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So surgery went well. I am in the massively boring part where I lie around and sleep. Let me say that I never thought that ice packs could be your friend. The area is lovely from what I've seen and even the hospital room wasn't that bad. Well the sleepy has befallen me so...

Take care and I'll type at you later.



So you had penile inversion? The operation seemed really minor to me. They had me up walking in a few days, and dilating in around a week. So, now that you have done this thing, make sure you faithfully dilate. In other words, don't do what I did. :)

I'm going in next week to see if they can re-open it. :(



Now the hard part (healing) begins!
But Hey^^ , the rest of your life is ahead and no more worrying!

Live your Life! and Love it! :)


Add in my atta girl too hon

Unlike a lot of the moan and groaners around here you buckled down and got it done without overly fussing and complaining and over the top drama.

Now rest. It takes more out of you then you realize. And yes, dilate!