I need advice. A couple of you know my real name and who I am, where I live and all that. I'm not rich but due to my thrifty lifestyle and God, live comfortably. I am free of the blood sucking effects of automobile ownership. I'm bored and at times get depressed. I have to be careful not to make too much money because of the tender mercies of the American Tax folk. Of course, I may be so old that I don't have to pay taxes.
So, despite my age, I have thought about going back to work, this time perhaps working for a detective, doing non contact surveillance. Just sitting at Computer screens or looking through optics seems appealing. I'm just mulling over various ideas. Not interested in apprehending law breakers, or carrying a weapon, or being shot at.
Maybe doing file research is a possibility.
Of course it would not be ideal to run into some red neck that puts down women or hates T folk.
Perhaps I should have a warm beer, a hot bath and a nap?
Like a motion to adjourn,
A hot bath and a nap is never out of order.
This Moves So Fast
My cynical alarm bells are smoking !!! Yallah !!! ( pseudo Arabic for "OH MY GOSH")
Think I will take a step back and think about this. Money is not enough of an issue to put up with a lot of risk and possible usury scams from creeps. Once they find out about my T background... Not worth it. They have my email address, and depending I may have to block them...
You are never so old that you don't have to pay taxes. If you have taxable income, Uncle Sam wants a share. The trick, which the very rich have learned, is to have your income be non-taxable. Unfortunately for thee and me, it takes having a lot of money to shelter what you have, as Mitt Romney disclosed.