An obligation......

A word from our sponsor:

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After dinner this evening, I sat with my oldest son and watched the end of the movie Platoon. One of the final lines of the movie that Charlie Sheen gives through a voice over as he is medivac'd out has always stuck with me. "Those of us that did make it have an obligation to rebuild - to try and find some goodness out of what we survived."

That could be applied to most of us in one way or another. We are all survivors in our own way, and we all have an obligation to make the world better - not just for ourselves, but for our children and for those who will follow after us.


aka paying it forward

I've done my share but then one moves on. It's like a form of 'national' service. I am 50s so I have to remind myself that I've paid my dues too so don't feel guilty about not doing as much now.

due paid in full

jacquimac's picture

I served 23 yrs with the RAMC and took part in a few conflicts so I think I've paid my dues. Unfortunately we haven't had national service in the UK since the 60's. It infuriates me that the UK treat ex service people as a commodity to throw away when they have served while immigrants and the dross of the world land on our shores and are given all the help they need while some of them openly attack or plan attacks on our way of life. Christmas has just gone and we know for a fact that 10s of thousands of ex servicemen and women were living on he streets while immigrants etc get first priority for aid and housing.