A list as long as my arm

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That's what I have, in regards to stories for my mini-contest thing. I've read about half of them, but most of my open browser tabs right now are stories starting with the words "The Crush."

People, you have no idea how much this means to me. So much, in fact, that I'm upping the prize for the winner to a 3 month sub, rather than a one-month. Well, okay, I was probably gonna do that ANYWAY since there's not a non-recurring option for one month any more, but still, the thought counts, right?

Thanks again to everyone, both those who have written stories and those who have voted. This wouldn't have been possible without y'all.

Melanie E.



This contest seems to have gone down well. I found it very easy to write my entry on the 30 minute train trip into work. Perfect.
Thanks for setting it up.

I was completely serious....

D. Eden's picture

About matching your prize sis, so I guess I'll up the match as well. So figure six months total for your prize Hon.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

CRUSH Contest

I will Match as well so please set your prize at an annual sub. Also, please do not consider me for the prize. I very much needed the contest to get my writing unblocked, and it worked. Thanks.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


I think one anual subscription is very good but what about the second and the third places while there's many participants. I can buy for them both quarterly subscriptions.

With a crush for me associates Dean Martin.


Podracer's picture

How good it has been so far to see the quality and number of stories.

"Reach for the sun."

I don't expect to win

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I entered simply because of the subject matter and I saw it as a chance to explore something new in the way of point of view. Heretofore, everything I'd written had been from the transgender point of view. But your line in the challenge regarding whether the crush(er) or the crush(ee) were trans, caught my eye and I thought what about a GG who crushes on an MTF trans? What would be her story? And I was off and running. It was a bit of a challenge to finish within the time frame.

However, I thoroughly enjoyed the exercise.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt