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I had a few moments and downloaded a few books from Amazon.

It was a frustrating experience. Only one of the about dozen TG books I bought had a BC author. Her book was excellent. The others ranged from poor to really poor.

One Sandy Thomas book I ordered wasn’t even formatted correctly so that I could only read the top half of each page. We tend to take the great formatting on this site as common when it is quite spectacular. BC is an amazing place to post stories. The other Sandy Thomas book I bought was so poorly written and so grammatically flawed that I was severely disappointed.

We tend to take the quality of fiction on BC for granted. The stories that I purchased challenged my suspended disbelief much more than the average story on BC. The authors didn’t take the time to dot the i’s and cross the t’s. Obviously the authors didn’t respect their readers.

BC is an amazing place to read stories.

Thank you to all the BC writers.



unbelievably talented authors on BC

BarbieLee's picture

The class of authors and let's not forget those who edit and work behind the authors is truly amazing. I kid you not, I would put some of these authors ahead of any one on NYT BSL. Would I still be in publishing if I had talent like them in my writers nest? Tough question. Provided the financials were there to put them out in world wide distribution, and translation, yeah I would.

But..., one can be the best novelist, writer in the world and if they don't get the right exposure only a few will know. Writers are like movie stars. For everyone we see up on the big screen there are thousands who never received the opportunity.

Write your stories for one person. Yourself. No matter the reviews, you pleased your biggest fan. You will never be disappointed. Some things in life need to be for yourself instead of trying to be the person everyone else wants.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


bought from Sandy Thomas a long time ago when everything was hard copy sent thru the mail, then I found BCTS on line I love my authors so much talent. KUDOS to all


There is a lot of trash on Amazon, one would think you are buying off of fleabay.


I obviously have an axe to grind as a writer with a suite of books on kindle, but I do get annoyed when they don't differentiate between stories and porn. If I am looking to buy a book by A Writer, I don't want to find it buried in a pile of unrelated smut.

like Cyclist

Maddy Bell's picture

I have a bunch of books on Amazon, the thing that gets my goat are when people complain about the length/price - they can see both before they buy and seriously, how many paperbacks are as cheap/long as a 400 plus page Gaby novel?

I try to get out of being lumped with the TG porn stuff by listing anything but any TG content - works for the most part. Word of advice to anyone writing for teens, horses and football (soccer) are the big sellers, but especially horses! Gaby has to battle the equines and sometimes wins.


Madeline Anafrid Bell

The Authors here on BC

I'm so glad there is a place like this to share stories. I've loved so many of the stories posted here. It's like Christmas morning every time I visit. The imagination and creativity here keeps me coming back for more. The stories here have had me laugh, cry, scream, wish for the agonizing death of some antagonists and most of all dream... There is so much heart and passion put into these stores and it really is a labor of love. I've come to appreciate some of the memorable characters I've come across and found respect for the authors that created them.

Hugs to all,


Being extremely limited financially I haven't bought many books from Amazon. I do look, and I can't help but notice that the authors I know from BCTS give a much better value for the money. Authors like Tanya Allen selling stories several hundred pages long for less than $5 stand out among writers asking up to $10 for stories barely 100 pages long.

I believe the Sandy Thomas books are actually written by several different writers of varying abilities so it us hard to tell in advance what you might be getting. I ran across a few S.T. stories back in the BBS days and read enough to know what to expect, which is not much. Admittedly the themes are not my cup of tea so others might gain more satisfaction from them than I do.

I do know the quality of the work on BCTS is far higher than that found on almost any other site. Quality in the physical sense that is. It is so nice to be able to read stories that are properly formatted and posted. Likewise the quality of the content is unmatched anywhere else.

(Unpaid Endorsement) In BC we have a site unmatched anywhere else on the Internet. It is a labor of love by Erin. It has to be, if Erin didn't live this place it would have geen shut down years ago due to the financial hardship it burdens her with.

So make a New Year's resolution to make a contribution to the expenses here. BC is worth preserving as vital resource to our community.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin