Project: Super Solider Delayed

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I am sorry to say that there will not be a new posting of Super soldier tonight. Things have gotten heated up at work causing less time for writing therefore taking me more time to complete the story. But not to worry the story has been plotted and will continue, just not at the rate that I would like. Part 6 is in the works and I will post it as soon as it is ready :)


Awe shucks

I was really looking forward to seeing our Anime Ninja Girl.

You will see her

I had been trying to post a new section of the story every Friday but that darn day job got in the way. I was coming home from work then falling asleep in front of the keyboard.

On the bright side this part does have the anticipated fight with the football team, so you will get to see your Ninja girl in action :)

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Whenever you finish will be

Whenever you finish will be fine. RL can interfere with plans. I can't wait to read this and see how the football team ...erm.."survives"

don't worry

Take all the time you need, it's a series that is worth waiting for. Readers aren't going to stop reading just because it's a day or more late, the ones who appreciate the story will be pleased that you are posting it at all.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime


Kitsune98's picture

Not many words could be truer than those, Good things come to those who wait. Even if the wait is deadly for the reader as soon as it's stated it will make them wanting more so much more. I really understand how much life seems to love throwing that big Monkey Wrench into people's lives making it hard to do what they love.

make it soon my dear just

make it soon my dear just love this story but work comes first .but i and others look forward to this story

If her lifespan is very long

If her lifespan is very long being a super human I would see go up against Judge Joe Dredd. Maybe if she lives that long become a street Judge.She soon sort out the big Meg One. Her vs the Dark Judges or Mad Cal.Love this story.


Thanks for all the patience in waiting for the continuation. Super soldier is coming along although slowly due to the lack of time to write lately. My writing time has been cut to mostly only during the weekends although I hope to have the next installment ready to upload very soon :)

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.


Actually I never put any thought into her lifespan in the original plot. But who knows what may happen in future stories. Without giving away anything in the plot, as it should be obvious with the recruitment of the Marine Colonel, the project does not stop with Kat's metamorphosis.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.