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Human rights groups in the US are worried about what the White House is doing to various bills regarding lgbtq protection and the fact that the proposed census will no longer collect information to determine how some lgbtq people are living and the difficulties they face.



Figures don't lie but liars figure...

laika's picture

I suspect the lack of census numbers for LGBT people is so that within a few years they'll be able to fabricate any "estimate" of our numbers they want: "There's only 17 gays and 3 transgenders in the whole country and they all live in California + NY. No need to bend over backwards to protect- er, I mean give special rights to them!!! Duuuuuuuuuhhhhhh, Yup! Yup! Yup!"

What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.

Not really

erin's picture

Respect for personal privacy can't really be claimed for this policy by the same government that is in the process of making it legal for big ISPs to make money by selling browser histories. Another law working its way through the sausage grinder would make it illegal for states to provide or administer retirement or investment programs, proving that State's Rights is also an issue that can be ignored when convenient to protecting the interests of the big donors on Wall Street.

Whether any of those policies is good or bad one way or the other is debatable, but the rationalizations offered frequently give me the red-ass.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.