It was thirty years ago today...

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...Sergeant Pepper told the band... whoops, and who said modern culture isn't pervasive?

Thirty years ago today I turned up in work as I really was, no not a dormouse - doh; a woman. I was very fortunate that everyone was so supportive and it was a nine days wonder. Looking back, I suppose I've stayed lucky in keeping in reasonable health and mostly being in work to now, although still working, it's only three days a week so I have a little more time to do some of the things I've wanted to do for a long time but had neither time nor money. So I can pursue my interests in ecology and conservation to the point of starting a degree in the autumn and my application for a dormouse licence before that.

I've made lots of friends through my writing and posting here and elsewhere, through my natural history interests and cycling. To all of you I say thank you and I hope to know you for many more years. I'll leave you with a bit of irony which I have mentioned before, probably because old people repeat themselves, I worked hard to be able to not have to wear trousers to work and wore skirts and dresses quite a lot, these days I wear trousers 99% of the time because they're easier. That reminds me, I went to buy some camouflage trousers but couldn't see any.



Glad you followed your heart

Not everyone has the fortitude to follow their dreams as steadfastly as you. Your courage & ability should always be an example not trumpeted but followed. Another Brian

I'm glad you finally can do what you like

and I also believe we have to thank you very much to being part of this community and helping so many people to find their own way. You've been always there to encourage others to pursue their hearts and dreams.
We dearly hope we keep in touch for maybe another 30 years to come and you entertaining us mere readers with your stories and adventures as a licensed dormouse. ;)

As for the trousers part... well, it's just the way some people see it. But the reality is, we don't fight for the right to wear skirts, that's something men can do anyway (kilt anyone?). We fight for the reality of being accepted as who we are - normal women.

Btw. camo trousers might be available at your local hunting gear supplier or army surplus store.

>> There is not one single truth out there. <<

We can tell

Maddy Bell's picture

You are German Saphi, you completely missed the joke with the trousers! And no, I'm not going to explain it, just read it and think about each word.


Madeline Anafrid Bell


When I once bought a camouflage skirt (when camouflage was very popular) I remarked to the young lady in the shop that "nowadays you have to wear camouflage to be noticed". No reaction.

Oh, I didn't miss that...

but who knows, since Angharad is well on her way to getting her dormousing license, she actually has a real need for such unsightly stuff? After all, from my limited knowledge dormice are not too keen on running up neon pink trousers with large green spots.

Besides, I can't help being German, I was born that way. I try to rectify that now.

>> There is not one single truth out there. <<

Camouflage trousers would be

Camouflage trousers would be purchasable at a sporting goods store that has sections on hunting, or at a military surplus store. It depends on if you want desert, mountain, or jungle camo.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

"I went to buy some

"I went to buy some camouflage trousers but couldn't see any." Groan...

I have so enjoyed your little scribblings here on BCTS, but also your cogent comments and virtual company. Reaching a point in life where you have both the time and money to pursue some of your long held interests is something to be relished. Few manage to do so.

So I now raise a cup in a toast to many more years!


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}


Maddy Bell's picture

Are still not getting enough 'you' time - make sure you relax in Switzerland next week!


Madeline Anafrid Bell


I'm only working on my twelfth year, and was too fearful of returning to work on a Construction Site as a female electrician. Not long after, it was clear that due to injuries, I could no longer do the work anyway. I've been most fortunate the way the fates have worked out, and have experienced much kindness and love since. The family were right plonkers, but as time passes, it all hurts less. I do own a few pair of pants but am able to avoid wearing them 99% of the time. I plan to spend a lot of time hiking this summer so that may change.

Angharad, your talent at writing is undeniable, and I hope that you keep doing it for a considerable amount of time. You have made life better for many of us.


Really so long ago?

Podracer's picture

It's great that cycling puts you in the scenery and nature, not just watching it go by in a blur. Thank you for sharing words with us here, they have added to the character and atmosphere of our meeting place.

"Reach for the sun."

when I did my degree

Maddy Bell's picture

I did it part time so it took double the full time to complete. Not sure why as we were actually doing more hours per week than the 'full time' students!

It's hard work but those thirty seconds when you get to collect the scroll are worth every second. New skills, new knowledge, new friends and a big hole in your finances that you never recover from - yep, wouldn't've missed for anything.


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Getting the scroll

I graduated 41 years ago. We never got an award ceremony because PM Harold Wilson (him of Pipe and Gannex Mac fame) decided to cancel them in order to save the country money. I got my certificate in the post.
Any Labour party supporter who dares to call at my door gets a tirade from me. Yes it still hurts even today.
Now that I'm about to retire I am considering starting an OU degree. This time I will get the certificate handed to me.


I heard the song immediately

Andrea Lena's picture

but Sgt. Pepper has nothing on you, I'm happy you are who you are, and that especially you were able to become 'more of yourself!'


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Camouflage Trousers - A Guide to Acquisition of Same

waif's picture

They would be horrible camouflage if you were able to spot them easily. You have to stake out the shop...preferably from a well-concealed position downwind of the camouflage department. If necessary you might try having an accomplice create a diversion from the opposite direction to distract them. Please use caution when you approach them, I am told that they are very skittish, and there is one particular brand, I think it is called SPIKE, that has been known to attack the unwary.

If all else fails, order them on Amazon (using the BCTS link, of course). Apparently, Amazon has trained experts who will capture, tame, and mail your camouflage trousers at a very reasonable fee (not to mention it supports BCTS).

I hope this guide serves you well.


Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.

I was going to suggest

I was going to suggest setting up a well concealed game camera so Ang could learn more about their habits. Then it might be possible to humanely trap a pair or two. ;-)


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Game Cameras

waif's picture

The problem would be if the camouflage trousers were nocturnal....infrared cameras get pretty expensive.

Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.

I still don't see the problem

I still don't see the problem. They're only hard to see in their intended habitat. Therefore, getting jungle camo in England would be easy! I wonder what English camo looks like. I've never seen any :)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Around Here...

waif's picture

...we rarely mention OU, since that whole Texas vs. Oklahoma rivalry thingy takes place nearby.


Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.

For some strange reason...

Your comment reminded me a passage from Douglas Adams THHGTTG about mattresses that goes somewhat like: most things you could want are growing naturally somewhere in the universe. Mattresses are a predator that lures unwary traveller to lay on it to rest... They are very thoroughly killed before delivery to customer. Very few of them ever come alive after that...



I happen to have an awesomely eye searing pair of skinny jeans in a violent day glow pink camouflage pattern. Jump into the right flowerbed and... nope, these would still stand out, what with the rhinestones.

Strangely enough spotting a pair in my size was rather difficult. They were hiding behind a rack of easter dresses...



Camouflage trousers

tmf's picture

I went to buy some camouflage trousers but couldn't see any.

I know, all the police buy them all to go with their uniform around here.

Peace and Love,
Hugs tmf

Camo trousers are easy to find.

They are always hanging out near the camo tops and shoes... um... oh yeah... tell ya what. Look at the shelves where all the trousers are. If you spot what appears to be an empty space... there they are!

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg


waif's picture

...but Brilliant!


Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.

Two causes for celebration !

Two causes for celebration ! Let's see, you were just a young lass 30 years ago. It took a lot of steel to do that. Look at all the pleasure you have provided to your fans through the years.


Bare-faced cheek

Rhona McCloud's picture

Happy 30th Ang and may you have many more. Your post reminded me that during the 1980s I often wore nothing but a smile in the nude-friendly Medierranean scene of the time and that for several years now I have not worn any cosmetics being blessed with eyesight that can no longer see the advancing wrinkles.

Rhona McCloud