Last Wednesday at work I was revamping office/store space where I work. I was short of breath the entire 5 hours. I wrote it off to being out of shape from having my left knee replaced in December and putting on some weight during recovery. My co-workers told me to go get checked out. Since I've been going to the gym twice a week (spending 1/2 hour on the rowing machine plus other stuff) I decided to see the doc thinking I might be coming down with bronchitis.
WRONG! I was admitted to the hospital. Numerous EKGS, sonic heart exams, CAT scans and a ton of bloodwork showed nothing too far out of spec for someone who's 65. On the third day the did a heart catherization. BINGO! Three blocked arteries! The good news was there had been no heart attack or heart muscle damage.
They let me go home Saturday to set up the house and stock food since I live alone. I'll be going back for open heart triple bypass surgery tomorrow, 5/12. The doctor says my prognosis is excellent but I'll be in ICU for a day then a room for 4-5 days before going home. Unfortunately, while I'm hospitalized I'll be out of touch since they block BC.
I hope to be able to get on Facebook some time Saturday. I know I have several friends from BC but for those who aren't my page is {Russell Crow}.
I've always met problems head on and will do the same with this. However, and prayers or best wishes will be appreciated!
Jennifer Sue
Good bless you girl!
I will have a prayer for you. You can access my FB page if you want, it is plain old Wendy Marsden. Now I know the name to look for I will have no trouble approving it.
I recently got a smart phone (my first). It is a Walmart T-Mobile plan. I can tether my wireless to my laptop when I need to. It doesn't do you any good on the short term, but something to think about.
Get well
Hope everything goes well.
You have all my best wishes
prayers and good juju I can muster. Also, I have an overstock of warm, gentle, fuzzy huggles so take as many as you need.
Seriously, I do wish you all the best. Trust in your Doctors and health care specialists and take your time in recovery. Remember, you are loved by many, many folks.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Jennifer Sue......
The best of luck with the plumbing job.
I had a triple by-pass many years ago - at the age of 64 - I had had angina pain for a few years before the angiogram - and have never looked back. I don't remember how long I was in the hospital but I was told the operation was 4.5 hours - I guess by now they may be quicker.
By the time you get home, you should be able to take short walks to exercise and gradually stretch them out. I was a little out of it when I was lifted from the gurney to the OR table at about 07:00 and it was freezing cold. I thought that they were putting me in the morgue just to cool off (morphine dreams can be doozies) but I swore to myself that if I woke up with my marbles that I would live my life to satisfy ME before any else. So in another 4 years I was out full time with THE operation 6 years later.
Life has never been better except for the usual troubles of old age and I haven't yet gotten into trouble. The acceptance has been great including the members of a sport club I have been a member of for 48 years!
All the best of luck and health.
May the sun always shine on your parade
In my prayers
All the best wishes and hope for a fast recovery.
Peace and Love tmf
Please Pull Through!
You are blessed writer and wonderful person. I want you back here with us girl!
scary stuff in an understatement so my prayers and thoughts are with you , please post as soon as you can or get a message to a friend as to how you are feeling . HUGS
Best wishes to you on the surgery.
Glad it was caught before any damage was done. Hope your recovery is a speedy one.
Hope your stay in the
Hope your stay in the hospital will be beneficial and smooth.
The great thing is, once you
The great thing is, once you recover you will feel better than you have in years. At least that was what my uncle said after he had emergency quadruple bypass surgery.
Hope it went well
and you have a speedy recovery.
My prayers for a quick and
My prayers for a quick and speedy recovery.
Erin of Wis <3
Thank goodness it was diagnosed promptly
All the very best of JuJus are jetting their way through the ether!
Bestest wishes JS
I really hope all went well, and you can soon get on with life as you wish. Take it steady for a while won't you, lots of people thinking of you.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."