Where have all the ...

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SOLO's gone?

Ok, I have to say that I've posted more than one multi-part story in the past year but these were intersperced with solo pieces but it does seem that there has been a big drop off of SOLO works in recent months.

Do people not like writing then anymore? I do and most pieces I start, start off as SOLO's and only go to multi-part when it becomes obvious that it will work better when published like that.

Look out for SOLO story from me over the weekend. It will be called 'The First Time I Saw Her Face'.



I like completed stories

BarbieLee's picture

The only time I post a series is if they have been completed before publishing. I must add a caveat. Almost a Girl was written and Cathy was kind enough to begin posting it. Then she encouraged me to do more with it. Her suggestions and her remarkable editing skills gave it a lot more depth and character for which I am eternally grateful. She again came to my rescue on Jessica Rabbit. She added Tommy Lee Jones as the Texas Ranger and James was born. Again her unparalleled editing skills and suggestions gave the story depth.

But yeah, I love solos, and completed stories. The only problem is finding those completed stories before one runs into one of the many which never received closure by the author. Some have a valid excuse, the author died. Others, their muse left them. And for others their life was hit by the emotional tornado. Their ability to focus, much less write, was sidelined as they tried to survive.

It's been said, "Artists are closer to God than anybody." Writers are artists. They put their dreams, their lives, there emotions in their tales.

Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.
Never fail to say "I love you" when the opportunity presents itself. One day there will be no more opportunities.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


I can only speak for myself, and perhaps some others feel the same way.

Christmas to mid February has always been difficult to me. It is no one's fault and I am the only one who can fix me. It is sufficient to me that I have not suicided. In that state of mind, perhaps the muse is a bit stifled?

However, I have been reading just lots and been mindful not only of the story, but also the writing techniques. Following the work of an author who goes by Doctorwolf has been fun and instructive because not only does she write an excellent story, but her understanding of Psychology, Medicine and Sociology is amazing and instructive to me. She's written a "tome" that has proven to be cathartic and causes me to put out just buckets full of tears, particularly around abuse recovery.

I seem to do best with Solos, though they don't seem to attract much attention. Perhaps we are simply going through a seasonal lull?

Best to you.


Lots of SOLOs

erin's picture

Lots of SOLOs were published in November and December. There have been fewer since but then there have been fewer stories, total. It's irregular but sort of cyclical. Also, I think our server problems, installing and configuring new hardware and software, have kept some people from posting.

If I get time, I have an idea for a neat solo but writing time for me has been scarce for more than a month.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

my Last Solo

was an entry for the Christmas Dreams Story Contest.

Real life has taken front seat for the moment although I have a
few bits and pieces running on my Laptop.

I rather successfully had an enjoyable visit to a Dressing Service
towards the end January and saw Samantha Ann fully dressed with
all her accoutrements for the first time.

It will not be be the last as my wife. who. has always had the out of sight out of mind attitude, indicated I can go again. Later for her much sooner for myself.

So the adventure may end up in one of my stories shortly.

Regretfully I have never been a fast writer have started posting just over a year ago.


Where have all the solos gone?

Where have all the solos gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the solos gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the solos gone?
Girls have picked them every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

With abject apologies to the dearly loved and departed Pete Seeger.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}


Monique S's picture

You want another Solo? OK, I'll give you one.

It's and older story of mine and I have been asked to extend it, but there are other stories I am working on, most dominantly Fighting the Homm. That one really took me by surprise and ran away with me, lol. But also my NaNoWriMo-2017 winner, that I have pledged to revise and finish in February.

Hope you like the story that'll be coming soon, I'll just give it another look before I publish.

Monique S