In-Laws, DyFS, and a Whole Mess of Stuff.....

So shit hit the fan today.

Amy's parents basically told her that I don't care for her, that I'm not welcome as Family any more, and that she will probably be cut off from her family if she doesn't leave me.

And by leave me, I mean they gave her a deadline of next saturday (2 days after the amniocentesis).

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Tooting my horn

Well, it's May eight again, my birthday. In the past, I used to hide given the outright disasters that used to happen today. My darling, wonderful wife vowed to change that. The last few years has been great if for no other reason that I have someone who cares so much about me to share them with. This year however is different.

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055) In Search of 17-beta-HSD-3 Blockers OR Life's Easy When

As many of you are probably aware I've doing HRT DIY-style.

I've gotten my dosages and scheduling and everything pretty well perfected except for ONE THING. One of my three T blockers is making me tired all the time.

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Cross-Dressers Like Lure Men to Murder Them!

So I was watching cops, as there was nothing on TV... The episode was originally aired on November, 25th, 2006... It is either entitled "Bad Girls 10" (which is Season 19 episode 9) or just entitled "Coast to Coast" with no episode number, depending where you look.

The episode at one point, has a cop pulling over a male, for suspicion of soliciting prostitution, and then questioning him.

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The Family Girl #055: A Reminder On My Calendar

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #55: A Reminder On My Calendar

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I had a... drama-filled discussion with a BCTS friend about twelve hours ago via Yahoo Messenger. Seems those are the only kinds of discussions we've had lately. Anyway, she has finally given me a date for when she will be taking the first concrete step towards arresting the "steady decline" (her words) in her life.

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Dreams last night

I had some rather unsettling dreams last night (and also the night before, but those ones didn't have anything to do with gender issues) - it was a series of dreams and they had to do with some sort of organizations of aliens (though they looked human). There wasn't a very clear plot to my dreams, but they involved being trapped in various ways, having to do with this alien organization.

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And here comes Nemo!

Well folks, the snows here in the north east(usa) the're saying 12-20 inches for me here in the hudson valley and 2-3 feet for Boston and points north / east. So please any one here stay safe and home if you can! As for me, I must go do battle with the beast they call Nemo, wish me luck, it's going to be a long next 30 hours or so clearing roads. (Hugs) Taarpa

P.s. Please don't write to much, I'm already way behind in my reading! LOL!

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copyright ?'s

hi all i dont mean to be mean thats why im asking here rather then talk to a single person as im unsure if anything needs be said as i dont know the copyright laws and the issue has appeared before i think . well anyway i was surfing netflix the other day on my ps3 and i noticed a movie from 1975 and a story here share the same title but the 2 stories are diffrent as far as i can tell . and i will not say what the movie or story are unless required to do so as dont want anyone in trouble just trying protect site authors and the readers

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Updates On Life... (Read with Caution)

So it's been a long while since I posted an update about myself here. I've still been around, working behind the scenes but many may have noticed that I've not been very "public" at all lately.

Truth is, I've been through hell and back, and I don't think I'm done yet.

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Odd e-Mails

If any of you got an e-mail in last day or two from my Yahoo acct I'm sorry I didnot send it. Someone or grp has gotten into my Yahoo acct address list and sent false e-mails thru my acct there and I'm sorry if you were effected by it as it might be infected e-mail donot open just delete it. Again Sorry as I even got some strange e-mails to myself from that intrusion. Sorry again if they were or are showing the following address and were sent in the last two days from this address [email protected] please delete donot open! Richard

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TDoR, A Reflection

In 2007 I came home from a Transgender Day of Remembrance and went on my computer. I was told by a virtual niece that a virtual daughter was murdered. The alleged murder claimed that she accidentally choked herself with her scarf. He was acquitted of the "murder." The Evil Witch Family is poorer because of her death.

Holly and I had a temporary roommate who was a drug addict. She got clean through a drug rehab program and decided to help the transgender community by helping other drug addicts. She was murdered because of her interference in December 2010.

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Pickles, Piggles, Bill.... A Great Man.

I'm going to make this post, as Celebration of the Man I knew. One of the few people in my life, with that designation, that I can say was a positive influence on my life.

First the sad part...

Bill will be removed off life support/respirator in the morning.

He had a major stroke about 2 weeks ago, and has been unconscious and unresponsive for the last week. The doctors have decided that there is no chance of his body making any recovery, he also has a high fever that they can't get to go down.

Bill was a great Man. He wasn't a politician, he wasn't a super hero, but his present affected many in this community.

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I Agree With Erin

I have to agree with the creator of this wonderful website. I became a member to talk with people who felt like me. I will not take be told what I feel is wrong on this site or what to feel. I have now been talk to about this yet, so this is a warning to those who would. I have been around for 26 years, most of it in the military life. So I know how to take harnessment and I will report you. So can you know leave this site and leave us alone will you. I was not push into this at all, I came looking for people who felt like me.

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Lauren Travis

Should anybody get a strange email from Lauren Travis, be very careful. I got one this evening purporting to be from her, saying she sent me a private message that requires me to click on a link to read the message. Now, call me suspicious, paranoid, whatever, but I'm not going to click on that link. If Lauren sees this she might want to do some checking on her computer.

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Too many morons to deal with in one day

I went out today, got my blood work done so my endo will have it when i see him in think in august, had to give a lecture at the nurse because the sticker thingies with my name on them, was my old name, she was arguing that no its the same as my ohip and i pointed out, hell no it isnt, erin amelia and derek joseph are two highly different names, fix the problem!!!, etc, so she did.

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Had a great day today, though feeling childless and barren

I had a great day today, i went and visited one of my best friends, shes totally cool with me and treats me like nothing is different from me then her, though asks some awkward questions to learn which although awkward makes me very happy that she enjoys learning, about my transition.

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MY possible mortality

I apologize in advance, for what i am about to tell u all, fair warning this is very sensitve announcement and im scared, im so scared i fear what i thought i concered,

I am shaking and crying, i feel my end is coming near.

I have had 3 spine operations in my teen years and at the last one i was led to believe i never had to worry again of scoliosis.

today i went to the er, to see why my namonia hasent went away

I was told i no longer have namonia,

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Off the deep end.

DR There are several side effects, you need to be aware of before you proceed with making your choice.

Dr 1] There is a good chance that this operation will not solve the pain problem you are having I have had several clients / patient's who only had a moderate decrease in the discomfort and pain. Some have gotten worse.

Me You have got to be kidding I have been walking around with a golf ball sized ball in my pants for 2 years now do you think think is not a pain you do not know pain.

Dr 2] You will likely not be able to effect an erection.

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To The "family"

Life Hurts

I Hurt. My best friend Tracy died yesterday at her own hand. She was bullied by fellow TS's. She overdosed on pills. She was alone. Truly alone. Homeless and alone. Why? Why was she alone? wHY cOULD NOONE Help????

WE Must Help. We must care. Small wins mean nothing if we don't care.

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Last Sunday I went to the CANDLES (Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiments Survivors) Museum in Terre Haute, Indiana. I learned three things. Two are important to us.

1. Although Jews were victims of Nazis, not all victims were Jews. Only nearly 6 million of the 11 million were Jews. Among the other 5 million targeted by the Nazi regime were GLBT individuals. If we were there then most of us who visit this site would be victims.

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Being a girl can be a death sentence

I saw this, and was saddened. A father beat his new baby girl to death for being born a girl. He is in custody, I wonder what his sentence will be?


Words can not do this justice.

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Okay...I don't generally advertise my stories here but...since part 2 is doing so amazingly well and part 3 is done. I Will Be posting it later this evening/night once I get home from my family commitments.

2 new songs and tear prone sweet hearts be warned, you'll need the tissues:)

*Great Big HUGS all:)*

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Someone died

When I was in Thailand to get my body remodeled, there was a person there who was sort of the coordinator. She was TG,post op, Canadian, and had been a teacher. She drank a lot, a lot! Her job was to insure that we got to the hospital and then to the clinic afterward for thrice daily dilation, and generally see to our welfare. For her it was all about the bars, and male conversations. I could see she was deeply troubled and felt sorry for her, though she resisted any effort to help her to a less destructive life style.

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From today's Observer Magazine

This is the true story of a family which was totally devastated by the outcome of bullying on a son who might have been gay. I read it and wept, it is so sad. It involves suicide so please if this pushes your buttons don't read it.


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The Long Journey

Since I began to seriously began to address my different-ness in 2001 the good folks at this site have carried me through crisis after crisis; 5 hospitalizations for mental breakdown, a SRS operation, the loss of my family and everything I cared about in life. I was three days from living on the street before things slowly began to turn around. It took years, 10 of them to finally feel like I really wanted to live again, and that did not begin to happen until early last March.

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