Prophetic Stories

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In November of 2011, I published "Alien Investigators" which had some teleported aliens which were serendipitously dropped into the front yard of some Fundamentalist polygamist Mormons in southern Utah as extremely precocious human infants. The story was not intended to seem Um plausible at all. It was just a bit of loony fun. In later parts of this tale, the protagonists did some viral genetic editing to "improve" the human race.

Now, in November of 2017, someone really has done gene editing, on themselves. Now I feel like a Prophet. :)



Off to Delphi

Your are treading a dangerous path. Three times over the years I have had that experience.
The first was a comedy novel based on a pub and because of its location I wrote that the Equal Rights Commission had instructed them to change the name of the pub from the Prince of Wales to The Prince of Delhi to better reflect the balance of the local population. Tongue in cheek of course, it was a comedy.
The second time, in a book (work in progress) I forecast a flood in the Thames Valley, a year later it happened for real. The last one was in, again a non TG book, I adjusted the time line so that my Anglo Celts could build a boat larger than a coracle and enabled them to build a sea going knarr a hundred or so years before they ever did. Last year a knarr was discovered in Britain and when it was carbon dated and checked it was discovered to have been built in England of English wood and nails and the craftsmanship proved it had been built by Anglo Celts at about the time I had my fictional Celts build one in Cornwall.

I shall shortly win the big prize on the lottery, fancy coming with me to Delphi for the winter because I also forcast than when we return to the UK we will be stunningly beautiful goddesses.


had this too

Maddy Bell's picture

A couple of years ago I had a sequence which was unnerving. I was writing about Gaby racing around Tour de France time. Nothing really strange there except the real racers were making the same moves as Gaby, a couple of days after i'd written them. They were so close you'd think Team Sky was using my writing as each day's game plan - very weird!

In reality this sort of thing probably happens quite a bit, the old adage 'you couldn't make it up' comes to mind - somehow our minds are connected to Dr Who!


Madeline Anafrid Bell