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Complete or not? It is up to the reader as the end of the story got a little sketchy. The author was moving the tale around too much and losing continuity as if she had lost interest and was in a hurry to be done with it. The other indicator she was tired, she had moved away from dialog for the most part to description in order to try and get finished. (dialog is one or more people talking. descriptive is a recipe or history book)

Without a doubt someone(s) was there in Vietnam as it was called in the early years as we all looked at each other thinking, 'where in the hell is Vietnam'? Later is was called Viet Nam by almost everyone except those who were first sent over to be cannon fodder in a political war we weren't meant to win. The story held together as it meshed all the 'top secret' personnel in a camaraderie. They gyrate toward one another not only because they work on related intel but who else can they talk to? Every single word they say, everything they do is scrutinized to the tenth degree by others whose only job is to catch a leak. I agreed with the authors opinion of the CIA. You really don't want to meet one. If you do, keep your back to the wall so a knife doesn't end up in it. Personally, I have a higher opinion of cow poop!

To all those who have been in one of those hellacious wars we seem to be in constant engagement over the years. Thank you. Now leave it if you're no longer engaged. You're not the same innocent person who put on a uniform and headed off to only God knows where. Don't try to be. That part of life is gone, a memory we can never go back to.

Don't become this statistic by dwelling on the hell you've experienced.
New VA study finds 20 veterans commit suicide each day

Become my statistic. We'll be on the veranda watching the last rays of a days sunshine light up the clouds above as the sun disappears below the horizon. We'll swap a lifetime of stories only each of us knows personally. When they come out to take us back in as the chill in the air sets in, we will have already gone home on God's timetable not ours



The Reason Teddie Aldoenetti

...was frantic towards the end of the tale, is because she trying to hide from some sort of group trying to kill her and she also had medical issues. They located her because of a hospital she had to go to for something, and fled to another acquaintance's house, but to no avail.

I actually spoke with her on the very day she was assassinated. She had phoned and skyped me and was trying to say that Renea (Denise) would finish up her works as she knew she had little time left. She said they had found her and were outside her house she was staying at (she moved around a bit and wound up in other's places and hospital clinics) and the few times that I was on the phone with her, yeah the goons were wiretapping what we said (They weren't even hiding the fact, it was so noisy.)

I have no idea what she did to garner the death order placed upon her, but I abhor it. Teddie was a human being and did not deserve what happened to her.

So as for the ending to this story? Yeah, you have to forgive the franticness there. It was Teddie racing against time to finish while hiding and moving around. Her real life seemed to be much more of a horror mystery than she could write.


Analists are not fighters

BarbieLee's picture

It's not normal for most to believe the system is broken. Most of those who have a clue fail to understand justice means "Just Us". Although many claim Molon Labe, it is false bravado. And as Serena said in Jessica Rabbit, majority can't kill another person even when their own life is going to be forfeited.
I believe Miss Aldoenetti was into intel due to her non descriptive description of intel analysis. She hedged but kept going into it for several chapters. Remember the song Hotel California? Good description of many of our gov alphabet groups. More so on the intel part of each one. Once you're in, you may never leave. For all those who have an eight to five job, food on the table, a roof over their head, they live in a world of normalcy bias. As long as nothing changes to rock their world they are content letting things go as is never questing the status quo. If it happened as you say, those like Miss Aldoenetti pay the ultimate price to keep it that way. If one has taken the red pill, they know. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Hard to believe

Not familiar with the particulars of her death, don't recall seeing any sort of notice about it, but I find it hard to believe the government would have killed her, if you are that much in fear for your life you have nothing to lose by going public.

Maybe I am wrong but it seems highly improbable. What information is available about her death?

Report at the Time...

Here's what was posted onsite in 2009:

The impression I got was that Teddi had been the victim of an underworld killing rather than a political assassination. A 2003 biographical novel on StorySite indicates that her family's involvement goes back to her childhood. (Author page there lists her as Teddi; byline on the story is Teddi Dianne Seibert-Aldoennetti.)

The condolences that Erin's note elicited suggest that a lot of people here had more connection with her than I had. (I had some correspondence with her relating to Tranquility when it was posted serially on Fictioneer -- it's not there now -- and was going to edit the book version had it come out.) So I can't speak for the credibility of any of this information/surmise.


Makes sense

That clears things up, some people were implying that one of the 3 letter agencies had her assassinated for things she knew. Highly implausible.