From my myspace blog

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Last night, I posted the following text in a bulletin:

I finally reached 50 friends on my new profile!! !!!

And, oddly enough, I don't feel threatened/blarged out/etc by the fact that I even have 2 guys on my friends list. I guess I am finally progressing enough that I don't feel my [insert cool psychobabble term here] requires me to freak out that any guys would want to be on my friends list.

Oh no, I feel a blog entry coming out of that last statement!!

I don't think it will even register on the Richter scale, this time, though [shrugs].

Here is the deal: I don't like men. Now, that could be read several ways. So let me clarify (though I might actually be making it clear as mud!)

I used to be militant about it. Men were good only for women crazy enough to put up with them long enough to breed in order to carry on the human race. (And most of them weren't even good enough for that!!)

Later, I mellowed. I realized that women, for the most part, were hard-wired to prefer men because GOD wants it that way. I felt very bad (and still do) for heterosexual woman after that.

So, at that point, I had to admit that heterosexual women weren't crazy simply because of their sexual preference. However, even though I no longer hated men simply because they were men, I still disliked them.

I'm sure many of you that know me personally are horrified that I'd actually hate approximately half of the human race just for being the wrong gender. But I did. I am not sorry for that or ashamed of it. At the time, it was the right thing for me. Quite a few will be upset that I even went so far as to dislike all men just for their XYness. I still don't feel shame or remorse. I've been judged far more harshly for less. I still am.

Now, though, I simply don't care. I don't like men. I don't hate them (usually). I have pretty much stopped actively disliking them (most of the time). I simply don't have any "like" left over for the male population.

It took me years to reach this point. I'm not saying that certain men are not useful. But of all of them I can think of that rank that with me, it has to do with what they do rather than who they are. And, in fact, in every case, a woman could do what they do every bit as well (if not better). I will even admit there are some men who are easier to not hate than others.

Now then, how did all this come about, and why? I have no clue. As I mentioned before, it probably is just a case of mellowing due to increased maturity. Also, over the last several years, I have learned to hate myself much less then I ever have before. And finally, hate uses up a lot of personal time and energy. I guess I just don't give those up as easily as I used to.

I am definitely happier and more laid-back than I used to be. Did that occur because of fewer negative emotions in my life? Or do I have fewer negative emotions in my life because I am happier and more laid back? Which is the chicken and which is the egg?


I think the penultimate para

Angharad's picture

sums this up. There is nothing wrong with most of the people on this planet. If you think there is, try looking a bit harder at the one you see in the mirror, could be where the problem lies.



You are entirely correct.

But then, if you read closely, you'll notice I said I hate myself *less*. I'm not perfect and never claimed to be. I'm not pushing anyone to be androsexual, estrosexual, transsexual, asexual or anythingelsesexual. In fact, I'm not espousing any particular viewpoint or standpoint at all.

I am simply remarking that maybe, just maybe, I've grown, a small small amount, as a person

If it's any consolation

I don't like men either.

I have seen them do many horrible things to women (namely my mother) and now have little more than contempt for many of them. Having said that, life has shown me that just as many women can be arseholes and can do things that are irritating, self-centred, stupid or hateful, but it doesn't make me like men any more at all.

I can't say as I hate them, merely a strong dislike, but being one doesn't help matters.

I try hard to think about things before I do or say things, but as yesterday will attest, I screw up royally even when I don't mean to. Nevertheless, I do try not to be all those things I saw in the men my mother was with in those early years of my life.

Don't hate us.

As complicated as women are in the eyes of men, we seem to be just as complicated to you and that's just the way it is.

Chill out and go with the flow...


Cursed with testorone?

I may end up going off on a tangent here but I somewhat agree with D here...

Sometimes I wonder if it is a curse to be of the XY gene. Mentally I belive I am XX, whereas Physically I am Cursed to be in the body of an XY person. It seems that Testorone is one issue that many people seem to struggle with myself included. I have seen many people both male and female express Hatred towards others and have been the recipent of that said emotion in both Physical and Eemotional displays.{I have the scars to prove it} I find myself jayded towards the general populace because of those select people who use Hatred as a way of life. I had to face people that thought I was not enough of a man because I did not look like them or that i looked to girly to be seen talking to anything but their fist. I quickly found that it was easier to be a loner than try to have friends in school or anywhere else in public. Every "male" I saw always seemed as if they had to prove someting to everyone else to prove they "deserved" to be concidered a Guy.

The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend

The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend

I wonder why prejudice is OK ...

... provided it's against men? If it's against Blacks, Jews, women or, heaven forfend, 'trannies' then it's (rightly) condemned. It really is indefensible to condemn anyone for something over which they have no control and cannot change like race or gender. OK gender can be changed in part but many feminists are very much against MtF.

I don't have much respect for the views (though I'm suppose to for some reason) of theists though I like many people who are. But at least you aren't born a theist and can change if you want - I can't change my gender. I resent sweeping statements of hate for men because it's something I can do nothing about and I refuse to take collective responsibility for people I don't know or whose views and behaviour I in no way endorse.


Yeah, the man thing.

Gwen I was horribly brutalized by men early in life. Yes, worse than that, I say! I hated men and being one simply made the insult more bitter for me. Growing up, I was never like most men. Years later, I would understand that I slid out of my mothers womb, a male outside and a woman inside. Mom knew it from birth, I knew it when I was 5, my stepfather knew it and beat me for it. And now at 60, everyone else knows it. Some will never accept it even if I were to eviserate myself right in front of them. Not hardly, buster! In this new life, I am coming to terms with things. Now, being free to express myself, I have to admit that some men hold a strange attraction for me. I can't say that I love them, but I have to face the person in the mirror. I have to admit to myself that...if a certain kind of man came who, well was kind and intellectual, not a boaster or heavy drinker, certainly not a smoker... that if he touched me just the right way, and made moves, lots of them, to gain my respect. Perhaps, just perhaps, he could lead me to his chamber and do wonderful things to me to make me giggle. And, who knows where that could lead. Perhaps, the smell of his aftershave, and his hot breath on my neck, making me giggle. Who knows, maybe his touch could make my nipples hard. I wonder if his tool would fill me and drive me to distraction; if we'd lay there afterwards, talking and cuddling and eventually I'd hear his steady breathing, and feel his arm pinning me to his chest. Maybe, I'd relax and sleep, forgetting all my cares.
Gwen Brown