The Eighteen-year-old 34”C” Virgin
Many of the men here, even those of you who write as women, will not see anything wrong with that possibility. You have not considered what causes breast growth.
Normal Hormones:
From about ten to about forty a woman has gradual growth of her breasts. They need time to grow. A woman about thirty who has never been pregnant will have larger breasts, (probably about a “B”) than a woman who is fifteen and never pregnant (probably about an “A”). The latter is why many bras in the smaller numbers are padded.
A pregnant woman’s breasts will enlarge to accommodate the need to breastfeed the baby. This enlargement will revert to near prepregnancy size with breastfeeding. They will revert minimally if she doesn’t breastfeed, has a miscarriage or has an abortion.
With stimulation, including him sucking the breast will increase the size of the breast minimally. If he’s doing it can result in pregnancy. The old adage that more than a mouthful is waste is true no matter which side of the nipple you are on.
Hormone drugs do increase a woman’s breast size. That is why a M2F on HRT will grow breasts. In the early days of “the pill” women grew larger breasts because of the high dosage of estrogen in the formula. Progesterone will make the breast heavy with milk and possibly increase the size of the breast. The various herbs will do little or nothing.
If you want to quickly go from an “A” to a “B” or from a “B” to a “D” you could have a breast implant. Be aware that no surgery is completely safe.
Other Factors:
In general, the heavier a woman is the larger her breasts are. Therefore a 44DD is possible. 34C is rare even with genetics.
Some women have greater tendency to have larger breasts than other women. However, the younger the age of the woman the less this is a noticeable factor.
So, please, if you are going to use a breast size make it realistic.
People come in all shapes and sizes
My best friend is 34C, and complains about having received "inappropriate" attention from men at a young age because of her early development. Her college roommate, my wife, was 34C as a freshman and grew to 34D over the next few years. Granted, these proportions are relatively uncommon in nature but not unheard of.
Keep in mind that the 34 is not the bust measurement, but the bra band size - a 34C would have a 37" bust measurement, so she wouldn't have to be absurdly skinny around the ribs to fit that size (29").
Remember too
that both males and females produce oestrogen & testosterone. Those who have more body weight/fat produce more oestrogen, hence fat males having 'man boobs'.
The genetic components such as oestrogen receptors also determine how much hormones affect body change. And family traits can also play a part, larger breasted women tend to beget larger breasted women. Hair type is carried on the Y chromosome, which you obviously get from your father.
Birth weight can affect body shape too, low birth weight can determine your phenotype - body type, usually apple shaped - ie fat is stored around the middle. Heavier babies are more likely to be pear shaped.
Comon? Maybe not, but...
... It does happen, and Genetics seems to play a significant part. At 18, my daughter was 34D... She went on the pill to reduce the negative side effects of her period (SEVERE cramps and excessive bleading - causing anemia). Over the next 6 monghs, she grew to DD... And she's a size 6 and only 5'4". So, a 34C at that age 18 DOES happen.
That Said, she's said on many occasions that she'd LOVE to be ONLY a 34C. :-) But won't do anything about it until AFTER kids, which will not be any time soon! (Her emphasis.)
I started developing my breasts around Yule when I was 12. I hid them. I hid them throughout middle and high school, but yes, you're right, they were A or B cups -- and I was TINY. I was a 29 B-cup my senior year, and my bra (when I wore one) was tight -- I didn't notice because of the binding I had to do so often.
When in college the first time, I had a lot of friends who wanted to see me blossom into who I am today. At the beginning of my 2nd year there (fall, 1995) I was a size 10 and a 31 C-cup, hadn't been pregnant, and was far from "heavy" or overweight.
Though much has happened, in the intervening 12+ years, I am STILL a C-cup. 38-C-cup, and a size 16/18. I've been pregnant.
I have a friend that at 17 years old she had to have reduction surgery because she was a 28 DD-cup... her breasts weren't done growing but it was a health issue. She had to have another reduction at 27 years old from 31 DD-cup. These were because it was causing back problems on her small frame. Her final reduction was last summer (age 31) from 33 DD-cup and there's been no further growth. She's quite happy at a "light" 33 C-cup.
So... I don't see as much unrealistic about an 18 year old 34 C-Cup. At 20, I was a 31 C-cup. Where's the disconnect here?
Umm... people?
34 is a measure of the *band* size, under the breasts, around the ribs, not the bust size. 'C' is the cup size.
I'm a 36 C.. I have a 36 *band* size. I'm 39 or 40" around the bust.
My sister was a 34 DD at 17. Breast size/volume is mostly gene and diet mediated.
Two bits
Far as band size goes, it depends on the maker of the bra. It may be the actual measurement, or it may be the measurement plus some "fudge factor", generally 4 or 5. So somebody with a 30" chest below the breasts may wear one maker's 30 band, another's 34, and another's 35. The cup size is generally taken by measuring across the largest part of the chest, then subtracting the first number. Each inch difference is generally equal to one cup size: 31" - 30" is an "A" cup, 32" - 30" is a "B" cup, etc. That's why having your bra professionally fitted is so nice. I did awhile back and lost a half a cup in size, but it feels so-o-o much better! But if I take that size and switch manufacturers, then I'd have to start all over again because chances are they won't be the same. Typical of women's sizes, no standard.
That being said, what part of "fiction" isn't clear here? Every story is some writer's fantasy, and if he or she wants to give the heroine a 34-C bra size, so what? It ain't impossible, even in real life. Knew a girl in high school that was a "D" by the time she started 10th grade, she hated it. She had what would be called a voluptuous figure, and even the girls she talked to had problems looking her in the face. Looking back across the years, I would guess her chest under her breasts measured at least 38", maybe a 28-30" waist, and probably 38-40" at the hip. This on a girl who was at the most 5' 7" tall. We became pretty good friends because we were both outcasts, me for my small skinny size and her because the other students couldn't look past her figure to see the sweet person inside. She didn't want to be a wet dream to half the town, she just wanted to be a normal teen-aged girl. We moved part way through the year and I have no idea what happened to her. I hope she was able to have a happy life.
So, when reality threatens to rear it's ugly head, remember what it says at the top of the page:
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Scientifically "correct" fiction.
In my Transgender writing, I get frustrated with writers that do not adhere with that, yet I find my own work departing from that a fair amount. For example, in "Desert Princess, there was a total female organ transplant, a scalp transplant and a small yeild nuke used in an Arab country.
From a purly medical point of view, pregnancy in a healthy Woman is "life threatening". Yet millions of women have done it. Where do we draw the line with fiction or do we simply assume that "poetic license" is sufficent for all situations? I don't know?
Gwen Brown
A Middle Eastern country having one or more nuclear weapons is not that absurd. Sadam Hussein tried to build that weapon and so did the Iranians. One was stopped because he couldn't get the material; the other because they decided it was not worth it. Terriorists can possibly get their hands on these weapons because the former Soviet Union hasn't kept tight control since its breakup. Finally, Isreal has had nuclear weapons since at least 1959.
No, he didn't
It has been ADMITTED by Bushco that that was total fabrication.
Mind you, I'm not sticking up for Hussein. He was an evil man with horrible practices toward the people he "governed," but of WMDs, he was innocent of even attempting.
Though I do agree that it's not absurd to think a Middle Eastern country could have them.
From C to Shining C
Don't shoot me. I couldn't think of an appropriate title, so I just put the first thing that came into my whatever-it-is-that-passes-for-a-mind. But anyway, lest I digress...
A C-cup is not a C-cup is not a C-cup. It's not an absolute breast size. It's a proportion. As anyone who has perused a breast prosthetic catalog (we all have, haven't we??), can tell you, a prosthetic that would be a C-cup on a 34 band, would be a B-cup on a 36 band, an A-cup on a 38 and a pimple on a 40.
In the Silique line, to achieve a C-cup on a 34 band, you need a size 5 prosthetic. For a 36 band, you need a size 6, a 38 needs a size 7 and so on, each size adding either a cup size or keeping the same cup on the next band size up. A size 12 would be enormous, you'd need a wheelbarrow to cart it around in, except on a size 52 bra, it's only an A-cup.
Mutations I tell you
TG fiction authors mistake breast size for character development all the time. Where else do you read of someone 5'7, 108 lbs and 36DD.
Then we have this. According to wikipedia, this woman's assets are natural. How can it be so? or it soso? I forget. Soso is the waray(Filipino dialect) word for a woman's breasts but Rio Natsume is Japanese.
I know a little about breasts, my mostly from from viewing my wife's. Having none others to gaze on upfront and personal in the last 20 years, I am no expert. Take anything I say with a pitcher of salt.
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
Proving the Rule
Y'all gave me an exception each. So the rule still is valid.
Enough exceptions
And it's no longer the rule. BTW, just what medical journal did you find this rule in?
Add: A quick Google search turned this up on the very first link I clicked on:
For almost 10-15 years, the average breast size has been growing up, as is evident from the fairly large sizes of teenage girls. While in the past, 12-14 year old girls practically did not have anything to talk about, the situation has changed completely. Most people we spoke to indicate that this dramatic change is attributable to the equally dramatic change in eating habits on a global basis, but particularly here in America where consumption of fat-rich foods has exploded during the last 30-40 years. This has been changing with the dominance of fast food restaurants that not only have a lot more beef and fried food but also the portions are larger. Teenagers are most likely to consume fast food - it is cheaper, easily available, is considered cool, and fast-food restaurants provide a great place for them to hang out. This has, of course, created image problems among grown-up women. As Lynette from Madison, Wisconsin, says, "When I see my daughter's bra size two cups larger than mine, I feel jealous. What should I do?"
(Emphasis added by me)
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
And I gave you at least two...
... of these situational "Exceptions"
I mean, it may be that the women and girls around you [shalimar] weren't all that big breasted, but that doesn't make it a worldwide phenomenon. If you want broad strokes, I'll give it to you. I grew up in Missouri. Middle of the US. By senior year (age 17 - 18) the vast majority (I'd estimate 90% - 95%) of high school girls I've seen are large-B cups at the very least. I'd guess that at least 75% of the whole are C cups or larger, with an unfortunate few D cup or larger. The girls in that age range with an average sized B cup or smaller are scarce.
Disproving the rule
Doing a little more looking, I found the followng references.
Studies show that 50-75% of women today are not wearing the correct size bra.
Over the last 15 years, the average bra size has increased from 34B to 36C.
The average fashion is designed for a B-cup size breast.
Britain is weighed down by the biggest breasts in Europe. The average chest size of a British teenager has grown dramatically over the past 10 years and is now a whopping 36D
Most of the links that Google turned up actually say there is no such thing as an average size, that each individual is different. For those who would like to see for themselves, I used "average bra size teenagers" as my search words.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb