Sorry about the end of yesterdays session

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Hi girls, high elves, dragon born and whatnot...

I'm really sorry about the end of yesterdays session. I didn't gave it the attention anymore that it deserved. I've been distracted by a very heated political argument with my partner. We've only had a few minutes left, but I still need to calculate XP and HP for everyone as well as creating the log. I'll try to make up for it next friday with another hopefully interesting round fighting the monk.

After all, this is only the beginning of uncovering one of the greatest mysteries of Fiddler's Vale.

Your evil Dungeon Master


huggles, hon.

take care of yourself, and hopefully we'll all be in tip top shape next Friday!


Can I join your campaign?

Haylee V's picture

D & D player from WAY back, and would love to play again. If possible, let me know which ed you play, and what level to start. Thanks!

Haylee V

*Kisses Always*
Haylee V