Just gonna stop now

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Having been told that my writing sucks (not from anyone here) I think I’m just going to put my tablet down and just...

I don’t know,
Breathe, maybe
Try to not want to smash my iPad into little fragments (I couldn’t do that, it’s innocent)

I’ll try to figure out what I did wrong with the story I guess.


How About

Daphne Xu's picture

Getting back up, getting back on, and pushing on?

If someone falls off a horse, he'd better get back on immediately, or he won't. (I'm not sure how true this is.)

-- Daphne Xu


erin's picture

Real criticism explains what is wrong and perhaps suggests a solution. "It sucks" is not criticism, it is just bad manners.

One of the best pieces of criticism I ever got was to avoid the use of to be, to do, to have and to get as the main verbs in a sentence. There is almost always (not always!) an alternative that is more vivid and more expressive. Simple? Yes, but an effective piece of criticism. Find someone who can do real criticism, listen to them and then do what you think you can.

Because there is another rule of thumb about criticism: If someone tells you what you are doing wrong, they are almost always right. If they tell you how to fix it, they are almost always wrong. :) You have to listen to the criticism and adapt its advice to your methods and aims.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Seriously? Writing sucks?

Your ideas are often off beat, but thought provoking. I like that.
Your sentence structure and grammar are fine.

Perhaps you should just not show your writing to Muggles?



I have to agree with Gwen.

I've read all of your stories over the last month or so, Aylesea, and every one of them grabbed my attention from the start.

If "that sucks" is the best that that person can throw at you, shrug it off and know there are people who appreciate your stories.

Erin's advice is also excellent.

Just remember.......

D. Eden's picture

One of the easiest things to do is to destroy - whether it is a thing or a person, anyone can do it. It takes little effort and no talent to crush another person’s ego by destroying their work.

However, it takes a true talent to create as you have done. Most people, myself included, do not have that talent - nor the will to sit down and put pen to paper. You, on the other hand, do. You have displayed that talent over and over again, and have provided hours of entertainment and joy to others. Not many can say that.

So, the next time someone tries to crush your spirit by destroying your work, ask them just what they have created. I am certain the answer will be nothing of value. Those who make themselves feel worthy by destroying others are usually incapable of creative thought - hence their need to destroy. They cannot elevate themselves, so they endeavor to bring others down to their level. When everyone can only see the mud in which they sit, no one is better than them. Or so goes their petty little thought process.

I have taken much enjoyment from your writing, so don’t even think about quitting!

Saddle up, and move out trooper. And stop whining - it doesn’t become you.


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Don't listen to one person's hateful diatribe

, it is just an opinion. And 1 person's opinion of your work versus many hundreds or thousands is just a tiny voice. Why let one voice of hate stop you from spreading so much joy? Don't let an essentially evil person stop you from writing.


If they are on our site and bothering you. Let me know. I will stop it.



Your stories are worthwhile

And what is it about the instinct to take mother’s nourishment, that is a insult? I’ve still not figured it out.

If I didn't know

Podracer's picture

how seriously you felt this Aylesea, I would be saying "you have to be kidding". Go back and check all of the positive comment that you have attracted here. Obviously Mr / Ms sucky is just being hateful like a sad minority on this planet choose to be, and hasn't the brain or empathy to help.

"Reach for the sun."

It does NOT "suck"

I might apply that epithet to many other contributors, but even those would be my personal opinion. I always look for your byeline, and sometimes (rarely) I find the story less compelling than others, but do not use that as a reason for giving up!
More strength to your keyboard fingers!
Best wishes


Why would you give up doing something you love doing ? Who cares what those nay Sayers have to say they probably don't like these kind of stories to begin with.
HUGS and keep doing what you love.

Question? Are you writing

Question? Are you writing for yourself or for the most numbers of ATTAGIRLS. Only write for yourself. You cannot please everyone and there are always those that will try to tear you down. Yes take constructive criticism and improve. Ignore negativity because it does not come out of love. If you only write for your readers, you will often be disappointed. Write for yourself. If readers find enjoyment or enlightenment all the better.

Thank you, everyone.

Aylesea Malcolm's picture

Thank you, everyone.
I suppose my biggest flaw is that I lack a think skin when it comes to personal attacks—even if it comes form an internet lurker or troll. I mean, I was struck down (emotionally) while marking in a parade in High school and someone commenting on “where’s your skirt” (I was a cheerleader). I didn’t even know this person, nor did I actually see him but to me everyone in that crowd said it...everyone was laughing and growing bigger.
And that’s how I take it at times. I mean, I’ve had bad reviews over my characters and plot lines and I can kind of handle that...but when they go so far out of their way to strike down the writer who already feels thier work is not on par with “the other people out there” it feels like thier pulling a Mortal Kombat move from afar and I’ll just crawl into this little space that is my life and stay there.
Which is better than the alternatives that come to mind at times (perhaps that’s a bit TMI....sorry).

Anyway, thank you for your messages.
I have tried to work on some new-ish ideas....but I am now trying to see how I can actually finish all of the projects I have right now.