eating out of her paw. She's sooooo cute, and she dreams of being a famous mascot. So what do you think? Does she have a chance? :)

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In My Sister's Footsteps - 8

In My Sister's

This is a story about true identity and the healing of the transgender mind

Blazing a new trail is difficult for a young burn victim, but he manages well enough with support from his mother, some unusual help from his sister, and a little luck.

In My Sister's Footsteps - 7

In My Sister's

This is a story about true identity and the healing of the transgender mind

Blazing a new trail is difficult for a young burn victim, but he manages well enough with support from his mother, some unusual help from his sister, and a little luck.

Thanks to Puddin' for a little editing of this chapter.

In My Sister's Footsteps - 6

In My Sister's

This is a story about true identity and the healing of the transgender mind

Blazing a new trail is difficult for a young burn victim, but he manages well enough with support from his mother, some unusual help from his sister, and a little luck.

In My Sister's Footsteps - 5

In My Sister's

This is a story about true identity and the healing of the transgender mind

Blazing a new trail is difficult for a young burn victim, but he manages well enough with support from his mother, some unusual help from his sister, and a little luck.

In My Sister's Footsteps - 4

In My Sister's

This is a story about true identity and the healing of the transgender mind

Blazing a new trail is difficult for a young burn victim, but he manages well enough with support from his mother, some unusual help from his sister, and a little luck.

In My Sister's Footsteps - 3

In My Sister's

This is a story about true identity and the healing of the transgender mind

Blazing a new trail is difficult for a young burn victim, but he manages well enough with support from his mother, some unusual help from his sister, and a little luck.

In My Sister's Footsteps - 2

In My Sister's

This is a story about true identity and the healing of the transgender mind

Blazing a new trail is difficult for a young burn victim, but he manages well enough with support from his mother, some unusual help from his sister, and a little luck.

In My Sister's Footsteps - 1

In My Sister's

This is a story about true identity and the healing of the transgender mind

Blazing a new trail is difficult for a young burn victim, but he manages well enough with support from his mother, some unusual help from his sister, and a little luck.


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